The Promise

The Promise

Rain plastered down relentessly. The sky was dark. Even then, more dark clouds began to form. Thunder was heard once in a while. Lightning flashed across the room with no exact timing. The panicky feeling returned. I was afraid, afraid that those girls will return to smack me in the head, or even worse, kill me. The wind blew furiously, the sound of the leaves and branches swaying made me even more terrifed. The bullies scared me, but the storm that was brewing made me even terrified. I hid under my blanket, my only form of security. I prayed silently for my brothers to be safe and come home soon...


Mum, left as soon as I was born. The only memory I have of her is a harsh letter left by her. I don't loathe her for leaving my brothers and me, she was depressed while she was having me, so I had to forgive her. Dad, he took care of us well until I went to elementary school. He claimed that my brothers were old enough. Judging from the fact that they were in highschool at that point of time, they were'nt old enough. Alas, they did take care of me well. Better than my dad in fact. Dad used to call thrice a week. But, the frequency slowly declined and to an eventual stop. None of us cared to call the police to file for a missing person's report because he told us not to. Was he in trouble? Nevermind. We also got too lazy to wait for his calls anymore. At least he wrote his will, leaving almost everything except his investments (he split the money) to my eldest brother. My eldest brother, was the official breadwinner, even when my dad was around. He knew that Dad would leave anytime soon, so he worked at a nearby mini-mart whenever he was free. Right after highschool though, he was casted into some entertainment company and he's now officially a world renowned idol. My second and last brother, was the brains. He knew his stuff yo. He would help me with my work during my junior high days till he decided to pursue his career as an army personnel. As for me, I'm currently in my final year of high school and things ain't going how it's supposed to be. Both brothers usually come home in the wee hours of the morn, except the second one who arrives home by 7 on Fridays. With that, I was always bullied by some of the first class students. I don't know what I did, or maybe they saw a picture with me and my first brother also known as Siwon from Super Junior in my phone. The sudden flash of lightning and thunder that followed suit, broke my train of thoughts.


I whimpered, the rain was becoming even more heavy. Siwon, Jiro, please come home soon. You guys promised, and promises are not meant to be broken, my heart whispered. As though God heard my cries of plea, the main door was opened, and the first thing I heard was, "SUNGGI-YAH. WHERE ARE YOU!"

I chuckled, Siwon can be such a pabo sometimes, obviously I'd be in my room! Another roar of thunder made me scream. As on cue, my two brothers burst open my door and enguled me in a tight hug.


 "WE MISSED YOU SO MUCH. You've got a good lung capacity don't you? Make use of it!" Jiro teased.

"Come on! Let the girl out. God knows she has bad thoughts and may kill us," Siwon chuckled.

"You guys left me all alone at home," I surfaced to the opening of the blanket, "Did you know how afraid I was?"

The two brothers looked at each other, in shame.

"We didn't mean to, and we will never break our promise remember?" Siwon coaxed.

"Fine, I forgive you two. NOW HUG ME AS AN APOLOGY!" I aegyo-ed.

The three of us laughed and both of them now engulfed me in yet another literal breath-taking hug.

"We're back," Jiro whispered.



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