Just a Bad Day

I'm The New Foreign Exchange Student
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Chapter 10 updated! Next update: 6/27/12 :). Currently working on chapter 12. Comments would be encouraging :p Comment :) Subscribe :) Enjoy :)   The other story I have started is going to be stopped. I realized it is hard for me to do two at once. I will be updating this one more instead of making another one. Maybe I will start the other one back up in the future. I know there will be a sequal to this one :p. But doing two at the same time, it kind of throws me off. So, I will make more updates to this one. Maybe on Saturday's also? You can suggest a day if you want :p  --------------------------------------------------   Ugh, I am so tired! Staying up until 3am studying is not the best idea. But I have to get good grades while I am here. If I don’t, then I won't get the credits I need. I would have to repeat this year over at my other school. I have a feeling it is going to be an awful day….   I go to math class. And of course, Kunhee is sitting at our table trying to get Minho to sit with her. "Kunhee, can you please move?" I ask her annoyed. "NO! HE IS MINE!" she said spitting one me. Darn llama, go find a life instead of stalking Minho. "Please? He is my partner." I said begging. "NO!" she said spitting on me more. God, I am sick of her! I see Minho come in. He comes over to me. "OPPA!! SITNEXT TO ME!!" she said all excited, spitting on me. "Why are you at mine and ________'s table?" he asked. "BECAUSE I AM GOING TO SIT NEXT TO YOU!!" she said spitting on me. Why am I the only one getting spit on by this llama?! "No, I am not going to sit next to you. I am going to sit next to this adorable girl." he said grabbing my hand. He pulls me to a different table, away from her. We take a seat. I just smile to myself. What a sweetie. "Sorry about her." he said. "Its fine." I said. "Oh, I won't be in study hall." "Why?" "I have to leave an away game." "Oh, I see. Well, I will miss you." "Awe, you're so cute." he said teasing me. "Oh, stop." I said blushing. He just laughs.   Class starts. We take a lot of notes today. But, now, we get to be in groups to work on class work. The teacher pairs us up. It is me, Minho, and… Kunhee?! "OPPA!!" she said spitting on us. "Oh, Kunhee." he said irritated. "I need help!" she said spitting on him. "No, I am helping, _______." he said sternly. "SHE ISN'T IMPORTANT! I AM!" she said angrily, spitting on both of us. "You know what Kunhee, you really need to stop it. I never liked you, I don’t now, and I never will." he admitted. "IT'S ALL BECAUSE OF HER! SHE IS UGLY!" she said spitting on me. "I had enough." I said starting to get up. "_______…" he started, grabbing my wrist. "…I can't deal with her anymore! Kunhee, get something done with your saliva glands because you spit like a llama! And have some respect for people!" I said angrily. "YOU NEED TO HAVE RESPECT TO ME, MAN STEALER!" she said spitting on me. "I didn’t steal him! My god, how many times do I need to tell you that!?" "YOU KISSED HIM!" "Oh my god! You know what?! You need to really mind your own business!" "ME!? YOU NEED TO!! HE IS MY LOVER! WHO WOULD WANT TO TOUCH YOUR UGLY, FAT, PALE BODY?!" she screamed in my face, spitting. Right there, I was ready to cry. I might not the same race, underweight, or the prettiest girl, but that really hurt. "Kunhee!" Minho yelled. "SHE IS USELESS!" I am trying so hard not to cry. I try to break away from Minho's hold on my wrist. "Please, let go." I said to Minho in a shaky voice. Instead of letting go, he gets up and pulls me into a hug. "Don’t cry." he said gently in my ear, comforting me. "OPPA! LET GO OF THAT UGLY GIRL!" "Kunhee, shut up! Really, I am sick of you!" he said very angrily. Minho's hug is so warm and comforting. "Don’t listen to her." he whispered into my ear. All her words broke my heart in two. God, she is way to jealous. "Lets get back to work." he whispered. We go to a different table. "Don't listen to her." he told me. "I know, but it still hurts." "I know, she is a jealous attention hog." We work on our work.   Then it is time for English. Minho walks me to my class. I go in and take a seat next to Key. "Hey." he said. "Hey." I said gloomy. "What's wrong?" "Kunhee." "She's a jerk, I know."   "Yeah, she is." "So, how is your boyfriend?" he asked teasing me. "He's not my boyfriend. He is my friend." I said blushing a little. "That likes to kiss you and hug you and snuggle you…?" "Just stop, please Key. I am not in the mood today." "You look tired." "I am." "Tell Minho to go easier next time." he said with a wink. "KIM KIBUM!" I said hitting his arm, blushing. "Yah! That hurt…." he said looking at his arm. "I didn’t not!" "Calm down. I am just messing with you. Jeez. Are you pmsing or something?" "Key…." I said rolling my eyes. "Well, then."   We start class. We play tons of fun games. We get the last 10 minutes to just hang around. This is a great teacher. "Well, you are going to the dance with Minho on Saturday. You have to be happy about that." "Kind of." "Have you picked out a dress?" "No, not yet." "Want me to go with you? I know what Minho would like." "Sure, how about tomorrow after school?" "Tomorrow is Wednesday… sure." "Thanks, Key." "You’re welcome. So, why  are you tired." "I was up all night doing math homework." "How long were you up?" "Until 3am." "_______, next time have Minho help you." "Well, I was texting him until 9pm. But then he said he had to go." "Did you tell him you need help?" "No, I didn’t want to be a bother. I ask for his help to much."
"Minho likes attention from you." "Whatever." "So, are you pmsing?" "Why would I tell you that?" "Because, I am your friend. And you look bloated today…." "Oh, shut up." I said blushing a little. "Oh! You are…. I better warn Minho." h
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Chapter 40: To be continued???? ❤
Chapter 4: The first person to comment on 2017!!! LOL xD
Tbh, this story is too straight forward but i like it. ^_^
Nominri #3
Chapter 35: Ha first 2014 comment!!...?
Anyways.... This is so good!! I got all the way to chapter 35 in two nights!! Hopefully you met think of finishing this? This is one of the best fanfic I've ever read!!
Anna_Banana #4
daesung & jonghyun!
dreamgirlSM #5
Chapter 33: This story is really really great! :D
Chapter 7: Yay, first comment in year 2013!! :D
Though I haven't finished the story yet, it's very good so far :)
But in your next/new story, try writing in past tense, - I think that's more comfortable ^^
snshutt #7
Chapter 27: I really really really really love this story!!!! I love everything about it! Please update soon!! <3 :)))
anime96 #8
Chapter 27: Chapter 27 is so cute and sweet
anime96 #9
What a cute couple :-)
Chapter 26: they are scute together!