Meeting the annoying guy

Lay-ing my eyes on you
Kai's pov "WHO ARE YOU??!"Woah...Mad woman alert. I turned and saw a girl standing at the door,pointing at me with open and...well,she looks shocked...I spoke up"Hi. Im Kai." She regained her composure and eyed me suspiciously "What are you doing here??" Me?? well,if im at a dance studio. Of course im here to dance. Wat else?? "Dance." i replied her coldly. Your pov Kai?? What a weird name. "Why are you here??" i asked him as i eyed him suspiciously. "Dance." His reply-cold and short. WTH was that??! Duh...i know you are here to dance but dont you realise you are at the wrong place??! "Kai-sshi,I understand that you are here to dance sorry but you have to leave now because we're gonna conduct our dance practice here. So i would appreciate if you would take the initiative and get out before i chase you out." I gave him a short smile before making my way to a corner to put my things away and get ready for dance practice. Kai's pov What even...Hyung told me to come. What rights does she have to chase me away huh?? She must be hyung's student. I bet she doesn't dance well...with that attitude of hers,she cant possibly be a good dancer. i rolled my eyes at her as i went back to practice my dance choreography. Your pov I turned and i saw that Kai guy dancing agaim. Does he have no sense of shame or whatsoever??! I told him to scram but he still stayed?? ugh...he's getting on my nerves. "Kai,are you not leaving??" i asked him with an annoyed tone. "No." He rolled his eyes at me before continuing with his dance. OHMyMAMA...He's so annoying... "I told you to scram." I said,glaring at him. No reply. Aish...What is wrong with this guy??! "I told you to leave." i said once again,slowly walking over to him. He looked at me and said"Im not leaving. And btw,stop glaring at me. it doesn't make you look more terrifying or threatening." Did he just...??! UGH. "What in the world is wrong with you??!" That was the start of our heated argument...
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nathic #1
I like it! Please update! Where is lay?? *A* this fic is very funny xD