Chapter 31

You And I 2

Strolling down the hallway, I was lost in my own train of thoughts when someone called me at the lift lobby outside President's office.

"Noona!" My head spun up to see Jung Joon there. I smiled, walking over. "You still own me a house." I smirked, rolling my eyes.

"Stop being ridiculous. I'm not rich." He gave me a horrified expression as he watched me pressing for the lift.

"But you promise! And we all know you are rich." Stepping into the lift, another small smile tugged on my lips.

"Are you serious?"

"Yes, of course." His eyes widened, he talked back as a matter of fact.

"I will buy you something else."

"If that's the case..." He pondered a little before continuing. "Car." Sighing with my eyes closed in disbelief, I decided to make myself clear.

"House, car, anything expensive, you can forget about it. All you did was get an award in a music show. I don't think the prize is really appropriate. I was awarded the Best Rookie Actress six years ago, and I only gotten my prize last December when I was granted a week vacation." He made a face at me and turned away, which I smiled inwardly. Gosh, aren't he adorable?

"Then," He started again which grabbed back my attention. "There is something I really want. It's cheap as compared to others. So don't reject again."

In the end, Jung Jun revealed he wanted a pet dog. He dragged me to the dance studio where Kyung In and Eun Sung were having lunch with Seung Gi.

"Look!" Jung Jun ignored the trio and showed me a picture of a French bulldog.

"Jung ah, ignore him." Seung Gi spoke, throwing a look at Jung Jun. "I told you you guys will be staying in Japan for a bit. You won't have time for a pet."

"Noona." He turned to me with a whining tone.

"What Seung Gi oppa said its true. How are you suppose to take care of it?"

"Noona can help me then. It's just for a few months."

"Then buy after a few months." Seung Gi shot back while Eun Sung lightly shook her head. I turned back to Jung Jun to see him pouting unconsciously, sulking like a mistreated boy. Giving a glance to the others, I said to him.

"Have you thought of adopting one instead of buying?" He raised a brow and eyed me at the corner of his eyes.

"It sounds good too."

"How about we adopt one?"

"Jung ah," Seung Gi shot me a disapproving gaze. "You are scared of dogs."

"We can adopt a tamed and quiet one!" Jung Jun's eyes lit up as he cut in, knowing my fears for loud and energetic pets. It was the first time I saw a child in Jung Jun.

"It's okay. The boy wants it so much." I smiled faintly to Seung Gi before turning back to Jung Jun. "Promise you would be responsible for it." And he nodded quickly.

"I still don't think it is a good idea." Kyung In quietly approached Jung Jun when we were in the van, even though I can still hear them. "You are going to bother Noona when she is already sick."

"Hyung, have you ever heard that pets are pretty good for people who are feeling unwell? It aids in cheering them up." I smiled for one, it was my first time hearing Jung Jun calling Kyung In 'Hyung' and two, Kyung In and the kids do care about me. Kyung In sighed, leaning back on his seat tiredly.

"Just what am I supposed to do with you..."

"Nothing. You know you can't change anything." Jung Jun replied nonchalantly. I laughed to myself silently. Seung Gi, who was at my side, turned to me.

"You better not regret. Whichever species you guys decided to take in, it is going to be more of your pet than his." With a smile still lingering, I said in a quiet voice.

"I might really need something to accompany me these days."

When we arrived at the adoption shelter, barks could be heard as soon as we stepped in. The staff invited us in. Jung Jun told the female his plans but was told that there was no French Bulldogs available. He seemed pretty disappointed.

"Must it be a French bull?" I questioned, looking around the places filled with many different species of dog. Jung Jun sighed quietly as he turned around to stare at the pets before heading to a corner. I smiled thanks to the staff and informed her that we would ask for her when we were done 'exploring' the place. Seung Gi and the kids were scattered around so I started to stare at the cages slowly alone. I made a mental note to suggest the pug and bulldog to Jung Jun when they stared back at me with those round eyes. Aren't they similar to French Bulldogs? I smiled as I read the label attached to each cage, stating the specie and its age. Some of the dogs were loud and jumpy, but there were also some that were relatively quiet and lazy. I studied every pet until I arrived beside Jung Jun. He stared into a cage with a medium sized, flurry dog. I turned to the label and saw that it was a cross-breed. It was very alike to Lee Hyo Ri's Soonshim. Its fur was white and it lied down with its limps curled close to its body. I turned to Jung Jun to see that same intended and unreadable gaze. When I turned back to the pet, it snuggled deeper into its legs, probably uncomfortable at Jung Jun's persistent stares. It would once in a while peeked up to check if Jung Jun was still there and when he was, it would turn away again. Oh gosh, so cute.

"You like this one?" I asked with a smile, knowing that Jung Jun was charmed by this sweetheart.

"Do you like it?" He asked back.

"Why are you asking me? It's your pet."

"Because you are the one babysitting it." He gave me a 'duh' look and I threw back a look at him. Jung Jun turned behind him where a male staff was waiting to serve.

"Is there anything we should be cautious with her?" He pointed to the shy pet. With a smile, he said.

"She just came in two months ago. Extremely shy and she seemed to have a hard time opening up. So she required a lot of patiences and love. And as she has injured her vocal cords, she is not able to bark like other dogs. If you are looking for a dog which could look after the house when no one was around, she would not be a suitable choice."

"She is not able to make any sound?" I asked quietly, eyes widened slightly in surprise. Poor thing...

"There are times when she whimpers, but definitely not barks. And because of that, she needs extremely attentive care."

"Does she have a name?" Jung Jun asked, and I can tell he was really interested. The staff shook his head with a warm smile.

"Not yet. Do you have anything in mind?" Jung Jun turned to me, sending me a message through his eyes.

"Are you deciding on this?" And he nodded while I turned to the male staff with a smile.

"Jung Jun ah, I seriously..." Eun Sung nagged her way up to their dorm. "I can't believe you chose that dog when unnie is already sick. What exactly is wrong with you?"

"Are you discriminating because she is a mute? Are you encouraging animal cruelty?" The two started a bicker as Kyung In unlocked the door.

"Don't accuse me. Did I beat her up? Unnie is already tired herself and now she has to take care of a dog who needs special care." Eun Sung tried to rationalize as we all went inside.

"I see these two are not getting any better..." I whispered to Seung Gi who was behind me.

"I'm pretty surprised no fights have broken out yet." I laughed silently as the two continued until Jung Jun was before his door, his arms securing the pet protectively ever since we picked her up from the shelter. I walked up the hallway, intending to stop that meaningless bicker when I noticed a piece of paper stuck on Jung Jun's door. It was similar to a 'No Smoking' sign but this time there wasn't a picture of a cigarette stick, instead there were the words 'No Eun Sung', which happened to be Eun Sung's full name. I immediately blurted uncontrollable laugh when I realised the joke behind it. So it practically mean no one by the name of Eun Sung allowed in the his room with a word play of Eun Sung's surname.

"Jung Jun ah, aren't you a little harsh?" I asked, even though I was smiling.

"Unnie, see!" Eun Sung suddenly hugged my arm when she saw what I was referring to. "He's seriously bullying me. Yesterday, he revealed that sign on Happy Together and everybody was teasing me!" I laughed at her pout, wrapping my arm around her shoulders.

"So don't come into my room." And the door slammed close. I followed Eun Sung into her room.

"Are you really saddened at how Jung Jun treats you?" I asked as she brought me to sit on her bed. She shook her head, even though the same pout was still evident.

"It's not that. I know he doesn't mean it and he is kind-hearted. Just that he bears grudges too well. He is like that only because we didn't have a good impression of each other. And seeing how much he cares for you, I don't blame him. Although I can't help it but get frustrated that he just wouldn't let go of any opportunity to make fun of me."

"But isn't he cute?" I asked, trying to hold the giggles in. I mean, look at their interactions.

"Oh, come on! He's going to be the death of me!" She exclaimed as she pointed to the direction of Jung Jun's room. Chuckling, I stood up and left her to rest. Seung Gi and Kyung In were in the living room and Seung Gi called me out.

"Am I missing something?" Smiling, I sat beside Seung Gi.

"We are discussing about how are you going to take care of the dog."

"Don't worry about it. Maybe it's not as bad as we thought."

"But noona, you get tired just by walking." Kyung In's eyes flashed worry. "I still don't think it is a good idea for you take care of it. It is his dog and he is pushing it to you." I held the back of his hand on the table.

"Thank you. Even though I am pretty embarrassed that you all are so worried for me." Laughing to lighten the mood, I looked at Seung Gi to see him looking at me with a worried expression. Seung Gi dismissed Kyung In to his room and updated me on NGM's schedule.

"So they will be in Japan for six months but there are possibilities that it would extend." I nodded, waiting for him to continue. "For Jung Jun's new pet, I can arrange for a pet-walker if it is too much work for you."

"Oh, please. You are exaggerating." I can definitely walk a pet!

"You are spoiling him." Shrugging, I stood up again. "I know you are trying to escape from the nagging session from me." I stuck out my tongue at him as I entered the hallway. I knocked on Jung Jun's door before slowly opening it. Seated on the floor, Jung Jun looked up from the pet sitting on his bed. His hand caressed its paw.

"Can I come in?"

"Yeah," Jung Jun nodded and I noticed the pet immediately scooted closer to him the moment I stepped foot inside. Jung Jun immediately scooped her into his arms and lied her in his lap.

"Yah, I suddenly feel bad. Am I intruding?" I cautiously sat on the edge of the bed, watching the insecure pet.

"It's true. She has some issues. Extremely unfriendly."

"But it's still amazing how she sticks close to you just because you were the one carrying her all this while." He smiled, looking down at the fur ball.

"I like it that you love me, but she is going to take care of you for half a year. Don't you want to get close to her?" And it was pretty amusing to see someone like Jung Jun spoke affectionately to a pet. I guess I have a lot more to learn about this guy. I slowly shifted to sit on the floor, keeping a safe distance. Smiling when the pet carefully peeked up at me then quickly turned away, I asked gently.

"Is your name decided yet?" I stretched out my hand and cautiously her back. I was still a little fearful around dogs, so I was trying to get used to it too.

"I have not thought of one yet." Jung Jun informed as he continued patting her.

"She reminds me of candy floss. Let's call her Floss." Instantly receiving a frown from him, he shot back.

"What, floss? It's my first time seeing a dog scowling at a person."

"She is not scowling at me...!" I defended, suddenly feeling stupid. Jung Jun ignored me, looking down at the pet who didn't want to show her face to the world.

"Let's name her Candy." I turned to him, already liking the name. It kind of suit her. Feminine, sweet and vulnerable. I nodded with a smile. He lifted Candy to his eye level.

"Whimper or scowl at her if you don't like your name, Candy." And there wasn't any response so it was decided. Breaking into a wide smile, he hugged her to him.

I spent the entire day in Jung Jun's room, trying to get Candy to open up to me.

"Candy yah, at least let me touch your paw. Why are you so cold to me?" Apparently, Candy was so nonchalantly to other things except for her new Appa. Jung Jun smirked in victory as she stuck close to his side and would scooted away every time I tried to touch her.

"She is your unnie. Be nice..." Jung Jun said, gently pushing her towards me but she won't barge.

"Aigoo... You ice princess..." And he lifted Candy to me, which kind of startled me, and carefully placed her on my lap. I quickly patted her just in case she started panicking. He gave her a treat and passed me the bag.

"Get the rest from unnie, Candy..." He said warmly. I had tried so many times earlier on to lure her with food, but I guess she just wasn't the greedy kind. Picking one biscuit stick from the bag, I placed it on my palm and held it close to her lips. Reluctantly, she sniffed my hand before taking it in . I had to admit that I felt an instantly relief and happiness at her acceptance. I could even hug her right now! But at the thought of how reluctant she looked, I thought it might have hurt her when Jung Jun tried to force me into her life. I placed her down on the mattress and reached for a blanket to cover her. Just imagine how uncomfortable she must be in my embrace. I kept a distance again and lied down, occasionally and rubbing the ends of her fur between my fingers. She looked at me with her sparkling eyes while I was starting to give in to exhaustion.

"Jung Jun ah," I called whisperingly. He hummed. "I might need to sleep for awhile. Can you call me up after 15 minutes?"


"You must really call me up. I have work later..." And darkness engulfed me.

I woke up to Jin Hye's voice and groggily sat up. I looked around and saw that Candy was not around anymore.

"Unnie..." I managed to greet with a smile as she walked into the room.

"Yeah, I am your manager. At least let me know that you are here. Yoo Hyun oppa and I have been exploding your phone with calls..." Hugging her arms to show her some aegyo as an apology, I got out of bed. She handed me some water and I took small sips. Even drinking water has became so frustrating for me. The sips of water would reduce to nothing by the time it reaches my stomach. More of just moistening my mouth and throat than drinking water.

"Check your phone." Getting alert at her request, I grabbed my bag. Did I appear in the headlines again? I didn't know if I should be relieved when I saw Seung Hyun's messages. Then I released the breath that I had been holding in, deciding that nothing could be worse than being in the news for the nth time this month.

Jin Hye and Yoo Hyun suggested that I meet him in the car as I refused to bring him to the agency because Ji Yong was about to reach there for a discussion with me. Too many guests today... I left the van and hopped into his car outside a cafe. Because we 'did not' break-up, we didn't want to make it suspicious by meeting at somewhere dark or deserted. So Seung Hyun drove us to a shopping district and parked at the car park infront of the cinema. We sat there with the engine on as Seung Hyun unbuckled his seat belt and made himself comfortable. His eyes were covered by the shades he was wearing while my face was bare for the world to see.

"So, how are we going to go about doing this?" He started, staring ahead at the people leisurely walking passed the car.

"It is going to be more suspicious if we make it obvious that we are still together. I think just pretending nothing had happened is the best." I turned to him when I sensed him looking at him. "Just do as how we used to."

"I don't think we still need to go on dates just to fool the world." My eyes darkened on him. So full of himself.

"I'm not talking about walking on the streets with you." Controlling myself not to grit my teeth at him, I continued. "The reporters would notice our act when we step outside right now and have a movie date. They are not stupid." It angered me when he made it sound like I was personally trying to spend time with him with this 'show' of ours. The fact that there were rumors means that the reporters knew something but didn't have the evidence to write an article. They will be watching our every move and attack us once they smelt something fishy. All scandals started because industry insiders heard something and reporters knew, just that they can't do anything until they have proof. We have to be careful.

"Then what are you suggesting?" He snapped back. I bet he must be glaring at me by now, just that I couldn't see it.

"Just like what Mr Yang suggested. Deny the break-up and laugh over it. My managers suggested that we could use the social media too."

"Social media? How?"

"Although we don't usually update about us frequently on social media. But they are times when we would post pictures of us together. Should we post pictures once every two weeks or something?" It felt kind of strange that I was actually trying so hard here to make this work. In all ways, I felt pathetic for myself. Seung Hyun thought for a while before responding with a small nod.

"What pictures do you still have?" He asked, pulling out his phone.

We scrolled through our photo gallery. Neither of us have deleted any of our past photos. I mean, how could I? I felt like a conman trying to trick my fans and the world when we actually planned on what photograph to upload on which date.

"Anyone already knew about us?" I asked, trying to get an update of the current situation.

"Mr Yang and Ji Yong. I told Dae Sung about it yesterday." My eyes shot to him, then softened when I realised I could trust Dae Sung.

"Did Ji Yong oppa tell anyone?"

"Why would I know?" He shot and I frowned at his sensitivity. Rolling my eyes at him, I turned back to the front and pondered. There was no friends in this situation. The lesser people get to know, the lesser the chances of insiders getting to know about this.

"Only my parents, managers and SaJangNim knows about this. Are you planning to let anyone else know?" He shook his head, then suddenly thought of something. I watched as he pulled out an envelope from his bag.

"There is a party. And they invited you." Glancing at him, I took the card and opened it. It was an invitation card to the private gathering of Seung Hyun's close friends, Nuthang.

"Nuthang will be there?" I asked, slightly surprised. He could have turned it down for me.

"Yeah, all of them. And I thought it could be a good chance to prove that we are still together." My eyes widened when I realised it indeed was the best chance that could ever happen.

"Then I guess it's enough. We can even do away the social media." Cheating my fans makes me damn guilty. What followed next was awkward silence with Seung Hyun taking continuous sips of his iced Americano.

"Is it true?" His deep, whisper instantly sent my heart thumping. I couldn't understand why my eyes got moistened by tears just by his gentle voice and I tried to keep as still as possible to prevent myself from giving myself away. "That you have anorexia."

"The doctor says it is." I whispered back.

"Since when?"

"I could not remember. It must be quite some time back."

"But you were still eating when my mum invited you for dinner last month."

"I vomited everything that night." I confessed, feeling depressed at the topic we were sharing on. He did not respond immediately, probably surprised at what he heard.

"So what now? Don't you at least need to eat something?" His voice sounded urgent and anxious and when I turned to him, staring hard as I tried to look beyond those black lens. And I was met with his eyes shining in pain and guilt. Quickly looking away, I blinked a few times to stop my tears as I sighed.

"I go to the hospital every two days for drips."

"And?" He asked, his voice still in disbelief.

"That's all..." I replied as a matter-of-fact. I don't feel good at the way he stared at me when I was already feeling so exposed. He turned away and sighed, scoffing a laugh in sheer disbelief.

"Stop it. I didn't tell you all these for you to sympathize me. Take it back. I don't need it."

"I am not." He denied firmly.

"Whatever. So are we done here?"

"Where are you heading to?" He asked after a dejected sigh, putting on his seatbelt again. I told him to send me to the agency as it was something he would usually do. No need to meet my managers at where they dropped me off.

"Ji Yong-ssi is already here." Jin Hye said as she brought me to the recording studio.

"Okay." I nodded, somehow feeling not so afraid of facing him anymore. Maybe because this was my agency. Maybe because I was tired from the long day. Or maybe, I just don't care anymore.

I pushed the door open, seeing Ji Yong sitting on the couch. He looked up from his phone and I walked to the desk, booting up the computer. I picked up the file that he probably left there and looked through, finding all the lyrics and music scores. Inwardly sighing, I turned around and I watched him typing away in his phone. Deciding that we can't continue being like this, I stepped forward and sat beside him. I paused, wondering how I should start.

"I'm sorry. I must be such a slow idiot that I did not realise." He turned, just a little and looked at me from the corner of his eyes.

"Since when did you start liking me? I really did not notice anything." He sighed, putting his phone away and leaning back on his seat.

"So we are starting on this now, huh?" I smiled bitterly, glancing on my lap.

"I know unless we settle this, we are not going to be able to work like before. Or do you rather we not?"

"Eh, what's with the sarcasm? you." I gasped, absolutely not expecting his sudden cursing. What was that for?

" you back." I uttered slowly with widened eyes but laughed together when he chortled.

"I can already tell you used to swear."

"I admitted, but no one believes me." I claimed. He shook his head lightly with a small smile.

"But really, since when?" I started again. "You said you like me before I was attached. Did we meet before the drama?"

"We first met when the members visited hyung at the filming set." I nodded as he spoke. "But I have heard a lot about you from you know, connections. So I was curious. And when I saw you personally, you can say it was love at first sight."

"Oh, come on...!" I exclaimed. "Love at first sight?! Really?!" I don't believe in such things.

"I don't know. But I get the feeling instantly. Like, pang!" He lightly punched his fist on his palm. "Then you know, hyung almost shook our dorm when he argued with his manager about confessing to you and I can tell you care for hyung too even though you guys were not official. Why would anyone allow an opposite into her house when she is not interested in him?" I flushed at what he said and looked away, swallowing my saliva.

"Then hyung found out when he caught me keeping your pictures in my phone. That was when your vocal cords were recovering. You were happy with him so I didn't think I need to make my feelings known to you."

"Oh gosh..." My lips were apart from the news. "But you dated Kiko unnie." I pointed out. He responsed with a bitter smile.

"I really thought I loved her. But apparently, it wasn't the same as the feelings I have for you. That explains our break-up." I remained silent as guilt slowly started to eat me up.

"But well, I guess I have a chance now." I shot my eyes to him.

"I don't know what to say. I'm sorry and I don't think I am ready for this. You are such a close friend."

"You and hyung started out as friends too." He stated with anticipating eyes. I broke the eye contact.

"I don't know if I want to exchange such a friend for a boyfriend." I murmured, looking at him again in anticipation that he would sense my sincerity. "My ex-boyfriend chose to believe another person more than me. You wouldn't understand how much it meant to me when you stood by me." The both of us stared intently into each other's eyes.

"I don't want to keep you hanging with hopes when I know I could not promise you anything. I want you to be happy." He looked away and sighed openly.

"Oh, screw this. I hope you remain your stand when you fall for my charms." Smirking, he crossed his legs. I smirked back, acknowledging his efforts to make things less awkward and resting my arm on the arm rest.

"I heard Nuthang has a gathering." I changed the topic. As a member of Nuthang himself, Ji Yong raised a brow.

"Yes." Showing him the invitation, he still looked slightly confused.

"They invited me."

"Oh, those tards..." He rubbed his face in distress.

"You know we are playing the couple game, right?" He shrugged.

"Hyun Suk didn't mention the details. But I know it's something like that." I nodded knowingly.

"Does anyone else know?" I asked quietly.

"I think Young Bae kind of sensed it. He's pretty fast at catching on."

"Okay. Dae Sung oppa knows as well, so only Seung Ri oppa doesn't?"

"If you don't wish to get busted, you better keep it away from that boy." I chuckled.

"That's what I'm doing. Watch your mouth too, I know how loose your lips are." And he glared at me, but soon softened.

"But how are you going to go about doing it? The reporters already knew about it. This won't be easy."

"Mr Yang and SaJangNim are going to deny everything. The others, we will settle it by our own." He snorted.

"It's really like you guys have not broke up, huh?" Matter of a fact, I nodded with a shrug.


"I will do what I can. Let's just keep these within the few of us. I will remind Young Bae to be careful."

"Thank you." I gave a sincere smile filled with gratitude and he simply smiled back. Standing up, he headed to the table.

"Shall we start?"

We continued on for hours and it was soon near midnight. My eye lids were heavy and I was too weak to move.

"Do you need me to send you to the hospital?" Ji Yong spoke up as he was gathering his things on the table. Barely turning to him, I saw him shooting me with a blank expression. "When are you going to tell me you are anorexic?"

"You knew?"

"Even a blind man could tell. It all makes sense when the rumors surfaced." He talked back, pushing his car keys into his pocket and heading to the door. "Do I need to carry you?" Flashing a weak smile, I uttered.

"Want to be on the headlines again?"

"You know I don't give a anymore." He grabbed my things and shoved them into my bag and carried it with him as I struggled to stand. Extending his hand to me while the other held the door open, he gripped on my hand when I allowed him to assist me.

The lift arrived on the ground floor and the doors opened, revealing my waiting managers at the lobby. They glanced at Ji Yong's arm which was already wrapping around my shoulder so he could support me better as we stepped out. I ignored their gaze and Ji Yong let go.

"Jung ah, just don't die." His expression was still cold and deprived of any other emotions. But I could feel like he was almost falling apart with that voice. He stepped up and handed my bag to Jin Hye before bowing to the both of them. As he was leaving, Jin Hye and Yoo Hyun walked up to me to give me a hand.

"No, we are not." I muttered with the last strain of energy I had left. Meeting their purposeful gaze, I turned ahead and concentrated on my steps instead. "That is the answer to the question you two may have right now."

I was on the drip when Ji Yong called to check on me. My parents were around, but since it was just a phone call from a friend, I didn't pay too much attention to them. We ended up chatting.

"Are you ready for bed?" I asked, shifting myself to find a more comfortable angle while I leaned back on the pillow my mum had tucked in.

"Yeah, I'm lying around. I'm actually quite worried about next week."

"What, Mr Producer?"

"The party. Right from the start when hyung introduced you to them, I can tell you didn't really like their company. Especially Soo Hyuk's." I chuckled quietly, not denying it.

"I'm sorry, I have no rights to dislike your friends."

"But why?" Sighing, I stared down at the needle inserted in my flesh.

"Have you ever seen a person's face for the first time and immediately aren't fond of him? Soo Hyuk-ssi is just one of the many cases I have experienced." Hoarse, tired laughters erupted from the other end before a few coughs were heard.

"Yah, he is my friend. How can you say he has a face that gets on your nerves?"

"That's why I apologised just now. He didn't do anything to offend me."

"I thought hyung would reject the invitation for you. He knows you didn't like Soo Hyuk."

"It's okay. They are so close. It's ridiculous to get your friendship affected because of personal love life."

"Oh? Did something happen that I miss out?"

"Ah... To be honest, I didn't like it when he and Soo Hyuk-ssi hang out." You guys may have noticed that I avoided addressing Seung Hyun. I just simply don't know how to. Should I still call him 'oppa'? Or address him as 'Seung Hyun-ssi'?

"Why?" Ji Yong sounded confused and slightly taken aback.

"You don't know? Soo Hyuk-ssi is so wild. Oh gosh, I don't like the way he parties."

"He's a bachelor, my dear Jung..." Words came between his chuckles.

"It's ridiculous. How can he summon for girls while clubbing when he knows his friend was attached? I am definitely not jealous. But it is shocking how much he actually willingly portray himself as a playboy." I ranted. "And he always makes his friend drunk."

"It's hyung who couldn't control himself from excessive drinking."

"No, no, no." I dismissed him for having those thoughts. By that time, I was already upset at the thought of Soo Hyuk that I didn't notice I was actually ing about him to his close friend.

"He never drinks beer when he is out with Big Bang or other Nuthang members. It is just, solely when he is meeting Soo Hyuk-ssi. And Soo Hyuk-ssi knows he can't tolerate beer at all. But ten out of ten times meeting him, I had to pick up a drunkard."

"I also find it strange. Why can hyung tolerate hard liquor but not beer? We really need a scientist to figure him out."

"That is not the point." I closed my eyes as I breathed in to calm myself. "I really don't like this Soo Hyuk guy. Sorry, I'm not a fan."

"Chill." He laughed heartily, like he was well-entertained by clowns. "Even though it is fascinating to witness Yi Jung losing her cool and admitting she does not like someone. I thought you are a saint who adores everyone."

"Oppa, I'm also human..." I muttered. "Drop the subject. I now feel sorry for saying that about your friend. It wasn't something for me to react so negatively."

"Better check if any reporters overheard you. You might be on the headlines." Rolling my eyes at his lame joke, I countered.

"Can you shut your gap with the headlines talk? Why are you always mentioning it? Is it funny?"

"Not funny. But pretty entertaining."

"Just shut up and give me a break. You are doing no help when I am on a drip."

"Oh, you're not done with it yet?" It's already 2AM... You should sleep." Scoffing, I replied.

"Thank you for realising how much time you have taken up."

", you are such a turn-off." He cursed under his breath.

"Then don't call me anymore."

"Nah, I actually enjoy this side of you more. Finally able to get a taste of how you claimed yourself to be when you were still in Singapore, I feel much closer to you. Even though a gentle and motherly Yi Jung is not that bad too..."

"Don't make me curse. My parents are around."

"Curse in Korean then, ." He challenged and my eyes changed, spitting out the F word in Korean when I called him a er for challenging me.

"I see you like the F word a lot." He noticed.

"Yeah, my favourite. Good night." Smirking, I hanged up the call before he could say anything. My mum was still reading the book while my father was busy looking at his phone. I adjusted the pillow and lied down, smiling to my parents when they got distracted by my movements.

"Goodnight, Daddy, Mummy."

The next few days, I accompanied my parents at home. We did not have anything to do so we basically sat around and had casual chats about life. I actually wanted to bring my parents out for dinner, or at least show them how Dreams' Inn looked like, but they warned me about exposing myself in the public. They will be qualified to be my managers already.

"But the location is beautiful. The Han River is within sight and the air is really fresh. You all are going to love it." I looked up at them who were at the sofa while I was sprawling on the floor.

"Are you trying to flaunt your success to your parents or are you trying to convince me to migrate here with you?" My mother asked with a warm smile.

"I'm just sharing. I know you are not adapting well in Korea." I whispered, feeling sad at how uncomfortable she was but yet had to stay because of me. "Do you want to go back to Singapore?"

"When you have recovered."

"You know it's going to take at least a decade." I joked. "You should at least take a walk with Dad. You're always at home."

"Worry about yourself." She quietly shot back and that halted the conversation. I turned to my phone beside my head and picked it up when it vibrated.

From Jung Jun,

All of us are at Dreams' Inn. Wanna come? Candy is practically going crazy at the sight of the grass field.

I pushed myself up.

"Going out again?" My mum asked, and I nodded.

"You really don't want to have dinner together?" I confirmed again, hoping she would come with me. And true enough, she shook her head.

"I will drag her outside today." My father spoke up and I smiled.

"I'm counting on you, Dad...! Text me!" Smiling widely, I skipped away to change and gather my things as my mother warned my dad to leave her alone in the background. I opened my wardrobe just as I remembered something. Ah! Today is the party! I ran back to the hallway, sticking my head into the living room.

"I will be home late today though. I just remember I have a gathering." And the both of them frowned.

"What gathering? Don't go. You have to go for the drip today." My mother objected.

"Just today, go on a date with Dad. I will just spend the night in the hospital and get back home in the morning." I never like the idea of my parents accompany me to the hospital just for the drip for one, because they were unable to sleep well. They don't even have beds to sleep on. And two, I was afraid my father would beat up Seung Hyun if he saw him with me.

"Darling, you know this is not working."

"But there is no point. You have been accompanying for so many times. I have gotten used to the procedures already. I will do fine with my managers." My mother's brow remained furrowed but the thought of Jin Hye and Yoo Hyun by my side seemed to do the trick as she gave in.

"Tell me why you are my daughter."

"Just because." I grinned and my father shook his head lightly at me, smiling as well. "Promise to go shopping with Dad!" I didn't wait for her reply and zoomed back to my room to prepare.

I sighed the nth time as I tried to find a suitable dress. Jeans were out of the question as my legs looked too absurdly thin when I tried the skinnies while straight-cut jeans appeared more like baggy pants on me. I pondered and stared at a long cotton skirt that would reach my ankles. It seemed like a good choice as I wanted to cover all my visible flesh but wouldn't it be ridiculous to wear that to a club? Sighing again, I turned back to my wardrobe and looked through the pants again. I would rather wear pants than to show off my ugly legs in a skirt. I found a pair of old black skinny jeans which was slightly loose at my calf areas. Thank god, at least my legs don't look too small. I was finally relieved and proceeded to decide on the top. I picked a plain navy T-Shirt and a black cardigan. Ever since I was battling with this disorder, I felt extremely cold easily. So I made sure to put on some thermal wear underneath. I pulled out an additional fleece coat with a hood. I turned to the mirror to check on myself and I was satisfied at how the coat made me look 'fatter'. It was funny how being fat gave me confidence when all I believed in the past was that confidence comes from a thin figure.

I took a taxi to Dreams' Inn and when I arrived, the place was relatively empty with a few shoppers and the kids were seen in the cafe. Kang Youn, their manager was around and they were sipping on hot coffee.

"Jung ah, you're here." I turned to the source of voice and saw Bong Soon looking down from the second floor. A pile of clothes were gathered in her hands as she grinned down behind the railing. I smiled back widely and waved.

"Give me ten minutes." And poof, she disappeared. I went to the cafe.

"Oppa," I smiled to Kang Young and waved to the kids. "Where's Jung Jun?" I asked when he was not around when he was the one who called me here.

"Outside with Candy." Taking a seat, I sat around as they continued their conversation.

"Remember what I said. Stay away from him. You get it?" Kang Young stared intensely at Eun Sung which confused me.

"Yes, I'm sorry." Eun Sung apologised with guilt.

"Why oppa?" I asked cautiously as I patted lightly on Eun Sung's shoulder to comfort the young girl.

"She was hanging out at EXO's waiting room without telling me. Is she crazy or what?"

"Aigoo, it's okay..." I smiled cautiously at him, glancing at Eun Sung in concern. Kang Young seemed really upset at her and I flashed him a smile in attempt to make him drop the subject. In the end, he looked away. Standing up to get myself a glass of water at the counter, my eyes turned confused when Kyung In followed.

"Hey," I smiled, knowing he had something to say.

"Noona, how is SaJangNim going to tackle the media about the rumors?" He asked quietly, making sure no one hear us. My head tilted. "About you being ill." A smile appeared again when I realised that was what he was referring to.

"Is this what you are worried about?" I asked back in a motherly tone, not really expecting an answer but he seemed unusually worried. "Did something happen?"

"When I was waiting in the car in the morning at the agency, I overheard someone. He seemed like a reporter, talking about you over the phone." My eyes changed, surprise shone as I waited for him to continue. He fidgeted in discomfort.

"Looks like another reporter was waiting at the hospital. Did you see anything weird today after your drip?"

"I was not scheduled yesterday. I'm only going tonight." He heaved a sigh of relief with his eyes closed.

"Please be careful, noona. I have a feeling they will attack you soon." We both turned to the side when we sensed someone heading our way. I smiled when Bong Soon skipped over. She stopped to bow back to Kyung In when he did. Kyung In excused himself and Bong Soon embraced me.

"It's so nice to see you." She pulled away.

"You must be so worried." I smiled apologetically.

"I didn't know just seeing you standing here could make me so relieved. Thank you for being okay." This time, I hugged her as tears pooled in my eyes. Moved by her, I didn't let go and she my back.

Bong Soon and I did a little catch-up until she had to serve the customers at the fitting room. Although reluctant, we parted and I told Kang Young and the kids that I would be outside to join Jung Jun.

Jung Jun wasn't within sight when I arrived outside. I shivered at the cold, dry air as I hugged myself. Only when I strolled further up to the Han River did I saw him squatting in the middle of the field to give Candy a ruffle on her head. A smile formed on my lips and I sped up, approaching them.

"Jung Jun ah." I called when I was near and he looked up. Standing up with Candy in his arms, he gave me a nod and together, we went to the bench.

"It's quite unexpected that you will visit this place. It is far from the dorm." Giving a pat on Candy's body, I smiled warmly when she turned to watch me.

"I want to bring Candy out but we always get recognized by people. It's great here. The security is tight and it's quiet."

"I know right." Smiling, I turned ahead and looked at the river flowing slowly and immediately got a sense of peace and calamity.

"Noona," I turned when I heard his quiet voice, giving him my attention. "Do you think it is a good idea if I bring my sister over to Seoul?" With his gaze fixed on the water body of the river, his hand constantly Candy's fur.

"Do you want that?" I asked back as quietly.

"She is all alone." He started, which kind of surprised me. What about his parents? "My mum died and my father drowned himself so much in his work that he don't even come home. I called my sister yesterday, and poor thing."

"You should have told us earlier." I said, my heart immediately going out to him. He and his sister must have gone through so much. Jung Jun smiled faintly, still looking at the river.

"She is enrolling into high school this year and I want her to study in Seoul. But I don't know if it will even make a difference. I would be in Japan soon anyway."

"What does your sister think about this?"

"She is excited to come. But I'm afraid she would be disappointed if she finds out that I won't be around as much as she thinks."

"Do you want me to rent a house for her?" He shook his head.

"I will deal with her expenses." Again, I was impressed by how responsible he could be even though he still could not afford a house for himself and his sister. Despite his age, he was already taking up duties like a man.

"Actually, it should be okay if she stays in the dorm. Since it would be empty while you guys are in Japan."

"She could?" His eyes widened in anticipation and I nodded.

"There shouldn't be any problems. I will talk to SaJangNim. If she stays there, Seung Gi oppa and I could check on her once in a while as well." He smiled, about to say something when we heard someone run up to us.

"We got to go." Kang Young appeared and Jung Jun lifted Candy to me. Startled, I awkwardly took the pet over.

"You promise you would be nice to unnie, right?" He held her paw as he held eye contact with the pet. "Appa has to work and would be home soon. Wait for me." Jung Jun then looked at me.

"I want to bring her to work. But it is a meeting with the producers in Japan." I nodded, totally understanding the situation.

"Quickly run along." And he waved to Candy before thanking me, then walked away to the van where Eun Sung and Kyung In were already inside. They waved to me and I waved back. Settling Candy on my lap as I sat on the bench, I watched her fidget.

"It's now you and me, Candy." I cooed when the van zoomed down the road. Candy rested her head on her front limps, as if to be depressed over her busy appa. her head down to her back, I watched for her reaction.

"How are you liking this place? It's more spacious here, right?" But the cold princess didn't spare a care for me. I continued holding her as I her in silence, until I heard a familiar bark. I turned towards the direction where Dreams' Inn was and a female was outside a car parked at the side of the road infront of the premise. The dog in the female's arms stared at me and barked again. Oh, Charlie. I stood up, carrying Candy with me as Hye Yoon turned around to see why her pet was making a big fuss.

"Unnie." I called, smiling widely as Charlie's excited and persistant barks broke the peacefulness of the area. I secured Candy closer to me when I felt her stiffened a little at the noise. Heading over, my steps gradually slowed down and halted when a male stepped out of the car. He turned and I instantly recognized him. Surprised that Hye Yoon was with him, I could not control the teasing glint in my eyes and smile. Aware of what I had noticed, Hye Yoon glanced at the guy and back to me while I continued walking over.

"Annyonghaseyo." I bowed. "It's nice to meet you." The male bowed back, looking a little taken aback by my appearance but nevertheless, his smile was confident.

"Annyonghaseyo. I am Son Tae Joon." He bowed back. "I have heard a lot about you from Hye Yoon."

"I hope unnie only said positive things." I chuckled, swallowing the urge to laugh out loud at the sight of how nervous Hye Yoon had became.

"Absolutely. I understand how Hye Yoon and her family came to adore you so much."

"Alright. Can you wait inside?" Hye Yoon cut in before I could response and the male nodded with a smile.

"Sure." I smiled back when he smiled at me before heading into Dreams' Inn. And the atmosphere went ridiculously awkward that I started laughing. Hye Yoon is such a cutie.

"What about the I-don't-like-him statement just a month ago?" I teased. I just couldn't help it. She was basically caught red-handed. By me.

"That was a month ago." She defended and I rolled my eyes, even though I was smiling.

"Oh, unnie..." I knew she had some kind of feelings for him...

"Yah, stop it, would you?" She pouted and I laughed again, quickly quieting down.

"Since when?" I asked as we headed back to the bench.

"Last week." I nodded.

"So how it all happened?" I probed, knowing she was shy about it. And true enough, Hye Yoon blushed as she placed Charlie down on the grass. The pet had curious eyes on me and Candy and I even forgot about my fears for him as I waited for Hye Yoon.

"Well, he confessed and I agreed." She briefly stated, hoping to brush off everything but of course, that was not going to happen.

"So you are saying you love him too?"

"I don't know." She sighed, finally giving in to fate that this was the day she would spill everything to me. "Maybe you could say I have fond feelings for him."

"Oh, who won't? He's totally hot." I said, a part of me just stating the truth and another just wanting to support her. She stared at me with a judging look as she chuckled along. When her laughter died down, she continued.

"He seems reliable and makes an effort to know me better. Everyone I met found me interesting because I am TOP's sister. But he's weird. He doesn't care about Seung Hyun." I chortled quietly at the way she phrased things.

"He's different." And I smiled at that.

"He's not weird. He is just in love with you." Blushing, she turned away and casted her eyes to Charlie who was lying on the grass.

"And I could already tell you love him as much as he does. If not, more." Her eyes widened as she turned to me in surprise. "Unnie, we are on the same boat. We are in deep trouble." I continued to smile while my heart constricted at the thought of Seung Hyun.

"Tae Joon-ssi doesn't need to do much but he expresses well through little gestures and you are moved by them easily even though it is nothing. You depend on him just like how you would always go home after a hard day." Hye Yoon seemed to ponder until she nodded slowly and I continued.

"Do you feel your heart ache when you see him, unnie?" She nodded again, cautiously this time.

"We are dead." I concluded, being totally honest about my feelings I had for Seung Hyun. When you love someone to this extent, to the extent that it hurts, and loving a person like you love the comfort of your home, you are way beyond hope.

"Yah, you are scaring me. You and Seung Hyun dated for fours years and I only dated him for a week. Don't associate us with you two."

"It's worse then." I argued. "I took four years and you took one week." She sighed, which I don't understand.

"Is there anything that I missed?" I asked.

"Jung ah," I hummed with a nod, ears ready for her. "Is it weird that we are already talking about marriage?" I controlled myself from looking too surprised. What?


"You shouldn't worry about that at your age but even Seung Hyun is thirty-one soon. I'm already old."

"Even though I think it is a little rush, I don't think it is a bad idea. What matters is the both of you." I comforted.

"Tae Joon oppa admitted that he plans to marry me, that's why he courts me." Studying how soft her voice was, I asked.

"Unnie, are you scared?" And she did not bother to hide it.

"Of course. You know how my previous relationships failed. But if I really got married and it failed this time, I would be facing a divorce. It's a different thing."

"But you said he's different." I counter-attacked and that took her aback. Smiling, I continued.

"I know no one could decide better than you, but what I can say is that I like Tae Joon-ssi already. I like the vibe he gives off. And I trust your feelings and intuition too. Why don't you trust him and yourself?"

"Better said than done." She muttered, obviously down and Charlie barked once when he noticed her change.

"It's all because of you, Charlie. Jungie won't even find out if you did not get excited." I laughed quietly, watching how Hye Yoon shot at the pet who barked back at her.

"Does Aunt and Uncle knows about this?" She shook her head.

"It's only a week. I would shock them if they knew I have already found myself a fiancé."

"How can you hide such a fine man from your family? You are mistreating him." I teased unknowingly, earning a glare.

"Don't tell Seung Hyun."

"Fine." Shooting her a look, I followed her gaze when she finally looked down at my lap.

"I'm sorry for neglecting this sweetheart. Who's this beauty anyway?" I smiled as I Candy.

"Her name is Candy. We adopted her a few days ago. Slightly shy so please don't mind it."

"Of course not." Hye Yoon smiled and gently petted her head. Charlie barked in protest for not getting any attention and leaped up to Hye Yoon's lap, eagerly nudging Candy.

"No, Charlie. You are scaring the lady away." Hye Yoon pulled Charlie back and when I continued to hold Candy away, he pounced on Candy's back. Shocked by his aggressiveness in meeting a female, I jumped to my feet, stepping away to protect Candy.

"Yah, you are no joke." Eyes widened, I could not believe whatever I heard was true. My friends and relatives had shared with me how some dogs were so aggressive and that they would mate the moment they saw an opposite .

"You can't, Charlie. You are practically a grandpa and Candy is just a child." I warned, taking their age into consideration. Candy is only 4 months old for God's sake! Hye Yoon laughed loudly, picking Charlie who was following me with his eyes on Candy.

"Aigoo, my Charlie must be really lonely." My cautious eyes remained on Charlie while I turned to Hye Yoon.

"You should go back to your boyfriend." I reminded her. "No pets are allowed though. Sit outside."

"I know." She shot sharply back as she followed behind me. I went through the gate and around to the backyard where chairs and tables were sat up for customers who prefer to enjoy their drink under the sky. Tae Joon was already there and I placed Candy down before racing inside to grab my bag. I could not risk anything with Charlie around. Immediately getting back to Candy, I picked her up again while Hye Yoon sat down.

"You're not joining us?" She asked as Tae Joon pushed a cup of hot tea that he had ordered infront of her.

"Yeah, join us." Tae Joon urged and I checked the time on my phone before deciding it was okay to spend another hour before heading to meet Seung Hyun.

"I might need to leave soon though." I informed quietly, taking a seat with Candy on my lap.

"Ah, I heard from Seung Hyun." Hye Yoon started, immediately looking worried. "I was so carried away that I forget about it." I smiled weakly as I shook my head, knowing exactly what she was referring to.

"Don't worry. The doctor has it under control. And I'm going to meet Seung Hyun before going to the hospital."

"But still, it saddens me." Hye Yoon gripped on my hand as she scanned my body then back to my face. I managed to remain smiling.

"But Jung-ssi, you look healthier than I expected." Tae Joon attempted to cheer me up, which I greatly appreciated because it wasn't out of sarcasm. "You can overcome this. I heard you are a very strong and tough person."

"She is." Hye Yoon agreed with a smile as encouraging as Tae Joon's. I smiled.

"Thank you for saying that, Tae Joon-ssi. Even though you might change your mind once you saw how bony I am right now under these clothings." His smile did not waver a bit and I turned to Hye Yoon, sending my gratitude.

"Treat me comfortably." Tae Joon said and I glanced at Hye Yoon.

"Can I call you 'oppa'?" Hye Yoon threw me an intense stare for indirectly teasing her and I chuckled inwardly.

"Of course. Can I drop the formalities too?" I nodded.

"That would be great, oppa."

"Is Seung Hyun picking you up here?" Hye Yoon asked quietly when Tae Joon was distracted by the energetic Charlie who kept him.

"No, he is not." I smiled to her, reassuring that today would not be the day that Seung Hyun will be seeing his future brother-in-law. Hye Yoon smiled back until I felt a nudge at my leg and looked down to see Charlie clawing at my calf.

"Charlie must be feeling hurt that you are hugging a pet when you are so scared of him." Hye Yoon smiled affectionately to the pet as she stated.

"I'm sorry, Charlie." I reached down to pet his head and allowed him to my hand. Getting to know Candy must have open up my heart to pet dogs.

"Candy, do you want to get to know Charlie?" I whispered to the pet in my arms who had already scooted so close to me. Her eyes shone caution. "Charlie is very charming once you get to know him."

"You will like him, Candy. He's a total gentleman." Hye Yoon said as she picked Charlie up to her lap. I pushed my chair away from her when Charlie got too enthusiastic again. I can't believe I am being over-protective to a dog.

"Charlie, this is not the way to court a girl." I laughed when I heard Tae Joon said. And then I noticed something.

"You must have seen Charlie for quite some time. You two look close." I pointed out, remembering how Charlie could make Tae Joon laugh just a moment ago by him like how he would do to Seung Hyun.

"Hye Yoon would bring him out when she meets me because I love dogs." He said and I glanced at the blushing Hye Yoon, couldn't help but having the urge to again.

"So Charlie is the one who gets to know first." I turned to Charlie with a motherly smile. "I can't believe you enjoy being the lightbulb...!"

"Yah." Hye Yoon widened her eyes and Charlie barked once as if to agree. The loud bark startled me a little but it was still funny.

"Thanks to Charlie, I got to know a lot more about Hye Yoon." I raised a brow.

"Really?" Tae Joon smiled with a nod as he turned to look at Hye Yoon tenderly. "You did a great job, Charlie." I praised unnecessarily, much to Hye Yoon's dismay. She almost glared at me when Tae Joon started again.

"Tell me more about Hye Yoon." Taken aback, I controlled my smile from getting too wide as I glanced at Hye Yoon again.

"Hmm... I think you knew all you should. Is there anything that you are still curious?" He nodded surely.

"Yeah. She still feels like a mystery." I smiled as I looked down on my lap, Candy and Charlie within my sight.

"Hmmm... You can say Hye Yoon unnie is like Candy and oppa, you are like Charlie." I looked up again to see Tae Joon's amused gaze. "Unnie is shy while you are proactive. But she will open up. Just like how I believe Candy will like Charlie."

"The two of you realise that I am still here, right?" Hye Yoon finally spoke up but I smiled flashed a grin to her.

"Aigoo, unnie... You used to tease about me and Seung Hyun oppa too..."

"What goes around, comes around." My eyes widened in amazement at Tae Joon when he said that as I raised my hand and initiated a hi-five. We laughed while Hye Yoon eyed my both of us. Tae Joon pulled his chair closer to Hye Yoon and wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

"I think I know why you and your family like Jung so much." He said quietly to her as he kissed her temple. It surprised me, at the same time made me melt because they were so romantic to look at. Although shy, Hye Yoon replied composedly.

"Well, you might be relieved to hear that Jungie likes you too."

"Really?" He raised a brow at me and I nodded.

"I like confident people."

"Thank you. I feel like I am accepted by her family. Even though I still have a long way to go." He turned to Hye Yoon and I smiled at the meaning behind his sentence.

"They are going to like you, oppa." And he only smiled back to me, like he had a sudden burst of confidence upon what I had said.

Jung Jun met me later to pick up Candy since I could not possibly bring a pet to a club.

"I will call you again." I nodded with a smile when he bade farewell before walking out of the agency. My phone was in my hand as I waited indoors, knowing that I had eyes over my every move. When the device finally vibrated, I looked up to briefly scan the surrounding outside through the tinted windows as I opened the text message.

'I have arrived.'

Grabbing my bag, I took a deep breath as I stepped out when the automated doors slid open. Immediately spotting Seung Hyun's Mercedez Benz, I pushed up my shades as I swiftly walked over with my head slightly bowed down. I let out the breath I had been unconsciously holding in once I was in the confinement of the car. Not even a word was interacted as Seung Hyun drove out of the parking lot. Throughout the drive, I was cautious over things like my bony legs and how the people at the gathering would respond to it. And also, Kyung In's warning. If what he said was true, it was totally possible that I could be stalked right now. My eyes instinctively checked the mirrors for any tailing vehicles. And... What if reporters were really hogging at the entrance of the hospital when I go for my treatment later?

"I might need to leave early." I informed quietly, already feeling weak for the day.

"Are you going to the hospital? What time?" He asked back, his tone as monotone as mine.

"My managers will be picking me up. Enjoy your time with your friends." I dismissed, in case he had any thoughts of following me to the hospital. Don't think I could rest well with him around. Seung Hyun did not make any arguments and we both arrived at the destination shortly. We stepped out and I did not miss when Seung Hyun let out a sigh inwardly as he looked at the entrance of the club. As much as I hated to admit it, this 'show' of ours was really draining the both of us. Seung Hyun walked around the car and reached my side before we headed in side by side. We kept a small distance between us but no skinship. Why? Because we don't always hold hands in public anyway.

"Yah, hyung!" I immediately heard that voice once we stepped into the area. Soo Hyuk appeared from the side and grinned happily at his pal and the two hugged each other playfully. It was chaotic since it was a private party with close friends. So as you can imagine, things turn a little out of control when you are with people you are comfortable with. The music were so crazily loud and the air smelt cigarette as coloured lights blinked so sharply that it already hurt my eyes. I spotted Ji Yong in high spirits as he was deejaying on stage, totally high. Is he already drunk? But somehow, seeing Ji Yong calmed my nerves slightly. With a friend around, I would do fine, right?

"Oh, HyungSuNim!" I was distracted when Soo Hyuk yelled over the music and I still managed to smile and bow. "As always, you are looking gorgeous." And I concluded he was definitely drunk or blinded. He is not being sarcastic at my skinny figure, is he?

"Get lost." Seung Hyun playfully shoved Soo Hyuk away and the latter laughed, leading us in. Seung Hyun's hand found mine and held it tightly as we approached the table where the group was. Maybe he was just trying to do his part in the couple show, or maybe he was sending some kind of message to Ji Yong because I swear he was staring purposefully at the guy onstage. Ji Yong broke the contact first and turned to me, which I gave him a small smile as a greeting.

"Oh, let me take a picture!" Seung Ho who was on the couch, suddenly cried. "Why are all the reporters approaching me asking if you two have broken up? I would earn some allowance if I send this photo to them." Before he could even pulled out his phone, the others had already pinned him down and went merciless with their elbowing. It was pretty cute to see males fooling around, but I could not appreciate it since I was getting too exhausted for any fun. I took a seat with Kyung Il next to me and of course, Seung Hyun at my other side. Maybe it was the smoke or the atmosphere was high, the area was stuffy and I ed my coat as I fanned myself slightly.

"I see you all did not invite your friends." I asked, noticing close friends such as Kim Young Kwang and CL were not invited. Only the members of Nuthang were present. So, why did they invite me?

"We tried. But they are all busy. So we are happy when you are able to come." He smiled back kindly and I simply did the same. Pouring me a drink, he pushed the shot glass to me but before I could even reject, Seung Hyun's hand stopped the glass.

"She can't drink." His voice came too close to my ears and I could not help but got conscious at how closely we were seated. I did not even realise our thighs were sticking together from the space constraint of the couch.

"Hyung, you are here." Turning to the source of the voice, Ji Yong had stepped down from the stage to join us at the table. I turned to see Seung Hyun giving a half-heartedly nod before looking at Ji Yong again.

"Oppa." I called, smiling as he sat opposite me. He coolly jerked his chin as he downed his glass of liquor to qench his thirst. I nearly scoffed and smirked at him for his acting cool but was forced to look away when an arm suddenly dropped to my shoulder lazily. Turning only to see Seung Hyun laughing with Soo Hyuk over their casual conversation, I knew it was all an act when he turned back to me when he was sure he got my attention.

"What do you want to drink?" He asked gently as he leaned in close to me so I could hear him. His smile was gentle and it sent flutters to my heart again. Even though it was all fake.

"Just water." I replied, my hand s behind his waist as a response and fisted on his coat. It was just another habit to fist things when I was feeling nervous. He noticed it and continued smiling to me, his free hand dropping to my lap and gave it a firm squeeze before gesturing for the waiter. I couldn't help but frown slightly as Seung Hyun made his order because I don't know what to feel. Is he mocking me or truly trying to calm my nerves by doing that? Pushing the glass of water infront of me when it arrived, he leaned back and pulled me closer to him. I nestled deep in his embrace as I looked around as if to search for teasing eyes, but everybody was probably used to Possessive Seung Hyun that they did not even look at us. Even Ji Yong was back to joking with Kyung Il. Reaching forward for my glass, I took small sips to moisten my mouth as Seung Hyun and Soo Hyuk resumed their conversation.

"She was obviously with me but she kept enquiring about you." Soo Hyuk complained while Seung Hyun laughed. He looked passed Seung Hyun to me. "HyungSuNim, the world is so unfair. He has you but the world is still after him."

"This is life." I simply smiled, trying to be as friendly as I could possibly be.

"I told you she is never going to be jealous. So stop it. I have no control over how those models would think." Soo Hyuk rolled his eyes before diverting his attention to me again.

"Aren't you just curious how those girls think of him? They would practically pay to sleep with TOP."

"Yah, you." Seung Hyun's voice changed and I looked up to see him frowning straight into Soo Hyuk's eyes. Just like how I knew Seung Hyun to be, he didn't like people talking like that. Even without me around, he hated it when words were blurted out mindlessly.

"I see you are really drunk..." He uttered darkly.

"I could not do anything if Seung Hyun oppa is so popular." I cut in, trying to lighten the atmosphere.

"I will be your spy! Just count on me!" Soo Hyuk ignored Seung Hyun and grinned widely, giving me a wink.

"Mind your own business." Seung Hyun shot, which I totally agreed. Why would he want to help me keep a lookout for Seung Hyun when he himself has problem controlling his playboy act? He made a face at Seung Hyun as he lighted a new cigarette stick, immediately puffing out smoke. I turned back to face the front when Seung Hyun's hand left my shoulder and rested on my thigh instead. Diverting my gaze to him again, he looked at me with an unreadable gaze. Is he trying to get me to trust him that no girls had made a move to have with him or is he upset that the news did not affect me at all?

It was soon that the guys decided to play games. I did not want to play because even if I lose, I can't drink. I would vomit everything out.

"Count me out. I am glad to just watch you all have fun."

"Ehhh...~ Where is there such things? Seung Hyun hyung could be your black knight." Soo Hyuk dismissed and started distributing the cards. I breathed in deep as frustration started to build up. See why I just can't adore him? And they were playing with Hwatu cards, which I had no idea how to play. I happened to glance at Ji Yong's direction and had eye contact with him. I sent him an 'I-would-be-fine' message and picked up the two cards infront of me. So basically, they were playing Seotda, which is something like BlackJack. But the thing was, I don't know how to read the combinations. As confused as I was, I turned to Seung Hyun for help. It seemed like luck wasn't really on my side as I always got the weakest combination that Seung Hyun kept drinking for me. Until I thought it was time to stop.

"I don't think I could play anymore. Oppa is drunk." I spoke up, specifically to Soo Hyuk. He glanced at Seung Hyun whose eyes were getting slightly aimless.

"I could go on." But I had no thoughts on giving in to that drunkard.

"I'm out." I declared anyway, throwing my cards to the centre of the table and made myself comfortable on the couch.

"How about we don't drink?" Seung Ho suggested and I nearly glared at him. These guys just don't know how to stop!

"Let's decide. If I lose, I will go dance onstage." My brows furrowed at that outrageous penalty. They are really drunk...!

"If Ji Yong loses, he pays for our taxi fare." Kyung Il chirped and everyone cheered.

"Then if you lose," Ji Yong countered attacked. "Confess to Na Yeon." I don't know who Na Yeon was and I don't want to know as well. I just wanted to get out of here already. What am I doing here instead of the hospital?

"And for Seung Hyun and Jung," I hated how Soo Hyuk pondered on our penalty. I mean, why him? "A kiss." And I did not even try to hide it this time. I frowned straight at him, maybe even glared when he was just excited at the thought and began shuffling the cards. My insides were literally fuming at his audacity but it was not like I could stand up and splash my glass of water in his face. I clenched my jaws hard as I picked up my cards and stared at the pictures on them. I could not understand, of course and Seung Hyun was leaning in to look. I watched him for any reactions but his expression was blank.

"Why?" Come on, I just need to win this round. Everyone had revealed their cards and all eyes were on me. Deciding to just reveal it anyway, I slowly and cautiously put down the cards on the table as I asked quietly.

"How many points are these?" They stared silently for a moment until they started whistling and cheering like lunatics.

"A kiss for that one point!" What? Again?!

"Kiss her. Kiss her. Kiss her." They chanted and I sighed dejected, turning to Ji Yong for help but he gave me a blank look much to my dismay. As desperate as I was, I diverted my gaze to Seung Hyun, trying to make him resolve the situation that I was practically framed into, but he was looking as out of the world as before. With the guys still chanting in the background, my panging heartbeats soon drowned their voices and deafened me completely when Seung Hyun grabbed my cheek and leaned in, crashing his lips into mine. They must be cheering at the top of their lungs right now but I could not hear a thing with Seung Hyun's free hand at the nape of my neck as he pushed himself to me, hovering over me while I was hidden behind his chest. I was so intoxified by his scent that I shamelessly gave in. We made out fevently infront of his friends. Seung Hyun was dominant, letting his hunger overcome his senses as he moved his arm around my shoulder while the other skimmed down my body. I felt his hand moved under the layers of clothing to my T-Shirt and rested on the side of my waist until he moved up while I tensed. I was distracted when his lips slow down before stopping and quickly shoved his hand away roughly in shock when I realised he felt my bony ribcage. Pulling away, my widened eyes stared into his unreadable ones. I sat up, pulling my coat closer around me.

"Let's bring you to the hospital."

We literally got jeered at for leaving early but Seung Hyun did not even bother explaining while I had not gotten over the shock. Seung Hyun hailed us a cab and I told the driver the address of the hospital. I was so occupied that I only remember to inform my managers that they did not need to fetch me at the club after I registered myself at the counter. I was brought to a private ward and received treatment. I knew Seung Hyun was staring at me from the couch but I could not be bothered when I was already this drained. Ever since I was diagnosed with anorexia, even an insignificant task was tedious. I had to put full attention to everything. When I was smiling, I had to put my full concentration to it. I wonder if I would be too tired to breathe one day. And I was frustrated at how I was always feeling cold. The heater had been adjusted to the maximum but I was still freezing. I yearned for heat as much as I yearned for food. Curling up under the blanket, I saw Seung Hyun fidgeting constantly, probably uncomfortable in this warm room.

"You can go back already." I forced a whisper, my eyes half-lidded. He has nothing to do there. He was just wasting his time.

"Close your eyes and sleep." He simply dismissed before I shut off the world.

When I woke up again, the room was empty. Seung Hyun was not around anymore but I could hear soft mumblings. I turned to check my hand and saw that the needle was no longer in my flesh. As I tried to sit up, the bed creaked softly, and it attracted the attention of my managers as they poked their heads from the doorway. They helped me up and guided me to the washroom and I did not miss the uneasiness in their faces. But before I could talk, I needed to wash up first. Did they see Seung Hyun when they arrived? Did they angrily chase him out? I rinsed my mouth to wash out the toothpaste before wiping it dry.

"Unnie, oppa..." I called softly as I stepped out, giving them a weak smile. "Good morning."

"Good morning." Jin Hye forced a smile and neither was Yoo Hyun's smile any more willing than hers.

"You left the club so much earlier than what you told us." She stated, giving me a hand and guided me back to the bed. Taking a seat on the chair next to the bed, she stared at me.

"The exhaustion got too overwhelming." I replied, not exactly lying. I was tired a little earlier yesterday.

"We told Seung Hyun-ssi to leave and his manager came to fetch him." She updated me and I nodded.

"Let's leave too. I'm ready to go back." I got up on my feet when she caught my hand, pulling me back to sit on the bed again. Staring at Jin Hye and Yoo Hyun with puzzlement, I asked quietly.

"Why?" And they sighed. Jin Hye looked down on her hands while Yoo Hyun ran his fingers in his hair and walked to the couch and slumped on it.

"The reporters are downstairs. You can't leave."

And so it happened. Even though I was mentally prepared for it to happen soon, I was still more affected than I had expected. According to Jin Hye and Yoo Hyun, an article was released early in the morning at 7, which made it the earliest report ever to be released even before the start of operating hours of the news company. Reporters flocked to the hospital by 7.20AM after President confirmed that I was indeed anoroxic and the authorities had to get the police involved since they were hogging a hospital and disrupting the public service. It was now 7.32AM and they were still dealing with it. Thank god Seung Hyun left, if not we will be trapped together.

I remained on bed, sighing as I received another text message from an aquaitance asking if I was okay. I could just respond and thank them for their concern but I was already feeling awful. Ignoring all messages, I clicked on the Instagram icon just like how I would always do as a morning routine. Scrolling through the updates about work, morning coffee and traveling with loved ones, I stopped at Seung Hyun's update, uploaded four minutes ago. It was an image of the back of his hand, that long scar prominent as it held onto a frail and bony hand devoid of any colour of blood. What caught my attention were the needle attached in the flesh and the white label around the wrist area. I instantly looked down, confirming that the label in the picture was the same as what I was wearing. The caption read:

I'm a loser.




Hello, people! It took me so long to update and it looks like I didn't make it to post this before Christmas ends. A trillion apologies for taking a lifetime! So many things happened before this update. The passing of Charlie, and how the world get to know TOP's ultra adorable nephew. Just like how this story is meant to be, I would gradually include these real-life details in the later part. 


P.S. As for why I chose Lee Soo Hyuk as the character in this story, I just wanted to portray how some girlfriend/boyfriend just couldn't come to like their partner's best friend. And it looks like, in my opinion, that TOP is the closest to Lee Soo Hyuk. Fans, I would not say I am a fan of Lee Soo Hyuk, but I am definitely not an anti too. It is just for the story! 


Hope you guys enjoyed Christmas 2015, as well as this update! Merry belated Christmas! 





Copied and pasted from iTouch, edited, wrote author’s note and posted on 1:14AM, 261215

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mher17 #1
Chapter 38: Are you still going to update authornim😭
FannyChoi #2
Chapter 27: Pls update chakkanim. As much as i hate how you make Yu Ting always keeps everything to herself. I still need to know whether they’ll end up together or not. YT should’ve told AH everything from the start. Why why why. And of course should’ve killed Min Ah in the first place. I imagine Seo Yea Ji will appear and run over Min Ah in the end
mher17 #3
Chapter 38: please update auuthornim..been waiting for years T_T
Syaa21 #4
Chapter 33: Please update.. im waiting...
Popkorn17 #5
Chapter 35: Re-reading again! Please update!
Need to know what happens next!
mher17 #6
Chapter 38: so happy to see to see this story update! i hope it wont take too long for next update ;)
miezah_ija #7
Chapter 38: Goodness thank you again for the update. How are you??
Popkorn17 #8
Chapter 37: I honestly thought I saw a dream... That updated mark... Cannot believe you're back ??? thank you so much.
I really loved this story and even the continued chapters of the drama for You and I... Please don't forget us since this is too much of an investment to lose.
Thank you once again.

(SH and J forever~~~)
Northrk #9
Chapter 36: it’s been 2 years, will u ever continue this story?
thinkdreamlive #10
I really like this series! I hope you do continue