The Tenant In 14B



"!" I cursed loudly, hurrying to put on my top, only to frustratingly put my arm through the wrong hole and then try again, this time taking my time to make sure I did it properly. Next was my pencil skirt, which was much easier to pull on, over my salmon-coloured top.

I didn't even stop to think about breakfast as I scrambled to the hallway of my apartment, shoving things like my phone and my keys into my purse.

Hopping on one foot as I awkwardly put on my black heels, I turned to lock my door behind me and jabbed the elevator's down button with my finger. The numbers seemed to count up ever so slowly so I decided I'd run down the stairs to meet up with it on a lower floor.

I slung my purse around my body, took off my heels, and ran like a true lady down the stairs, skipping steps to take me faster.

I reached the 14th floor in a few minutes, breathing heavily as I pushed the door open. The elevator doors were about to close and I yelled out a strangled "wait!" hoping someone would hear my desperation.

Thankfully, someone did, and I entered the polished wooden interior of the elevator with a sigh of relief.

"Thank you." I greeted the lone stranger in the elevator.

He took in my disheveled state and my bare feet and knew that I was running late. My right foot shyly covered my left as I quickly dropped my heels on the red carpet and stepped into them, adding in an extra inch or so in my height.

"Running late?" He smirked, adjusting his bowtie. He wasn't too formal, just a button-up shirt, a navy bowtie, a heavy cardigan, dark washed jeans, and a pair of fancy sneakers to complete his look.

"Yes, and first day too. I was hoping to leave an impression on my boss, you know?" I laughed, slightly abashed.

But the stranger laughed along with me, "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be fine."

"I hope so." I waved at him before taking off towards the bus stop.


That was the first time I met him. We had been living in the same apartment building for half a year before we ever ran into each other. It was almost strange how we kept bumping into each other again and again soon after that first encounter.

I wish we had never bumped into each other though. I wish I woke up in time for my first day, wish I hadn't decided to catch up to the elevator, wish I hadn't stopped at the 14th floor, wish I could live without him...


To celebrate finally being free from school... until I have to go back in two weeks because of spring courses. TT

Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot. There are mature themes, but I don't write so it's very... tame? Lol! Let's just say it's implied. Oh, and there are a lot of vulgar words used.

Please do not copy, steal, plagiarize my story. I'd be more inclined to share then. Thank you.



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onlyinfiction #1
Waau, this is awesome. :) Usually, cheating stories focus on a main character that discovers someone cheating on them with someone else, and that person eventually gets the main character to forgive them... but this is from the point of that "someone else". And I really love that you made it relatively realistic. The story wasn't too long, but I loved all the characters and how much thought you put into them, especially Myungsoo! ... except for Hoya. You weren't very considerate to him at the end. (TEHE THAT WAS A LAME JOKE DO YOU GET IT. :3) But yush, great job with this. :)
T-O-P-oppa #2
Great story!
I want woo hyun and sunggyu roommates too!
AbsolutelyLovely #3
omg. it's over T____________T
you must write more. you have the most excellent writing style.
i'm glad they got back together
and i was totally squealing at Sunggyu and Woohyun T___T

congrats on finishing your fanfic! i had such a great time reading it. i hope to hear from you soon about a new fanfic~ n______n
Oh gosh!! This is one of the best Dongwoo's fic! And I would love to have WooGyu as my two buds! And Myungsoo's character is really loved. I love everyone in this fic!!! Thank you, author!! ^^
This is very adorable! <3 D'awww, neh! I love Myungsoo and Woogyu's characteristics in this story indeed. :D
"You'd be the best roommate in the whole wide world"
mochi_min #6
"And she seems to have taken up all of the room in my heart so there's no room for anyone else."
oh gawd, i'm crying (not really, but y'know) that was just so cute ;___;
AbsolutelyLovely #7
omg. omg. omg. omg. omg. omg.


the ex-girlfriend is such an angel. and when Myungsoo and she kissed.. i nearly gave birth to my ovaries. errr... forget you read that. but seriously. what in the world.

i love all the dialogue you put in. they're so witty and i laugh out loud whenever i read anything Myungsoo says. his character is my fave so far.

every chapter you bring something new and something so grand. i can never put a finger on what's going to come next. and just the way you phrase things. it makes me want to read your writing forever. honestly, never give up writing. while reading this chapter, i honestly thought "maybe s/he's a college student taking on a career with literature. maybe s/he's already a professional author. if s/he isn't, s/he should consider. i would totally buy her/his books." no joke.

i can't put all my thoughts into words, so this'll do for now, heh. oh, the feels i feel for this fic.

update soon por favor Q___Q
AbsolutelyLovely #8
i'm semi-confused.. sooo, the "goddess" isn't Dongwoo's girlfriend, the one who called him over the phone and caused Dongwoo and her to break up?

also, i love Myungsoo's character. he's really funny :)

your writing is very sophisticated; i love it!

update soon ;______;
Chanbear #9
Does she work at the bar now?
AbsolutelyLovely #10
awwww, Myungsoo that smoothtalker keke

get away from Sunggyu ;_____; he's Woohyun's~ mehehe

update soon!