Once upon a time there lived a lovely little princess named Snow Hongwhite; she had skin white as snow, lips as red as blood, and hair black as ebony. Her vain and wicked step mother, Jongqueen, feared that someday, Hongwhite’s beauty would surpass her own. So she clothed the little princess in rags and compeled her to work as a scullery maid. Each day, the vain queen consulted her Magic Seungmirror, “Magic Seungmirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?”


And so as long the mirror answered, “Thou, O Queen, art the fairest of all,” the evil Jongqueen would be satisfied as she knew that her magic Seungmirror articulated nothing but the truth.


Yet one morning, Jongqueen asked, “Seungmirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?”


She was flabbergasted when it answered, “You, my queen, are fair, it is true. But girl, I’m obviously fairer than you.”


There was silence.


“LOL Joke, it’s Snow White, she’s obviously fairer than you,” Seungmirror drawled.


The evil Jongqueen flew into a covetous rage and commanded her huntsman, Jaehuntjin, to take Hongwhite into the woods to be killed. She stipulated that the huntsman must return with Hongwhite’s heart as proof.


The poor Jaehuntjin then yielded to the evil Jongqueen’s instructions and took Hongwhite into the forest.


“Ahjussi, what are we doing in the forest?” Hongwhite asked, her voice shaking with anxiety.


Jaehuntjin sighed, “Apparently, I’m going to kill you and then take your heart as proof that I’ve done the deed.”


Hongwhite gaped at the huntsman.


Then Jaehuntjin broke into a wide grin, “Got you! I’m just going to hunt a boar, take its heart, and return it to the queen and say it’s your big fat heart. ”


Unable to take the life of such innocent girl, he went along into slaughtering a boar, took its heart and returned to the queen.


Hongwhite was now alone in the forest and she did not know what to do. She ran over sharp stones and through thorns.


The trees seemed to whisper to each other, “Look at this running as if she owns the place.”


This greatly frightened Hongwhite who began to run. She ran as far as her big hairy feet could take her and just as evening was about to plunge, she saw a tiny house and trespassed in order to rest. Inside the house, it smelled and boxers were chucked and tossed everywhere. The only tidy spot she could find was a little table, with an even tinier chair. Against the wall there was a little bed covered in quilt.


Because she was hungry, Hongwhite ate a few vegetables and chicken from the little plate she found on the table. She also drank milk from the little cup beside it. Afterwards, she felt sleepy and carried on to lie down on the little bed.


After dark, the owner of the house returned. He was the little guy, Mindwarf, who mined for gold in the mountains. As soon as he arrived home, he saw that someone had been there for not everything was in the same order when he left.


“Someone ate my chicken,” Mindwarf sadly stated. “Now I have nothing to eat.”


Brushing off the feeling of hunger, he ran upstairs and cried in amazement, “Goodness, who is this hot babe on my bed?”


He was so happy; he didn’t bother waking her up.


The next morning, Hongwhite woke up and saw Mindwarf. She screamed, tossed around, and accidentally kicked Mindwarf in the head. The tiny man lay unconscious on the floor and so Hongwhite moved toward him with caution. When she was certain that the little man was out cold, she started poking his face.


“What is this little thing?”


Now the evil Jongqueen, believing that she had devoured Hongwhite’s heart, could only think that she was again first and is the most beautiful of all.


She stepped before Seungmirror and confidently asked, “Seungmirror on the wall, who in this land is fairest of them all?”


It answered, “You, my queen, are fair; it is true. But Hongwhite, beyond the mountains with Mindwarf, is still a thousand times fairer than you. Now can you stop asking me that question, I’m trying to finish this stage on Angry Birds. Rude.”


This startled Jongqueen for she knew that Seungmirror could not lie and she realized that Jaehuntjin had deceived her and that Hongwhite was still alive. She thought and thought again, she thought of a plot to rid herself of Hongwhite once and for all. At last she thought of something. She went into her most secret room and she made poisoned cheese. From the outside it was beautiful, and anyone who saw it would want it. But anyone who ate a little piece of it would die. Shading her face, she disguised herself as an old peddler ahjumma, so that no one would be able to recognize her, traveled to Mindwarf’s house and knocked on the door.


Hongwhite stuck her head outside the window and said, “I am sorry but I can’t just let an ugly stranger in. I bet you have poison apples with you and you’re trying to kill me.”


The evil Jongqueen gasped for she thought that Hongwhite had seen through her good disguise. Then Hongwhite chuckled, “Kidding. Come in, I have milk and cookies.”


Jongqueen breathed a sigh of relief and entered the tiny house. After eating the offered food, she proceeded into tricking Hongwhite to eat her latest creation.


“Dear, I’m trying to get rid of my cheese. Would you help an old woman like me return to her home early?”


Hongwhite thought deeply and after thirty seconds she exclaimed, “Sure! I love cheese.”


She barely had a bite in when she fell dead on the ground.


The evil Jongqueen shrieked in amusement, stared down at the fallen girl, “Serves you right.”

Back at home, she asked the mirror, “Seungmirror on the wall, who in this land is fairest of them all?”


Seungmirror, doing his nails, answered lazily, “You, of course. You just killed that other one.”


Then Jongqueen’s cruel and jealous heart was at rest.


When Mindwarf came home that evening, he found Snow White lying on the ground. She was not breathing at all. She was dead. He lifted her up and laid her on the tiny bed.


He talked to her, shook her, and wept for her. But nothing helped.


He was about to lose hope when he remembered something. He then ran downstairs and grabbed his cell phone, dialed 911-Prince Charming, and waited for someone to pick up.


“Hello, you’ve reached Prince Papa Han’s hotline, how may I help you?”


Mindwarf then stated his story about Hongwhite, trying hard not to cry.


“Relax; I will be there in a second.”


And just like that, a knock came on the door. He ran towards the only entrance of his tiny house and opened it. Standing in all his glory, looking like a knight, was Prince Papa Han. It was rumored that one kiss from this man could awaken the dead.


“Where is this fair maiden you speak of?”




“Take me to her.”


And so Mindwarf took Prince Papa Han upstairs. Without further ado, the Prince had knelt beside Hongwhite and kissed her passionately on the lips. Hongwhite’s eyes fluttered open and found its way towards the Prince’s direction.


“Your breath stinks.”




Mindwarf then exclaimed, “Hongwhite, who did this to you?!”


Hongwhite racked her brains for possible answers and finally thought of the evil Jongqueen. She felt a surge of anger and stood up.


“I’m sure my evil step mother did this to me! She has to be stopped!”


Waiting for no one, she ran downstairs and went outside the house. She found a magic carpet parked leisurely in front and hopped in.


“Where to, dear?” The Carpet asked.


“My evil step mother’s castle and step on it.”


“As you wish.”

Not long, they have reached the castle and as she got off the Magic Carpet, she ushered for him to leave the vicinity immediately. As soon as the vehicle was out of eye shot, she grabbed something from her pocket. It was a pink, heart-shaped, compact powder.


She stared at it and then lifted it up high in the air.




With a pink flash of light, Hongwhite had evolved into Sailor Hongwhite. She charged down towards the evil Jongqueen’s chamber and found the queen waiting for her.


“I am your father,” the evil Jongqueen had whispered.


“Noooooooooo,” Hongwhite yelled. She charged her down with her green light saber and slashed the queen into oblivion.


And she lived happily ever after.

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