
So Unconditional Love

Ding dong ding dong. The bell of Beast's dorm rang. Gikwang went to open the door and saw Jiyeon standing there.

"Noona, what brings you here ?" he asked looking suprised.

"Can't I visit my favourite boys." She said coming in.

"Of course you can." Dongwoon said leading her to the living room. Everyone was watching TV.

As soon as she came in she saw Junhyung and went to sit beside him. Their eyes met. Junhyung's wraps his arm around her shoulders. Everybody just starred at them. It was like they were all alone when suddenly Jiyeon realizes their presence and whispers to Junhyung. "You haven't told them, have you." Junhyung could only move his head left and right smiling.

"Explain what ?" Gikwang asked suspiciously.

"Huufffff" They lead out a huge sigh and slowly began explaining themselves to the other members. There was a moment of silence, everyone had disbelief in their look.

Eventually Dongwoon breaks the silence. "Ah, in that case Junnie hyung. You must take care of noona for me araso."

"Don't worry I will." Junhyung assures Dongwoon.

Doojoon suddenly speaks up. "Since when have you been that romantic Junhyung ah."

"I have a whole other side of me you guys don't know about." He said smirking to Doojoon.


Hyunseung POV

Ding Dong ding dong. Dongwoon opens the door. And I see Jiyeon standing there, I was happy to see her. Then suddenly she goes to Junhyung and looks at him..... Junhyung wraps his arm around her shoulders. Something must have happened between the two yesterday. I could feel my heart shatter into many tiny pieces. I didn't know what to do. Why did this happen ? I was so confused. But she looked happy. I was about to enter my room when someone pulled me from my wrist. It was Jiyeon.

"Hyunseung ah. Are you free today ? Wanna go see a movie or something ?" She asked.

"But you have a boyfriend now, you don't need my anymore." I said hastily even though deep inside I wanted to.

"You'll always be my best friend, and there's no harm in going out as friends. Plus I don't break pinky promises." She smiled showing her puppy eyes making me fall into her trap.

"I'll meet you later outside the dorm at 3. See you later." She skips off and leaves the dorm bidding goodbye to everyone.


Gikwang POV

As long as she's happy. I'm happy. I whispered to myself holding back the pain inside of me. I wanted to win her back. But I don't want to feel the guilt after stealing her. What if she doesn't like me. I should just let her go. No.....

I don't know what to say, think or do. She's with Junhyung now. I've lost. She looks happy. I should be happy for her. But I can't, the feeling of anger overcame the jealousy I had between them. I tried calming myself down thinking of positively. She might change her mind...

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anasilvia #1
I started to read this story... please keep updating!!!
Update soon
m0zarts0nata-- #3
update soon ^^
lightlessjun #4
Thanks for the comment ommggg <3 Kekekke, I will.
chocolatiershinee #5
yaaaayy x3<br />
hope to see another update son ^_______^
lightlessjun #6
Ah finally back <3<br />
<br />
@thelegendjun: Thankyouuuu <3 I love yours too. <br />
@chocolatiershinee: Ahahahahha, I will. Junhyungahhhh. >.<
chocolatiershinee #7
junhyung don't leave her!!!<br />
가지마 재발<br />
hope you update soon ^_____^
This is really good! please update soon :))
lightlessjun #9
@best15teen: Kekkeke jyes Gikwang is a happy boy. I will ^^<br />
@katastrophick: Omgah thanks kkekke. Sad story ~ I will try and make a happy ending. I think Hyunseung is being left out... --"