Our First Meeting..

Love is You

"Gosh! oppa what are you doing?" Ana said as soon as Seungho release her. She looked so surprise. " I love you" He replied. "uh?oppa..love you too but what happend?" Ana looked worried. "thank you for everything. Thank you for loving me." Seungho replied. "oppa what.." "I heard it" He cut her. "you heard?heard what?you heard..." Ana looked afraid. "oppa..I..I can.." Ana try to explain but Seungho hug her. "It's okay. I can understand. That's why I said thank you. Thank you for coming to my life" Seungho said after release her. Ana give him a relieved smile then hug him. "Thank you for make feel as the luckiest girl in the world" Ana said before drown her face on Seungho chest. Seungho kiss her top. They keep silent and hugged for minutes.

"Ana..can we talked about it now?" Seungho break the silent but still hug her. "Uh?now?hmm..okay" Ana release him then they are going up to Ana's place. They are sitting on the couch. "oppa?you wanna drink?" Ana offer him."Hmm..okay" He replied. "what do you want?" Ana asked again. "Anything"Seungho said while leaned on the couch. "here you go" Ana join him. "uh?mwoya?you give me milk????yah! jagiya, I'm 29 years now!" Seungho protest "Pwah! you said that you want anything, now you protest..tsk..tsk..are you sure you already 29 now?beside it's good for your health. You look like 92 years old now" Ana folded her arms. "mwo?are you wanna die?" Seungho moving closer. "yah! what are you doing don't you..ahaha..oppa,stop,ahaha" Seungho tickling Ana. "said it again, come on" "op..haha..sto..hahaha..ne..haha.ne,ha.mian,haha" Seungho stop then laying on Ana's lap. 

"yah..what are doing?"Ana protest. "Now,tell me everything" Seungho said while closing his eyes. Ana smiled. "What do you wanna know first?" Ana said while caressed Seungho hair. "up to you" Seungho still close his eyes. "Well,apparently I already met him since my first day at University" Ana said. Seunho raised one side of his eyebrows. Sign that he confuse. "hehe..I asked him where's Prof. Kim's room but I don't realize it until Gikwang introduce him to me" Ana explain. "Hmmm..he's nice to you,right?" Seungho open his eyes then close it again after he finish asking. "Uhmm..since the first day I know him. He always nice to me. So different with his bestfriend" Ana glance at Seungho.

Seungho still close his eyes. Ana feel a bit worried but when she wanna say a word Seungho said "Then have you ever...eerr..like him?" Ana smiled. " I thought that I like him because he always nice to me. I thought I felt something towards him. But then someone is coming to my life. He already bother me since the first day I met him" Ana said while rubbed Seungho's forehead with her thumb. "Really? I bet he awesome" Seungho said. Eyes still closed. Ana chuckled. "Yes, he's awesome. He still help me when I fainted in front of him eventhough I scold him in public." Ana continued. "He love to teased me about my phobia but he always protect me too. He can do hapkido, wrestling, taekwondo, dealing with mafia but afraid with rollercoaster" Ana stare nowhere. Memories fill up her mind. She smiled. Seungho open his eyes and stare at her. "He always make feel that I'm the luckiest woman in the world. All of his stupid act always makes me smiles. Everytime he get jealous makes me love him more" Ana continued

She realize if Seungho stare at her. She looked down then smile to him. "I love you too" Seungho said. Ana smiled then ducked to kiss him. They silent for minutes. Enjoying their moment. Ana keep caressed Seungho hair while remember all their memories. She looked at Seungho who already fall asleep. She carefully moving his head. She going to her bedroom. She bring out pillow and blanket. She carefully put the pillow under Seungho's head then wrapped his body with the blanket. She crouched on the side for second. She stare at Seungho. "have a nice sleep my love" Ana whisper then kiss his forehead before going to sleep too.

~the next morning~

Seungho POV

I was talking to her. I still can feel she caressed my hair until I fall asleep, I guess,hehe. Uh?what is..oh, a pillow..hmmm..I can smell her hair scent here,kekeke. Uhmm..where's she?Is she still sleeping? I open my eyes. I don't know why it does feels good to wake up on her apartement like this again. I wake up. I saw her standing there, looked like she prepared the breakfast. I stand up slowly, I wanna surprise her but when I'm about to moving she turned her body..eeek,mission failed. She smiled to me. Aaaahh..that smiled, a perfect mood booster in the morning. "oh! did I wake you up?" She said with a worried looked. "Ani..good morning" I smiled to her then moving closer to the kitchen. She smiled then going back to her cook. Watching her cooking for me like this make me feel like we already married.hehe. "Here we go, lets go eat" she said while served the breakfast.

"Panda, I'll do take my dress at the bridal today" She said while munching her egg. "uh?dress?at bridal?" I confused. She chuckled. "Dress, for Min-ah wedding. I'm her bridesmaid,remember?" She explain. "aaahh..that's right. What time?" I asked. "at 10 am today" She replied while give me a glass of juice. "So, the dress already finished.." "Oppa,her wedding is the day after tomorrow" She remind me. Because of last night, I totally forget about that,keke. "You aren't forget that you'll be the groomsmen,right?" She give me a suspicious look. "ofcourse not,keke. okay, you want me to take you?" I asked. "you have to" She said before drink her juice. I just smiled. Really a great morning  for me

"oppa, you wanna come in too?" She asked. "Hmm..I don't think so. You just take your dress right? I think I'll waiting in the car" I replied. "okay,i'll be quick" She said before get out from the car. As soon as she get out from the car. An incoming call from Mr.Park. Uh?it's Sunday. What happend?

"Yeoboseo. Ne, Mr.Park?"

"Good morning sir, sorry for disturbing you"

"Ne, wae-eo?"

"They already landed sir and they wanna meet you this afternoon"

"Aaahh...really?okay. I'll meet them this evening. Thank you"

"Ne, good morning sir"

I hung up the phone. Well, they are here. I think I have to prepared myself. When I turned my head to the right, I saw her holding her dress. hmm..when will she wear her wedding dress?hehe. I'll make you wear it soon baby. After hang it on the back. She get in. "okay, gaja!" I said. "Uhmm..oppa,what you wanna eat for lunch?" She asked. "Hmm..I'm afraid that I can't have lunch with you today" I replied and start driving. "Uh?wae-eo?It's Sunday. You don't have to work, do you?" She a bit pout,keke cute. "Well, I'm sorry jagiya. I'll tell you later" I said while caressed her cheek. She sigh. After driving for 15 minutes, we arrived at her place. "here we are, I'm sorry,okay?" "hmmpphh..well, becareful and call me when you finished" She said the give a peck on my lips. "Yes! mam!" I said. She get out and waved at me. I started driving as soon as I saw her going up.


"I Already tell him sajang-nim ." Mr. Park said to the old man. "okay,thank you Mr.Park, you can going back to your home now. Sorry for bothering in your Sunday" He replied. "Ne, it's okay sajang-nim. I'll leaving now. excuse me Sajang-nim. Ajumma sajang-nim" Mr.Park said then leaving. "I hope he won't come alone today" The old lady excited. "Hmm..I think he'll coming alone" The old man replied. "Mr. Seungho is already here sajang-nim" The maid interrupt. "oh,really?that's good" The old lady said then stand up to greet Seungho. "uh?you are alone?" She dissapointed when she saw Seungho there alone.

~ 2 days later. Joon and Min-ah's wedding~

"take a deep breath Joon-ah, you can't looked pale like that,hehe" Seungho teased Joon who looked nervous while waiting in the altar. "aahh..hyung, stop teased me. You'll feel it too soon" Joon annoyed. "hehehehe" Seungho with his evil laugh. 

"Hmm..are you nervous?" Ana asked to Min-ah before she entered the church. "aaahhh..ana. I'm damn nervous" Min-ah said while squeeze Ana's hand. "Hehe, you'll be Mrs. Lee in minutes so prepared you have to happy" Ana cheer her. Min-ah smile. "excuse me but we are about to start. bridesmaid can enter now" the coordinator interrupt. "Do I look okay?" Ana asked to Min-ah. "beautiful" Min-ah replied. They hugged and then Ana prepared to get into the church. Min-ah link her arms with his father, get ready behind Ana. 

The church's door open and Ana started to walking. When Ana walking down the aisle, Seungho froze. His eyes locked on her. He suddenly feel nervous. "What happend to me?Why I'm nervous all of sudden?! I'm not the one who get married. But watching her walking down the aisle make my heart..god..she looked so beautiful" Seungho talked to himself. Ana smiled to Joon and Seungho when she arrived at the altar. But Seungho still froze. Ana try to control her laugh so she just smile to the ground. "That's her?" The old man asked. "That's right, oh! yeppeun-a" The old lady said while staring at Ana. Finally Min-ah arrived and the wedding begin.

"Lee Joon and Kim Min-ah, have you come here freely and without reservation to give yourself to each other in marriage?" Will you have each other as man and wife for the rest of your live?" "Will you accept children lovingly from God, and bring them according to the law of Christ and his Church?" The priest said. " I will" Joon said while smile and looked at Min-ah. " I will" Min-ah said while smile and looked at Joon too. 

"Since it's your intention to enter into marriage, join your right hands, and declare your consent before God and his Church" The Priest said.

" I Lee Joon take you to be my wife. to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us apart" Joon said. 

" I Kim Min-ah take you to be my husband. to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish; from this day forward until death do us apart" Min-ah's turn. 

When the wedding vows finished. Joon and Min-ah put on ring on each other, "well, you may kissed the bride" The priest continued. Ana smile broadly to Joon and Min-ah. Seungho? he can't take his eyes from her. After finished with the wedding vows. They directly heading to Joona and Min-ah wedding reception. Joon and Min-ah busy to thank and greeting the guests. Ana chatting with G.O, Mir and Cheondung but She can't find Seungho.

"Hmm..where's he?" Ana said. "I didn't see him too, try to call him" G.O said. "It's okay, I'll try to find him" Ana replied while tapped at G.O shoulder and get going. "Unnie,let's play with us" Min-ah cousin stopped asked Ana to play with them. "oh!Annyeong. Okay, what you wanna play?" Ana excited. "I'm the princess and you'll be the fairy,okay?" the little girl said. "Here's your magical stick" She give Ana white rose. "Omo, I have a beautiful stick" Ana said while moving the rose. The little girl grinned and they start to playing.

Ana didn't realize that she's being watched at a distance. "Omo,look at that, look at the way she playing with the kids. She'll be a good mother." The old lady said. "Hmm..I think you've made the right decision" The old man said while tapped on Seungho's shoulder. "ofcourse, she's the best" Seungho said. "What are you doing?get her here" The old lady order. "Ne" Seungho said while heading to Ana. "Annyeong" Seungho said when he reached Ana. "oppa! you wanna play with us?"The little girl excited. Ana looked at him. "Mian, Nana-ah. Oppa can't play with you now" Seungho replied while ducked and tapped the little girl's head. "where'd you go? I've been looking for you" Ana asked. "Nana-ah..oppa have to borrow unnie, sorry..but can you play with the other?" Seungho talked to the little girl. "Wae-eo?" Ana confused. "Ne" The little girl grinned then running away. 

"Nana.wait..oppa,wae-eo?what happend?you were disappear then now you..aaahhh!" Ana annoyed. "hehe..Mian, I wanna introduce you with someone" Seungho said while holding Ana's hand and ready to pulled her. "Wait,who?" Ana stooped him. "just follow me then you'll find out" Seungho start walking. Ana just following him. They are heading to a couple. Ana already nervous. "who are they?The old man look so humble and wise. The old lady looked very motherly but I feel like I have seen her before" Ana talked to herself. When they getting closer "She looked like..oh God!" Ana surprised. 

"Well, Ms. Adriana, this is Mr. and Mrs. Yang" Seungho said



meet the parents >.< sorry if there's a mistake or mistakes about the wedding vows because I'm stil single,hehehe. Comment please ^^

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@JosRiska : who do you think are they???ehehehe
finally............. :D so cute......... i want marry with seungho ^^ but who the kids in last paragraph? ^o^ hohohohoho
I knew it..... ichiro org yg sama....... dunia memang sempit...... hahahhaha......... can't wait to see another chapter.... hahhaha.... seungho, don't be jealous..... u said u will trust her ^^ once again UPDATE SOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNN................... ^^
thank you ^^
oh........... chapter 30... congratz :D hohohoho...... still love your story.... and kenapa dgn seungho... please update ya kak ^^
Oh....... Seungho........ crazy in love hohohoo....... "you should...." oh my God kakak....... aku dibuat penasaran lagi..... please update soon okay ^o^ FIGHTING!!!!!
Wooo...... so awkward..... hahahhah..... but I'm sad about dong-sun :( kakak..... update soon ya ^o^
glad that you like it ^^ thank you for comment ^^
jennifer1801 #9
Lovelove love itttt!!
I LOVE IT!!!!! kya............ Seungho and Ana gotcha...... hahahhaha..... Angel is back...... update soon.... ^o^