Eleventh step.

Strangers On The Air




__After launching the last jingle for the day, it didn't took Chae In long before she crossed her arms on the console and burried her face in them. Shaking her head, she let out a loud groan which, in the end, sounded more like a scream of frustration. Fortunately, the walls around her were soundproof.

__Her heart was stifled and she couldn't help but think it wasn't fair. Why did she have to feel like this, to suffer this just because of a stupid jerk ? Fate was only playing with her and enjoyed it, but she didn't. She had never felt so awkward, like she didn't understand herself anymore, it was really disturbing. If only she could stop her mind from thinking...

__But of course, the more she tried to forget it, the more it would come right back at her. Only three little words that turned her world upside down...

__Bang Yong Guk. Or how that guy never failed to appear when she expected it the least. It had become a strange habit of his and that time again, it hadn't missed. Out of all people at that school, he had been the one showing up when she wanted to go unnoticed. He had arrived just at the right moment, as if by magic, running to catch her with his firm arms just before she hit the ground.

__Like a stupid hero.

__But that wasn't the most upsetting, no. That would be the fact that he had seen her crying. Again. He had seen her weak and vulnerable and she was the only one to blame for not having been able to control herself, even in front of a guy like him. She had rarely felt that embarassed and wanted to avoid him as much as possible after what had happened.

__Or almost happened.

__Her memories of that scene were pretty foggy. She only remembered his deep voice telling her sweet words. She only remembered feeling completely frozen, like her body refused to obey her, his eyes piercing right into hers. She only remembered how her heartbeat had sped up and her cheeks heated up. She only remembered his face coming closer, only few inches away. Even the thought of it would make her blush.

__Then again, she had difficulty in understanding him. Was he serious ? Was it his true personality showing through ? Or was he just joking, happy to torture her on purpose ? Either way, it had worked. She was lost and confused, at her utter despair.

__She bit her lip and sighed. She wanted so hard to forget about it but it just wouldn't get out of her head. She couldn't help but think about him all the time.

__And as to add to her misfortune, a sudden knock on the door pulled her out of her daydream, followed by the oh-so-familiar voice she knew too well.


__« Hey, stranger. »


__Startled, Chae In first thought she had hallucinations. She slowly turned around, trying to keep a straight face.


__« Long time no see, Im Chae In. » he went on while coolly walking to her with his hands in his pockets.

__- I was actually avoiding you. Too bad you found me ! » she sighed before faking a smile.


__Yong Guk sniggered, still coming closer.


__« Really ? And why would you avoid me ? » he raised an eyebrow.


__Chae In didn't move but frowned. Where was he going with that ?


__« Is it possible that... you fear... I might try to kiss you again ? »


__He suddenly leaned forward and she immediately moved back, pressing her back against the chair's. She hated that confident smirk he always had. Clenching her teeth with a black look, she restrained herself from slapping him.

__After a few seconds, he stepped back and burst out laughing.


__« I'm just kidding ! God, you should have seen your face, it was priceless. »


__Vexed, Chae In crossed her arms and frowned. He looked up and narrowed his eyes with a smile.


__« But don't worry. Next time it happens, I won't let you get away. Trust me. »




__« Yah, Im Chae In. Are you really sleeping ? »


__The scream immediately woke her up. She opened her eyes and sat back up in her chair. Of course, she had been dreaming. She closed her eyes and sighed, mentally slapping herself. She felt so stupid at this moment, she'd rather disappear from the surface of the earth than face him after that.

__She cleared before turning around. Though his presence and stare destabilized her, she didn't let it show.


__« I was actually... cogitating. »


__His hands in his pockets, he leaned on the wall and raised an eyebrow, not in the least convinced. Chae In looked away and crossed her arms, refusing to justify herself more.


__« Anyway, it's been a long time. »


__Chae In froze and swallowed with an after-taste of déjà vu.


__« Have you been avoiding me ? »


__She looked up and saw him frown while coming closer. She tried to stay calm and show a confident face.


__« Please, why would I ? I'm just a busy person, that's all. » she smiled proudly to hide her discomfort.


__Wow, very convincing. He laughed and didn't seem to want to linger over the topic -luckily for her. She took advantage of that and quickly changed the subject.


__« So what can I do for you ?

__- Well, I'm not satisfied with the girl you got me for that stupid date.

__- And you're telling me this because...?

__- Because you organized this whole thing and I want someone else, so do something. »


__She laughed in her turn and shook her head. She found it funny how he would sometimes act like a real spoiled child. It was kind of cute too, actually.


__« It's too late. It was a random draw, if anyone could come and change their partner, it wouldn't be fair to other players. I'm sure you understand that, right ? That girl won, just deal with it. »


__He crossed his arms and frowned with a mix of anger and disappointment in his eyes. She observed him for a few seconds and noticed something strange. He wasn't acting as usual, something else seemed to bother him. Curious, she narrowed her eyes and decided to ask him directly.


__« Did you want to tell me anything else ? »


__Yong Guk looked up and she saw his face changing into a serious look.


__« Actually, I... was worried about you. I came to check how you were doing. »


__She didn't need any explanation to understand what he was referring to. Suspicious, Chae In frowned at his sudden grave tone.


__« Seriously, this time. » he added, as if to answer her doubtful stare.


__Deep inside, she really wanted to believe his words and give him the benefit of the doubt. But she didn't want to let down her guard in front of him that easily, especially not before being sure of his intentions.

__Avoiding his eyes, Chae In got up and started cleaning up the studio, putting her things away.


__« I'm fine, so please stop acting like you care and spare me your false sympathy. »


__Yong Guk frowned at her sudden coldness and clenched his teeth. Upset, he walked up to her and grabbed her wrist. She turned around with wide eyes.


__« Don't be like this. » he firmly said.


__Why would she always act like this with him ? Why couldn't she believe him this once ? He seemed to beg her with his fierce look and it unsettled her. She opened to speak but he was faster.


__« I'm really-

__- Chae In-ah~ »


__They both turned around at the same time as Minhyuk appeared, Chae In immediately pulled her hand out of Yong Guk's grip and walked towards her best friend with a smile. Yong Guk tried to hide his irritation and greeted Minhyuk back, quickly bowing his head.


__« I'm sorry for being so late. Did you wait long ?

__- No, don't worry, I've just finished.

__- Cool. Then let's close the studio and go eat something ! I'll treat. »


__She grinned and fervently nodded before grabbing the keys and her coat. She gave Yong Guk a black look to make him walk out of the room so she can close the door.


__« I'm sorry I couldn't help you with what you asked me. » she then told him with a neutral face.


__He didn't reply but simply nodded, visibly upset. They stared awkwardly at each other for several seconds, as if to close their unfinished discussion. Minhyuk eventually put an end at their silent talk and grabbed Chae In's hand.


__« Let's go~ » he pulled her, still holding her hand as they walked away.


__Yong Guk watched them for a moment before turning around with a sigh. He took a few steps and suddenly ran into Himchan and Youngjae.


__« Yah, what's with your face ?

__- Did something happen ? »


__The leader didn't answer and simply looked back one last time, clenching his fists. Minhyuk and Chae In were walking together, almost arm in arm, happily chatting and laughing. She was smiling. Why would she never smile like that in front of him ?

__His friends followed his gaze and immediately understood. They looked at each other with a mischevious grin.


__« Someone's jealous~ » Youngjae chanted.


__Yong Guk gave him a black look and started walking away, head down.


__« Shut it, Youngjae. Let's go eat, I'm hungry. »


__They didn't add anything and simply nodded before following their leader.




__« Earth to Chae In, are you even listening ? »


__The young girl was staring at her food absent-mindedly, silently playing with her chopsticks. She wasn't reacting to any of her neighbor's words and it hadn't escaped from his vigilance.


__« Yah ! »


__Minhyuk had almost screamed in the cafeteria but as a result, his friend had jumped of surprise before staring at him incredulously. He crossed his arms on his chest and raised an eyebrow, visibly upset. Chae In smiled to try to coax him.


__« Sorry, Minhyuk-ah. I didn't mean to be impolite, I'll try to pay more attention now. Sorry. » she repeated, hoping to be soon forgiven.


__But it wasn't the first time, and her friend was starting to lose patience. With a frown, he shook his head with a sigh.


__« What's wrong with you lately ? You've been acting all... weird. »


__Bitting her lip, Chae In tried to hide her discomfort.


__« What do you mean, weird ?

__- I mean, you're strange. Your mind always seem to be elsewhere. Is there a problem ? »


__She had to find a way out of this and quick. She looked up and gave her most dissembling smile.


__« No, I'm fine. Really. It's just tiredness, dance practice has been hard lately. »


__Chae In knew her friend would be hard to convince, but she gave it a shot anyway. She hated herself for lying to him like that, he didn't deserve it. She was thankful everyday for how thoughtful he was with her, but her problems were hers and she didn't want to involve anyone else, especially not Minhyuk.

__She watched him for a minute, observing his serious face. He was handsome, that was for sure. Why couldn't Minhyuk be the one haunting her ? He had been for a long time -or so she thought-, so how come it had seemed so quick and easy to replace him ?

__The answer was simple : life wasn't fair.

__Her only consolation was to have him as a friend. A friend. That was it. She had hoped for a moment he would become more than that, but it was too late. She had let stupid feelings take over and before she could even realized it, someone else had taken their place. Someone she could have never imagined.


__« Look, he said after a moment, I'm not trying to stick my nose in your business, I'm just worried about you. »


__Chae In smiled to reassure him and thanked him.


__« And you know you can tell me everything, right ? »


__She nodded vigourously as he grinned before going back to eating, glad to see he had relaxed and didn't seem too angry anymore.

__But as soon as she couldn't see him anymore, Minhyuk winced.

__He hated that. How was he supposed to be okay with it and just go on like everything was fine ? It was true she had changed, it was true she wasn't acting like usual. She wouldn't confide in him, she would always find excuses.

__But she wasn't fooling him. He knew exactly what was on her mind, and words hadn't been necessary to find that out. That was probably the most upsetting to him, knowing that he had waited too long and now, she was already thinking about someone else. He would only be able to be her friend and nothing more.

__And he hated the way that sounded.




__Chae In slowly grabbed the tiny hand of her brother and squeezed it. She silently watched him, lying on the hospital bed, and smiled. As he was sleeping, he looked so peaceful that it somehow calmed her for a moment. She stared at his pale face and noticed the dark rings that had formed under his closed eyes. She frowned. It was the only sign indicating what he was going through, other than his weight loss. It was a miracle how he could bear such a heavy burden on his frail shoulders at his young age. No matter how hard it was, he never failed to reassure her and keep his smile. She sometimes wondered where all this strength came from -it was certainly not from their parents. She was proud of the tough and capable boy he had become over time. However, she couldn't help but feel completely helpless. His condition hadn't gotten any better and even though she wanted to stay positive, she knew she had to prepare for the worst. And meanwhile, all she could do was hope and have faith in the future.

__As she was gently his hair, her phone suddenly vibrated. She grabbed it reluctantly and picked up without raising her eyes, trying to keep a calm voice.


__« Hello ?

__- Hey, sleepyhead. »


__The deep voice caught her off guards and she felt her heart sink in her chest. She had never talked to him over the phone and hearing his husky voice like this gave her shivers.


__« What are you doing up so late ? she asked him after regaining her senses.

__- I'm sleepwalking. You ? »


__She let out a small laugh and quickly searched for a good answer.


__« I told you. I'm a busy person. » she playfully said.


__She heard him giggle and it made her smile. She didn't know why, she just couldn't control herself.

__She then remembered the last conversation they had had and realized they hadn't talked since. It was unnecessary to linger on the subject, she thought, especially since he hadn't mentioned it and didn't sound upset anymore.


__« Wow, so much mystery... Seriously, where are you ? Since we're both up, maybe I can pick you up and we can... go out or... I don't know, do something... like, together, I mean... »


__Chae In first thought she had heard wrong. She blinked and felt her cheeks heat up. Why did it sound like a date ? Was something wrong with her ? She bit her lip and winced.


__« Not tonight, I can't. Sorry. »


__His reaction was a bit long to come and she feared she might have hurt his feelings. She opened to make up for it but as always, he was faster.


__« I'll let you get out of it this time but in return, I sentence you to keep me company until I fall asleep. No hanging up allowed. »


__She sniggered, happy that he hadn't insisted.


__« That's not gonna be hard, you'll soon be bored to death.

__- And why is that ?

__- I'm not a very interesting person to talk to.

__- Oh believe me, you certainly are. Otherwise, I wouldn't have called you, pabo. »


__Luckily enough, he couldn't see her blush even more at the compliment. She closed her eyes and tried to get her act together before sighing.


__« Okay, so what do you want to talk about ? »



You can't foresee nor control your feelings.

And sometimes, it just doesn't go in the direction you would have expected. (Her)





» Ȧuhør’s nøte.

I apologize for this chapter being so late,

but I was away in Scandinavia for a three-weeks vacation  ^^

Anyway, congratulations to B.A.P for their amazing comeback~

I really love their new hair & looks, they're truly handsome  *o*

And their mini-album "One Shot" is awesome !

They only get better over time  ^^

I hope you readers still like the story so far, because the drama is just getting started !  ;)

See you soon (I hope) for a new chapter filled with twist, please look forward to it~

Thank you 




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Chapter 20: Awwwn, that was really a sweet move from b.a.p :')

Sad to know that there are only four chapters left... But looking forward to them!
Chapter 18: Glad you're back :D :D :D missed the story :)))
mmmmmilf #3
Chapter 16: Hollehh. Great bang yongguk is jealous. Me gustar :3
jayparkaom #4
mmmmmilf #5
Chapter 15: Oh my goodness, they kissed!!!
Chapter 15: Oh, finally, something nice :D
Va-Nila #7
Chapter 14: Awwie I loved this chappie
mmmmmilf #8
Chapter 14: Awe BYG is so sweet he gave her a gift sdjgasdfydsahufhskf
mmmmmilf #9
Chapter 12: Ehrmehrgheedddd.
Drama, drama, dramaa XD