Words That Start With J

We are Only Friends


I'm trying to make it up to my dear subscribers for not updating in a month!  So I'm giving you a few tonight to make it up to you guys!  Review please!!


So yes, Taeyeon and Wooyoung began dating.  It was actually the cutest thing in the world.  They would hold hands, blush, and it made my day everyday to see them together in the hallways.  I was proud of Wooyoung; he never really looked at another girl again.  Taeyeon was doing well at her new job and Wooyoung’s mom fell in love with her too. 


There was another during the beginning of January.  It was supposed to be the winter blowout of Seoul, everyone who was anyone would be there.  And who was deejaying?  Of Course, Junsu.  So he got us all in for free.  Junsu’s girlfriend- when he got a girlfriend, I don’t know- would be there too.  Her name was Seohyun; she was a 1st year at another high school. 


Junho’s girlfriend was also going to be there.  That was the shocker for me.  Junho, after Taecyeon, was the biggest player of the group.  He just loved girls and girls loved him back.  But when I found out he had a girlfriend, I was so happy for him.  Her name was Hyoyeon, and she was a freshman college student.  She knew him when they were both very young and just recently met up again at a B-boy competition. 


I arrived with Jay.  I wore a long black sheer button up shirt with a black bando underneath, a pair of dark blue jeans, and a pair of black pumps.  Jay wore a varsiety jacket with a big AOM logo on the back. 


“Hey!”  Taeyeon squealed with Wooyoung right behind her.  She wore a white shirt that was tucked into a red pencil skirt with black stockings. 


“Hi,” I smiled.  Wooyoung and Jay smiled at each other. 


We danced, chilled, and drank.  I was finally nineteen now because of the lunar new year.  So, I did drink my fair share, but I held it together.  I had to get home. 


Taecyeon popped out of nowhere and said in English, “Jay, I gotta talk to you, man.”

Jay frowned out of concern and replied in English, “What’s up, Man.”


Taecyeon and Jay disappeared for a moment and they talked to each other secretly. 


“What’s with them?”  Wooyoung asked. 


“Taec just said that he needed to talk to Jay,” I shrugged. 


“What?!”  I heard Jay shout, a bit pissed off. 


I walked over to see what the commotion was about.  “Is everything okay, boys?”  I asked in English. 


Taecyeon gave Jay a concerned look and then Jay answered, “Yeah.  It’s all good, Babe.”


“Are you sure?”  I asked as I looked up at him and then Taecyeon.  I gave Taecyeon a look that said you better not leave me out of this. 


“Yeah,” said Taecyeon.  “It’s all good.”


“Oppa!”  Minah squealed as she came running over.  She grabbed Taecyeon by the waist and smiled, “Oppa!”


“Lord,” I said as I rolled my eyes and pulled Jay.  We walked to the middle of the room where all the dancing took place.  I looked at him and he seemed a little pissed off and distraught.  “Are you sure you’re okay, Jay?”  I asked in a concerned voice. 


Jay nodded, “Yeah, I’m fine-“  Someone bumped into Jay and made him trip forward a little. 


“Oh, my bad!”  The girl turned around.  She had blond hair, Barbie like brown eyes, pale skin, and was very pretty.  She had a tiny body.  She had a white crop tube top with a black leather best over it with skinny black jeans over it. 


“J-Jessica?”  Jay asked in a shaky and confused voice. 


“Jay?”  Jessica asked back as her eyes widened.  She ran her fingers through her hair.  “How are you?”


“What are you doing here?”  Jay asked as he gulped.  “I thought you were modeling San Franscisco?” 


“I got moved back here last week,” Jessica smiled.  “I’m going to Korea Kent Foreign School.”


I felt something in my stomach churn.  I hadn’t felt this feeling in a while, but I remember the last time I felt this was when Minah was dancing up on Taecyeon at the last party.  However, the problem is that this churning isn’t nearly as strong. 


“Jessica, this is my girlfriend, Tiffany,” said Jay as he put his hand on my back. 


“Oh,” said Jessica, a bit disappointed.  “It’s nice to meet you.  Jessica Jung,” she said, much cheerier than a second ago. 


“Jessica is my…”  it seemed like Jay couldn’t find the words to explain. 


“Old friend,” smiled Jessica.  She tapped Jay on the shoulder, “We need to catch up.  It’s been too long.  It was nice meeting you.”


“Yeah,” smiled Jay, a smile I haven’t seen on his face before. 


Jessica disappeared into the crowd and waved at us, more likely Jay. 


“She seems nice,” I murmured lowly. 


“She is,” said Jay as he looked back at me.  “I went to the same middle school as her.”


“I see,” I said with a nod.  I pushed him towards the same way Jessica went.  “You should talk to her.  Catch up with her.”


“Are you jealous, Tiffany?”  Jay asked, somewhat amused. 


“No,” I said honestly.  “I’m not, I promise.  Just catch up with her.”


“You sure?”  Jay asked as he came back to me.


I nodded.  “I’m going to sit with Taeyeon and Wooyoung-oppa.”


Jay kissed my cheek and disappeared into the crowd.  I disappeared into my own direction and found Wooyoung and Taeyeon sitting in a booth, just talking. 


“Hey,” smiled Taeyeon.  “Where did Jay go?”


“He’s talking to some girl,” I shrugged.  “What can you tell me about Jessica Jung?”  I asked curiously as I sat beside Taeyeon. 


“She’s here?”  Wooyoung and Taeyeon asked at the same time. 


“That’s what Taecyeon-oppa and Jay must’ve been talking about before,” Taeyeon said as if she had made a revelation. 


“Please elaborate,” I said sarcastically. 


Wooyoung sighed, “Jessica is Jay’s ex-girlfriend.”


I face palmed myself.  “I just sent my boyfriend off to his ex-girlfriend.  Nice going, Tiffany.”


“They dated through 2nd year of middle school to the middle of last year,” Taeyeon explained.  “They broke it off when Jessica had to move to San Francisco to pursue modeling.”


“Great,” I sighed as I looked over to Jay and Jessica, who were talking- flirting by the bar.  “Competing with the model.”


“But that was more than a year ago,” insisted Wooyoung.  “They probably don’t have feelings for each other still.”


“Oh please,” I scoffed.  Apart of me was naturally jealous, but then another part of me… didn’t care that much.  It sounds plain awful when you put it into words, but apart of me was perfectly neutral about the situation.  “Should probably stop it,” I murmured as I got up from the seat.  “Sorry for disturbing you two lovebirds.”


Taeyeon and Wooyoung laughed together. 


I walked through the crowd and saw something in another booth that my stomach churn much more strongly that Jay and Jessica flirting. 


Taecyeon was kissing some girl’s neck.  She was a foreigner from the Western Hemisphere.  She had long blond hair, a voluptuous body, and bright white skin.  She wore a dark blue dress that had a v-neck and Taecyeon was getting closer and closer to the end of the V. 


But what made me loose it was that he had his hand up her dress.


I felt my blood boil a little and I clenched my fists together.  I didn’t know why it bothered me so much.  I mean, Taecyeon was just my oppa.  That’s all.  We’re just friends.  I have a boyfriend and he has… girls.


I walked over to Jay who was now walking away from Jessica.  “What’s up,” smiled Jay. 


I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him.  He wrapped his arms around my waist and we kissed in the middle of the floor.  I pulled back and moved my mouth over to his ear and whispered, “Wanna get out of here?”


Jay froze and looked at me as I pulled back.  He looked into my eyes and he knew what I meant.   “Sure,” He said after a moment.  He took my hand and we began maneuvering out of the crowd. 


I looked back and I saw Junsu at the Deejaying booth staring at Jay and me leaving.  He looked concerned and almost horrified; he must’ve known that we were going to leave for privacy.  He looked actually concerned for me.  I smiled at him shyly for some reason, trying to tell him that it’s ok.


Jay and I made it out of the warehouse.  We walked towards the parking lot, but we were stopped shortly by shouting. 


“Where the hell do you think you’re going?!”  It was Taecyeon’s shouting that stopped us.  He was stomping out the warehouse with Junho, Khun, Sunny, Yoona, Sooyoung, Chansung, Taeyeon and Wooyoung following. 


I rolled my eyes.  Who was he to tell me what the hell to do or stop me from doing so.  “Why does it matter?”  I asked harshly as I dropped my hand from Jay’s. 


“Are you going to sleep with him?”  Taec asked loudly and harshly as we became face-to-face, relatively speaking. 


Jay looked down embarrassed and didn’t say anything.  Our friends looked away and grimaced. This was going to get bad, and they could all tell. 


“And if I am?!”  I retorted back just as loudly. 


Rage flew through Taecyeon’s eyes.  “Well you ing shouldn’t!  You’re too young, Tiffany-“


“ing hypocrite!”  I shouted at him.  I was fed up with Taecyeon’s bull about being too young.  He played this card way too much.  It wasn’t even logical.  “God, do you hear the things coming out of your mouth?!  You sleep with girls left and right, and you’re telling me that I’m too young.  You’re only a year older than me!  You’ve been up girls’ skirts since you were fifteen-“


“It’s different for boys!”  Taecyeon yelled back. 


“No!  It’s really not!”  I shouted.    “Jay is my boyfriend!  What the hell did you expect!  It was going to happen sooner or later!”  I took a deep breath and asked coldly, “Aren’t you done ruining my night?  You should get back to that girl; she must be getting bored.”  I turned my back on him and began walking away.


Taecyeon let out a huff of anger and grabbed my hand and managed to turn me around.  “Tiffany, don’t do this!!”


“I’m not a child anymore!”  I shouted as I pushed him off of me.  I took another breath.  “I’m legally an adult now.  I don’t need your protection for everything anymore.  You’d be acting so differently if this was someone out of your group of player friends.  You’d be acting so differently if it were you I was going home with.  Why cant you just let me be?”


“I’d never hurt you like some guys would,” Taecyeon promised. 


“Why do you think that he will?” I said, thinking in the back of my head that he already did hurt me.  But he didn’t, he shouldn’t have when I saw him with that girl.  He was never mine and he was never going to be because we were just friends.  “I’ll see you on Monday at school, Taec.”


I pulled away from him and walked back to Jay.  I took his hand and began walking to his motorcycle. 


“Let it go, Taec,” said Sunny.  “She’s not stupid.”


“You okay, Tiffany?”  Jay asked me as he got out a helmet. 


“Yeah,” I nodded as I pursed my lips. 


It took Jay and me about 45 minutes to weave through Saturday night traffic.  He parked the motorcycle a block away from my house.  We got off and walked into my building.  Bom was out with Seunghyun and probably wouldn’t be back until the morning.  I told her that I was going to home with Taecyeon.  That clearly wasn’t what was happening.


The moment I managed to open up my door, I spun around and we immediately began kissing.  We managed to slip off our shoes and into my room.  Jay wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me onto the bed.  I shucked off his jacket and he began to my shirt. 


I had no idea what I was doing.  The kissing right now didn’t feel like it was supposed to or the way I had expected.  Maybe Taecyeon was right, but no, I would never give him the satisfaction in saying that.  Was I doing it just to get back Taecyeon?  Just to make him wrong?  Why did I care so much about what Taecyeon had to think?  He’s only my oppa, I kept reminding myself.


I heard laughing come from the living room.  Jay and I froze and the laughing outside in the living room ceased. 


“,” I heard my sister curse. 


Jay instantly got off of me and put his jacket back on.  I got up and I saw that Seunghyun was there too.  They had likewise intentions as us. 


“Hi Seunghyun oppa,” I murmured after a long awkward moment.


“Hey Fany-ah,” Seunghyun smiled awkwardly.  He kissed Bom and said, “I’ll call you about the rain check.”


“Okay,” Bom sighed as she rubbed the back of her neck. 


I buttoned up my shirt and walked Jay to the door.  He kissed my cheek and said, “I’ll… um…”


“See you at school,” I said after a moment. 


“See ya, Fany,” Jay smiled after a moment.  “Good Night,” he said to Bom.  Bom nodded as she raised an eyebrow. 


I felt bad that Seunghyun and Jay had to share an elevator ride down. 


Bom closed the door.  “Thought you were going home with Taec,” said Bom as she threw her purse at the couch.  She went into the kitchen area and poured herself some water. 


“Got into a fight,” I said, trying to sound indifferent.  “Thought you were going to Seunghyun’s.”


“His cousin was there,” said Bom. 


This was too awkward for me.  But in a way, I thanked my sister and her poor timing skills. I was sort of glad it didn’t happen; I think Taecyeon was right. 


“I’m going to bed,” I announced as I began ing my shirt.


“Remember,” said Bom.  “I’m leaving for Diamond Bar tomorrow afternoon.”


“I know,” I said.  “Night.”



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Went through some serious writer's block and started taking a college class, but I am Back now! Got some good ideas and i'll see where it takes me!!!!!


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marikrismas #1
I was rereading all the stories under my Favorite label I have and realized I never subscribed or upvoted this story (upvotes also weren't a thing back then but technicalities lol) so don't mind me as I go do that haha
Chapter 19: I finished it! YESH!!!! I LOVE IT OMF Except how it was presented :| too much swearing I know it kind of makes you comfortable and it helps you write it better but omf it's just too much but overall great and the bestfriend love cliche played well but that one M scene though god it was close to one that I have read by accident before but holy it was nearly the same with the scratches haha.

I don't think we need to see any Seunhyun X Lexy romance going on for a sequel or book 2 because they're not really what I would call a fan fic anymore since they're more like made up characters.

TaecFany shipper ever since FO2 <3 The only person I would give off my bias to is Taecyeon!
Chapter 6: Chapter 6: ready to appear outta no where and John Cena the out of Jay Park, I don't hate on him but bro off T0T This is literally the second fanfic i've read that has a Jay Park bad guy okay please no more T0T
NCT_MarkLee #4
So long after read this story,,
but I come again because this story so lovely
Ji-hyo101 #5
Chapter 19: Sooooooooo daebakkkkkk! It's soo good it just kept on hitting the right buttons, even withthe childhood friend trope it still got me! Waiting for a new one kekeke :) TYVM!
NCT_MarkLee #6
Chapter 18: Thanks for great story.. It is awsome..simple,beatifl,sweet..AWESOME..
Strawberry2013 #7
Chapter 18: Love the ending lol
Chapter 19: Kore taecfany pleaseee.. :)
PrettyInRed #9
Chapter 19: Thank you for writing such a beautiful fanfic!! I simply loved it!! Gomasumnida! :D
dee2dazee #10
Aww thank you for writing a great story about TaecFany =] I love this story so much that I check everyday for updates. The whole story is just so lovely. I normally got lazy to login but I'm here to express my gratitude :p I can't wait to read your next story. Fighting!