The Flower

Parallel Hearts

Chapter 2 – The Flower


“W—What the..?” Youngsaeng stuttered, still unbelieving what he saw.


“What happened??” Hyunjoong’s turned to ask. They’re all still staring at the burn Hyunjoong left on the table.


“It’s my question.. I should be the one who ask it.” Kyujong said. “Uh.. Maybe not..” He continued, then turned his attention back to the board. The teacher was looking at them. His spectacles slid down onto his nose, just like an old man style. He’s now leaning to his table. Hyunjoong took a book and immediately cover the burn on the table right after he realized the teacher’s furious look.


“We’ll talk about this later..” Youngsaeng said.




“I don’t know anything, until you told me to get off my hand from that table.” Hyunjoong said right after they got out from the class. They’re all still wondering about what had happened before in the classroom.


“But it’s kind of impossible for the table to burn itself.” Kyujong said which earned him a nod from Youngsaeng. Youngsaeng was busy punching his cellphone’s button with his fingers.


“It’s her?” Hyunjoong asked. “Weird, she hasn’t contact you for a while right?”


“Yeah, and she want us to meet.. Now.” Youngsaeng said.


“Now?! We still have classes!” Hyunjoong said in disbelief.


“Cover me up.. Next one is literature anyways..” Youngsaeng said, and then off to meet her. Leaving Hyunjoong in disbelief.


“He’s the one that keep asking me all over, and now he’s the one who got away first?” Hyunjoong protested to Kyujong, shaking his head.


“But still, I wondered how did that happen.” Kyujong said. Even though, they just met a few hours back, seems like they went along really well. Hyunjoong is an outgoing type of person which he could get close to anyone he wanted to. And seems like Kyujong is an outgoing person too.


“Not you too.. Just leave that problem aside for a moment. Even though I’m curious about it too.” Hyunjoong said. “Oh, I have this question with me for a while now.”




“Where are you from? I mean, you’re a transferred student right? So I don’t think you’re from anywhere near..” Hyunjoong asked.


“I lived in China..” He answered. “But I’m a pure Korean.” He continued when Hyunjoong opened his mouth to say something. Because Kyujong’s Korean is just perfect, moreover he has a little bit Jeolla-do accent, and he talked so fast.


“Ah..” Hyunjoong mumbled. “You’re on the same class with me? I mean again?” He asked another question when he realized that Kyujong was walking alongside with him all this time.


“Yeah.. I think..” He answered and looked at his schedule once more. “Literature.. Right?” He asked.


“Cool, I have a company.” Hyunjoong said and they went to the Literature class. Once they entered the room, the whole class were looking at them. Especially the teacher.


“Don’t worry too much. It’s because you’re new, so they’re looking at you like that..” Even though Hyunjoong had said that, the look from the students and the teacher are just weird.


The teacher gave them a paper, which they had to finish them until the bell rang. The teacher was walking around the class until she’s right beside Kyujong, looking at his work. “You got a high taste of literature over there.” The teacher whispered him which gave him goosebumps all over. “What’s your name anyway?”


“Will you let us do our work in peace? I can’t concentrate if you’re keep talking to him with such a flirtatious tone like that.” Hyunjoong spoke out. The teacher walked away right after he said those. Kyujong heaved a deep sigh of relief. “Not to mention that the teacher is such a flirt. But you’ll get used to it.” Hyunjoong said to him, pretty loud.


“Actually.. Youngsaeng quit from this class because of her. She just can’t stop flirting with new students, especially with your looks.” He continued. “But I managed to go on. The good thing is. She can’t do anything much, like scolding me or something.”


“Cool. Tell me.” Kyujong said.


“I’ll tell you later. It’s only a little bit of her secret.”




“Yes?” Hyunjoong answered, he received like 7 missed calls when he’s showering.


“You’re at home?”


“Yeah, why? You okay?” He asked after he heard Youngsaeng’s shaky voice.


“No, I’m not okay.. I’ll go over your house okay..”


“You sure? The rain is pouring outside.”


“Better then.. Feels like I’m going to die.”Youngsaeng hung up right after he said that line.


“They broke up?” Hyunjoong pondered to himself while taking a sip of his own made milkshake and playing with his dog.




“How’s your new school?” A middle-aged man, wearing an oversized clothes and khaki shorts asked Kyujong.


“Cool, but some of the teachers are freaks.” Kyujong said after he swallowed the food that was on his mouth.


“Have you find them?” He was asked another question.




“Keep remembering your mission son. You’re the only one who knows what’s happening for real. And..”


“And I’m the only one who had to lead them, so they’ll know it eventually.” Kyujong said.


“Well, okay.. Oh and keep practicing.. You have to keep trying to get a hold of it.”


“Yeah.. I know..” He said, and went up from his seat. He went upstairs but stopped halfway to say something to his father, but he hesitated to. So then he continued his way to his room.


“That teacher still gave me goosebumps..” He mumbled, remembering the flirtatious teacher on the literature class. He took off his glasses and put it on his lamp-table beside his bed.


His hand moved to a flower vase. Just when he touched one of the flowers, the flower turned into ashes.


“I hate blood.” He said after he realized blood dripped to his wooden-floor from his nose. He put on his glasses back and went to the bathroom.


“I just wanted to be a normal college student.. But why it has to be like this.”


A normal college student. That’s all he wanted to be.

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gabriella #2
it's been hard for me to come up with the plot, but i'm still gonna try my best xD i've only done one page so far. Well, i've been busy, and doing this and that so i wasn't able to continue the story for a while. But i'm back now! I'll promise you an update soon :)
thanks for keep subscribing
kpop4u #3
update soon
gabriella #4
finally :D got to update this one haha~
sorry for the really really long delay. been so busy T_T
anyways, hope you're still reading the story and keep liking it :)
enjoy :D
im new here... i find this story so interesting..:)) i love it..<br />
<br />
update soon:))
jungminian0403 #6
new reader! gosh, mysterious!
wow...m a new reader..n i luv it already....i m fallin in luv wid is there gonna be something like love and all too?
yey an update!! more soon