D' Artagnan




Since he was 19 years old, your boyfriend, Cho Kyuhyun is a very famous musical actor. While thinking of ideas for his 25th birthday, you opened your drawer and grabbed your scrapbook filled with you and Kyuhyun’s pictures and adventures together. You opened the page containing the photos of your first meeting.


It was his debut musical, The Three Musketeers. You watched the musical because of a free VIP ticket that your friend gave you. You even ditched your Chinese class to watch the musical because The Three Musketeers is also one of your favorite stories. You found your seat at the middle part of the VIP area, 7th row, 1st seat. You felt so comfortable while waiting for the musical to start. And one thing that you never knew is that you will be a part of that musical.


You were really enjoying the show. You were very amazed with the actors’ and actresses’ performance. Then suddenly there was this scene that changed your plain and simple life. You were very shocked when suddenly the D’Artagnan played by Kyuhyun is standing in front of you. He’s smiling and he’s stretching his hand making a signal that you should stand up. You stood up and Kyuhyun grabbed your head and he was instructed by the other musketeers to bang his head against you. And he did it. He lightly banged his head against your head for three times. The spotlight is focused on the two of you. Next thing you knew, the other musketeers instructed D’Artagnan to kiss you on your forehead. You blushed because of that crazy feeling that you felt when Kyuhyun’s lips touched your forehead. Then he smiled and went back to the stage again. You came back to your senses when your seatmate grabbed you and made you sit back on your seat.


Until you reached your house, that scene didn’t leave your mind. You opened your computer and searched for some information about Kyuhyun. And during the next scheduled online ticket selling for the musical, you waited in front of your computer and bought a ticket for Kyuhyun’s last show. You used all your savings and bought a VIP ticket, 7th row, 1st seat.


It was the day of Kyuhyun’s last show. You were very excited at the same time you were very nervous. You wore a very nice dress compared to your ugly school uniform that you wore last time. Then the moment that you’ve been waiting for is near to happen. Kyuhyun walked out of the stage and went to the audience area. But you felt very sad when he stopped at the 6th row and did the scene with the girl in front of you.


You felt like crying and called yourself stupid to use all of your savings to buy a VIP ticket for that musical that you’ve already watched. You haven’t thought that maybe Kyuhyun is not always going to the 7th row and you’re just lucky that he went to that row during the time you’ve watched the musical. Even though you felt dizzy, uncomfortable and very sad, you still managed to finish the musical. And right after the musical, you went out of the theater. Then there was this musical staff that ran after you.


“Miss! Excuse me!” the staff shouted.


You turned your gaze to the staff and stopped from walking.




“You’re the girl sitting in the 7th row, 1st seat right? I think you forgot something in your seat. Please go back inside the theater.”


You’re quite confused since you cannot remember if there’s something that you’ve left inside the theater. But just to make sure, you went back to the theater, you went straight to your seat.


“I think the staff is crazy” you mumbled to yourself.


You were about to go outside the theater because you didn’t find anything you’ve left in your seat. Suddenly, the spotlight lighted you and you got really shocked. You’ve thought that maybe there are ghosts inside the theater.


“Hello” said a guy. You searched for the owner of that voice and when you looked at your back, you saw Kyuhyun, still dressed with his D’Artagnan costume, and he’s standing in front of you, smiling.


“I’m sorry if this is quite creepy and I think you’re quite shocked” he smiled.


You abruptly put your hands in your mouth because you’ve realized that your mouth is wide open because of this unbelievable sight.


“Ah-h yeah… okay. Ah-a I mean it’s okay.” You stuttered.


Without any warning, Kyuhyun grabbed your head and banged it with his head lightly for three times. And then like what he did during the musical scene, he also kissed your forehead, but this time, it’s longer.


You felt like your heart’s going to stop any minute. Your mind is clouded with Kyuhyun’s face. Your eyes closed while Kyuhyun is kissing your forehead.


“I thought I’m going to do this scene today with you again. But one of the actors changed the script from 7th row to 6th row. By the way, my name is—“


“Cho Kyuhyun, 19 years old, born on February 3, 1988” you finished his self-introduction for him. “Oops, I’m sorry”. He laughed.


You also laughed while reminiscing that special moment— the moment which started everything between you and Kyuhyun.  You put back the scrapbook on your drawer and continued planning for Kyuhyun’s 25th birthday.



lol. I'm just bored when I made this story. I'm planning to come up with a Part 2 for this one-shot fic and that will be the celebration of Kyu's 25th birthday. kkkk.


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hahaha.. this is sweet♥^^
seoulstarr #2
@frozen_star6 and @kangjaein Thank you for reading! Haha! Actually this story is based on a real scene during Kyuhyun's The Three Musketeers musical :)
Sweet and simple...♡̴̴͡.̮♡̴̴͡