Love is..


Some people says that love is beautiful, since it makes our hearts flutter, makes we see what we didn't see before..

Some people says that love is bitter, since it hurts you so much..

The others says that love is battle, since we have to fight for it..


But for me, love is...


My first fanfic story~~ :DDD

Main pairing : Kyuwook ^^



I only own the plot.. 

only 5 more chapters to go~~


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Chapter 26: good story
SenpaiJecho #2
beautiful! perfect!! :'DD
beautiful ending TT___________TT really beautiful ending wow! asdfgdsfg
chiibiiluna #4
Thank you for this wonderful story! This made me cry and all but in the end its just PERFECT!! :DD
Great story, wokkie you the one only for kyu. Ho..ho please update another story. Hwaiting!
AWWW! This story was really good! Thank you for writing it!
*sniff sniff* Love the touching Kyuwook ending!
finally ... they got back together .. i was worried at first cause both of them tend to be stubborn... when one of them give in, the other wont.. but om so happy that they didnt give up on each other .. after all the things they've been through and how deep their love for each other, it worth the wait (:

one of my most fav kyuwook story ..

ur story is .....

wow .. the last 2 chapters made me on the verge of crying.. it seems so real !

anyway, kyu , go and find wookie before its too late ! its obvious that he's still waiting for u ..

sungmin, thank you (: