I Thought We Were Friends

Fashion Queen Wars

*I don't want to get up..* I thought to myself as I lefted my head up off of my pillow and into the air. I sat up on my gigantic princess canopy bed, which was shell pink and white with silk bows.

I widened my eyes when I remembered a very important event was happening today. *The fashion showcase is today !* I quickly jumped off of my bed and into my pearl white bathroom to freshen up.

I took my toothbrush inside the shower so I could brush it while I was in there and I the water. Warm splashes of liquid showered my hair and body, after being pampered and refreshed, I stepped out of the shower and into my closet.

I was welcomed by a familiar room with white roman marble columns and mechanical moving racks of clothes and dresses. The cold marble, tiled floor chilled the soles of my feet as I walked towards the Tops Section.

I took the remote out of the pocket on the wall and held onto the button with an arrow pointing to the left. The racks rotated left, to my command, and many shirts caught my attention.

I needed to wear something that makes me look super wealthy and cool, but not overdoing it. After about 10 minutes of browsing through the Suzy's Clothes Shop, including my personal tailor helping me, I fould the perfect outfit.

Everything I wore was gold, except a strapless red dress with frills alining the end of the dress.

I confidently walked out of my house wearing huge brown Diore glasses, ignoring the fact that I always left without seeing or hearing my parents.

They could at least do something special for me once in a while instead of constantly going to work and business trips. Is their job more important than their daughter ?

I thought to myself a bunch of questions while my driver looked back at me from the mirror once in a while. Suddenly, I felt the car hault to a stop. What just happened..

"Um, excuse me. Why did you stop the car ?" I slightly tilted my glasses down to see him clearly. He was quiet for a second, but nervously replied, "Well.. Sorry, Miss Bae.. The car just ran out of gas."

What ?! The showcase was going to start in 20 minutes ! Aaaah, otoke !?!?!

I looked at my phone while it was violently vibrating and I spotted a familiar caller ID appear on the screen. My face went pale and I froze in my seat alittle before answring it.

"H-Hello ?" I answered. "Yah, where are you ? The show's about to start. Don't you want to see your design ?" Ms. Hyeona said in a calm voice hinting her annoyance.

I was about to tell her what happened though she beat me to it, "Anyways, I called to ask if you would like a position as a model. One of our models had an emergency family problem and couldn't come today. I was wondering if you wanted to take her spot and wear your dress on the runway ?"

My face lit up like a Christmas tree when I heard her ask me that obvious question. "What ?!? Of course I would ! I'll be right there, oh THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU !"

Before I could thank her anymore, she hung up and I silently squeeled in my seat. Then, I remembered we were out of gas. Uggh. K Dreams is only one and half miles away from here anyways. I can walk.

"Thank you, driver, I can walk from here," I said and stepped out of the walking as fast as my high heels could take me.

First, my dress gets submitted and now, I get to walk on a real runway ?! This is my chance to present my skills to other proffessionals and show the other companies what K Dreams has up their sleeves.

Ms. Hyeona is probably really proud of me. Even if she doesn't say it, I think she cares for me and alot of other people. She's just hiding her feelings. Actually, Hyeona was about 3 or 4 years away from retirement.

Maybe I could even take her spot as K Dreams manager in the future ! As I was daydreaming, I heard a crack from the bottom of my body and looked down to see my slim heel broken off of my shoe.

Nonononononono ! This can't be happening ! Not here, not Now ! Why did my heel have to break when I was going to one of the most important events in history ?!?

I looked around the spacious black and white modern room to see wealthy-looking people dressed in suits and shiny dresses. Then I looked over my own clothes which looked like a beggar's clothes compared to all these people attending the showcase.

I was simply wearing a white logo T Shirt and blue shorts. Many people looked at me weirdly. I tried to ignore their dirty looks and curled a piece of hair behind my ear, keeping my head low.


I walked around looking for a near seat, but they were all reserved for more important people so I went all the way to the back of the room, a few feet away from the refreshment table.

I sat down and smiled to myself. Suzy was bragging about how her dress was going to be presented today, I was truely proud of her. My best friend is a real pro designer !

After I mentioned her name in my thoughts, I heard it again, but this time from someone else.

"Where's Suzy ? Ugh, that girl is always late. She said she'd cover for Angelina, but she's nowhere to be found ! Today of all days.." I heard a tall lady dressed in a silver trenchcoat say.

I quickly stood up and sprinted towards her. "Excuse me, Suzy's not here ?" I politely bowed before asking and she shot me an intimedating look, just as all the other wealthy people looked at me.

"And why should I tell you if Suzy's here or not ? Who are you ?" she looked at me up and down while asking.

"I'm Ji Yeon, Suzy's best friend. I'm sorry, but Suzy would not miss this for the world. She was very excited and looking forward to this just yesterday." I sounded like a young girl who was worried sick, looking for her lost dog.

Her eyes widened when she heard my reply and once again checked out my clothes and features. I felt embarrassed, being Suzy's best friend, everyone expected someone more.. more.. better than me.

"Walk to your seat and then back here," she ordered and pointed towards my chair. I gave her a weird face, but did as she told me.

Walking back and fourth in my heels, which Suzy bought for me, and came back to facing her. She folded her arms and looked at me up and down again.

Why does she keep doing that ? I know I don't look as high class and fancy as everyone else here, however she didn't need to do that. I looked down at the floor, humiliated until she spoke.

"Okay. Since you're Suzy's best friend, I'll allow it just this once. You're going to be her replacement as a model ok ? You've got the curves and walk for it." My mouth hung open when she said that.

She walked me to a room which I assumed was the dress and make-up room. Everyone was busily putting on different styled clothes and applying make up in front of mirrored tables.

*This is what Suzy gets to see almost everyday.. how lucky..* I thought to myself before the lady who walked me here snapped her fingers causing 3 people to run to her.

"Give her the peach dress, light on the make up. And be gentle, she's new," the woman commanded, pointing to me.

The other woman and two men nodded in understanding and said, "Yes, Ms. Hyeona !" soon, my face and body was violated by make up and a beautiful, flowy dress.

The dress was peach with flowy fabric which felt super soft across my skin. the triplet was done experimenting on me and finally stopped touching me.

I looked in the mirror, sitting on my chair, and I was once again shocked. My skin looked flawless and solid, with the most brilliant shade of peach on my cheeks, eyelids, and lips.

I looked like a real model. "You like it ?" the woman asked me, holding my shoulders, and smiled at me through th mirror. I nodded, amazed at my beauty.

"Everyone, show starts in 5 !" the person who I'm assuming was the director shouted.

I heard "good luck" from the 3 people who prepared my appearance and they left, I lined up in the line that the other models were aligned in.

"3- 2- 1- !" the director shouted and booming music started, presenting the first model outside of the curtains.

After the model strutted back in, the second came out, then third, then fourth..

Ms. Hyeona, the woman from before suddenly appeared from a backdoor and walked towards me. She put her hands on my shoulders and advised me, "Don't be nervous. I know this is all very new and sudden to you, but try to do a good job. Walk just like you did before, but sway your hips a little bit more. Go out there with only you and your confidence, got it ?"

She pointed a finger to my face and I quickly nodded. She walked away, looking more like a model than me, and left me the fifth person up next to strut the runway.

I gulped down the lump in my throat and took a deep breathe. *For Suzy.. This is for Suzy. You can do it, Ji Yeon. You were pampered like a rich person today so act like one.* I encouraged myself and thought of Suzy again.

Calming down a little, the two people ahead of me stepped out of the curtains and went out on the runway. I slightly peeked through the red draped, dodgning the other girls head, and saw them catwalking down the runway.

The backdoor burst open again and caught my attention. Nickhun, the one who drove me to Suzys house yesterday appeared and walked into the room, causing everyone to greet him and sigh.

Wasn't everyone mad that he was late ? Seriously, just because he's handsome that means no one cares ? He locked gazes with me and a familiar smile crossed his face.

"Oh, Ji Yeon ! I didn't know you worked here !" he waved from the back of the line I was in. This is the model line.. wait. So he's a model ?!?

"N-No, I'm just filling in for-" I didn't finish because the director and everyone else yelled at me to go outside.

"Ji Yeon, it's your turn ! Break a leg !" he shot two thumbs up and the director slightly shoved me out from the curtains. I almost tripped on one of my heels, but I didn't.

Knowing that I was in public, I kept a straight face and walked forward to the end of the runway. From the conrer of my eyes I saw people who were whispering and talking to eachother while most were just admiring Suzy's beautiful dress.

I felt so beautiful as I heard comments like

"Oh, she looks so pretty !"

"That dress really suits the young, slim model"

"Sooo to-die-for !"

Then, I reached the end of the runway and turned around towards the runway entrance to go back when I heard, "Wasn't she that poor-looking girl from before ?"

I slightly lost my balance, but not enough for anyone to notice. I once again entered, sighing in relief.

*I actually managed to survive and not embarrass myself to death !* I thought to myself wiping a drip of sweat on my forehead. I looked around to find the familiar guy, though he was nowhere to be found.

I guess Nickhun was outside. He never mentioned that he was a model ! That job does suit him though, because of his perfect features and big muscles.

I sat back down on a make-up chair and admired myself in the mirror surrounded my lights. I looked so.. wealthy and beautiful. I couldn't even recognize myself.

This is really me.. "Here, we'll take from here," the triplet from before was removing my dress and make-up. Well, it had to end sometime.

At least, I was able to be a beautiful model for today. 

I was back to my regular clothes which were more comfrtable and normal, but not as elegant as the peach dress that Suzy designed. I grabbed my purse, ready to greet everyone and leave when the door abruptly opened.

Suzy ran in, barefoot, with golden heels in hand. What I noticed was one of the heels were broken. Even though Suzy looked perfect and pretty as always, her expression was tired.

"Suzy are you okay ?" I helped her to a chair and she sat down, breathing hardly as if she just ran a mile. She caught her breathe before replying to me.

"A-Am I late ?" she looked up at me with hopeful eyes. I made a sad face and nodded.

"What ?! How can I- UGH. This is horrible, I- I-" she didn't finish, but instead dug her face in her hands and heaved a sigh.

Being a supportive friend, I patted her back. "Don't worry, I covered up for you. It all went perfectly so you don't need to worry," her head popped back up as soon as I was finished talking.

"Y-You ? You wore my dress and modeled out there ?" she made a disgusted face at me and my heart suddenly fell. It sank as deep as an anchor would fall in the Pacific Ocean.

"Yes.." I slowly replied to her with big eyes. "How could you ?!" she yelled loud enough for a few people to look over at her. I looked down, tears filling my eyes.

*I did it for you, Suzy..* I thought as a tear fell on the floor, silently. Then, a familiar voice replied to Suzy's outburst.

"I told her to." Ms. Hyeona folded her arms and said, frowning at Suzy. Both of us bowed at the same time and I wiped my tears away.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Hyeona, my car ran out of gas and I had to walk, but my heel-" Suzy started, though Ms. Hyeona cut in. "I don't care. If you really wanted to earn a position as a designer, you would've came on time no matter what. This proves to me, Suzy, that you are not ready to take on a designer's responsibilty."

Suzy teared up and held the same expression as I did. Dissapointed, heartbroken, sad.

"From now on, Ji Yeon will be our newest designer and you will stay an intern." Ms. Hyeona put her hand over my shoulder and my eyes widened at her statement.

"WHAT ?! But Ms. Hyeona, you don't understand. I've worked so hard for this, I deserve to a be a designer. She doesn't even have any experience with designing !" Suzy pointed directly to my face and I felt like she was pointing a knife to it instead.

"Haven't I told you ? I don't care. Anything or anyone that I influence is successful. I will take this girl under my wing and turn her into an amazing designer." Ms. Hyeonas hand remained in my shoulder and her expression rock-hard.

Suzy stuttered, "N-No ! You can't do this ! I'M a great designer, I deserve to be the best ! She's-" Suzy gestured toward me, "She's NOTHING to me ! All this girl does is follow me around all day and copy me ! Park Ji Yeon is nothing to me ! I should be the one to be a designer !" she stomped, furiously.

The words were like a million stabs in my heart and I couldn't bare to speak. I stood there silently, not even tears appeared in my eyes anymore. I was so damaged and hurt, I coudn't speak.

I was never Suzy's best friend. How could I have not realized his before ? Hah. I was Suzy's nothing.

Ms. Hyeona looked over to be and saw my blank expression. She also showed a dissapointed face. "Suzy, I know that you-" before she could finish, Suzy stormed outside and slammed the door behind her.

I.. I couldn't endure it any longer. My knees turned to jelly and I fell to the floor. Everyone ran over to me, hearing the whole conversation and pitying me.

I could already imagine what everyone was thinking. "It must to be her.. wouldn't wanna be her right now.. etc."

Ms. Hyeona attempted to pull me up, but failed. "Ji Yeon -ah.. Do you know why I told Suzy that I wanted you as my newest designer ?" she asked, looking down at me.

I slowly shook my head, without once looking at her. "Because I saw through you. I know you want to become better than her. I know you want to be a high-ranked and important person. So will you stand up with pride and surpass Suzy ?" she held out her hand and I calmly raised my arm towards her gentle hand.

She helped me off of the floor and patted my shirt, removing any dust. I cleared me throat and fixed my hair, looking at her straight in the eye with confidence and not depression this time.

"Come with me. Let's see watch you've got," she smiled at me.

*Suzy Bae.. Just like the day when you stood up to those bullies for me, I will remember this day forever.*


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khunji #1
omo omo!! i love these 3 so much!! <3 my most favorite kpop idols <3 please keep this story updated! :) thanks author! ^^
Chapter 1: Suzy ftw!!
I like Suzy but Jiyeon & her have gone way to far...

But I want to support Suzy so here's my support...

Suzy-ah!!! Don't Give up and what is gonna happen in the future chapters???

Please Update Soon author-nim!!!
myungji_luv #4
I love it~
Suzy, don't be such a meanie :''(
Jiyeon 5ting, I will support you ~~, be urself and don't change ur personalitities
Update soon!
Hahaha, thank you for your guys's support (=

Some of you are saying that this is like Dream High and I totally agree, it's similar because of the ex-best-friend-conflict, but I promise you I'm not plagurizing Dream High or anything.
Suzy and Jiyeon are just like Hyemi and Baekhee!!! @.@
Your story is cool ^^
yay nado saranghae JIYEON !
LeadRead #8
New Reader!!I Love This Story!Update Very Soon!!!!
i love your story as i love jiyeon & t ara
waitin an update~