Restore our Friend Time

I'm your guardian angel

“Aish~ is he crazy? Why he always act like that! Ahh... annoying” you nagged along

He acts like that just because he likes you, no need to mad honey

“Anni! Even though he likes me, but he can’t act like that every time”

Aigoo~ why do you being too sensitive

“Aish~ stop nagging me! Oppa you’re annoying too! I wonder why I keep imagining you nag me along”

Ya! Who is nagging here? Ok I leave you then


Yoseob being mad and disappear from your room.


“Hmm, why? It’s being quite all of sudden? Weird...” you said


On the other hand


“Why do I being really upset now? Aish~ weird!” Yoseob mumbling

“Looks who is here? What happened boy, you look annoyed?” asked Junhyung

“Ah, my best buddy. I don’t know myself. Just getting upset without reason”

“_____-ah?” junhyung guess

“I dunno” Yoseob sighed

“Come on boy, don’t mad anymore. Tell me why you are here?”

“I’m kinda boring, and I miss my buddy so much” yoseob’s scratch his not-itch hair

“Ah, I see. How about _______? Aren’t you said you won’t leave her alone?”

“Well, I think she’ll be fine. Oh boy, can you stop interrogate me and give your buddy a big hug?”

“Hi big buddy, long time no see huh?” Junhyung hugged yoseob as yoseob want

“Seems like that. How are you?” yoseob break the hug

“Great but lonely. I miss my best buddy till death”

“Weren’t we died already?” yoseob chuckled

“Ah, right. I don’t miss you then” junhyung grinned

“Ya! What kind of friend you are? If I know you will like this, I won’t visit you”

“Why do you piss off again? I just kid, don’t mad at me ok?” junhyung begged

“You’re fool! Unexpectedly you become a foolish now.” Yoseob laughed as hard as he can

“Aish! Come near, have a lesson for the older!” Junhyung got irritated and locked yoseob’s head under his arm then smack yoseob’s head.

“Hurt! Stop it Junhyung-ah…” yoseob begged

“You’d better treat me something good after this”

“Ok, ok. Let’s restore our friend-time now. By the way, give me a tour. I’m not familiar with this place yet.”

“Since you leave as soon as you come, and this is your second time here so I don’t have any other choice right? But really, make sure you must treat me something good young man”

“Stop nagging old man, can’t we go now?”

“Follow me” junhyung said and lead the younger

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