
Kim Heechul and Han Geng and I.

For a few guilty seconds, you kissed him back. Tongues gently touching in the other's mouth, but you pulled away.
"No Hae..." You whispered, faces still touching. You couldn't look him in the eye, so you just stared at his pouty mouth. 
"Why..?" He quietly asked, his arms resting comfortably on your waist, and you could hear the tearyness in his voice. And you lifted his hands off your body.
"Because Hae... we both just out of relationships, we need time to grieve, time to accept, time to move on... we can't destroy our friendship on a rebound relationship. I need you too much." You painfully whispered to him.
And he lifted your chin to face him, staring directly into your eyes. And although you could see the hurt gleaming from his eyes, he gave a small smile.
"I understand. But I can wait, until the right time comes, if it ever does." He told you, and you smiled back, pulling him in for a hug.
"I love you Hae.""
"I love you too."

The next few weeks were hard. Very hard. Hangeng and Heechul went public with their relationship, making the end of your marriage official. And the band suffered too. With the tension between Donghae and Eunhyuk not going away, and the members feeling divided about Heechul leaving you for Hangeng. Eventually, SM decided to let the band have a year off, feeling that their tension was pushing fans away. You had moved in with Donghae now, most of your clothes lived in his spare room wardrobe, only a few things remained at your old home, the home that Heechul and Hangeng shared now. You hadn't spoken to Heechul since the night you left, and you didn't want to for a long time. He hadn't asked about you, and didn't know you had moved in with Hae. He didn't care, all that mattered was that you had left. There were some nights that you and Donghae just cried in the others arms, crying over the future you had dreamed of, realizing it would never happen. Crying over failed relationships, broken promises. But then, there were some better nights. Some nights you stayed up late, talking about good times you had had, special moments, embarrassing moments.Donghae would relive a moment he had in Super Junior, when they were on tour,and you would remember a time within Super Junior too.You would stay up watching films, crying at romance films, scream at horror films and laugh at comedies. You would curl up on the sofa, stuffing your faces with popcorn and crisps. 
You spent the days together, often seeing the other members, besides from Heechul and Hangeng. Together, you went out for meals, went shopping, saw films, traveled about Korean. And with the other members you would go out for dinner, chill out on the beach, and of course, there were fans everywhere you went, and you slowly gained some fame.

Some 6 months passed, and you received a letter about a divorce. Heechul had finally filled. And Donghae, being the amazing man he was, comforted you beyond anything, distracted you. And as a treat, he booked you a surprise.
"Open it!" He jumped about excitedly, ing an envelope at you. Confused, you took the envelope and smiled, eagerly opening the white envelope. And out fell two pieces of card. Curiously, you picked them up. And upon reading them, you yelled and squeaked in excitement.
"HAE! I can't believe you!" You thanked him, throwing yourself at him in a hug.
"It's no problem at all, I just wanted to treat you." He replied, hugging you back.
"Wow...it's amazing! I haven't been home in what-5 years?!" You started to cry, and he squeezed you tightly.
"I just thought it'd be nice to get away from here, and it'd be great for you to get to go home and see your parents." He soothed.
"Man, I gotta get packing!" You yelled excitedly, jumping up from his embrace.
"Me too!" He joined in, and you both made your way upstairs.
"But Hae, no shorts... this is Scotland we're talking about!" 


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1Dsgirl98 #1
Plz update! This story is so good!
I can't believe i continued reading this til chap 17..... Heechul is my bias, and i really love hanchul, but in this story, I'm not liking hanchul or heechul all that much.... why'd he marry her if he was in love with hannie? Why would he do something that would hurt not only her, but them too? It seems as though Chullie only wants thing that come easy to him. I mean at the first sign of trouble, he got with hannie..... I wonder why hangeng left though.... was it cuz things were getting tough?? I can't believe he would say he doesn't care about suju, when he left.... I just hope chullie gets his life sorted out.... I'm glad she chose hae, he was there for her when everything was tough, and even when it's not..... update soon :)
Heechul is being really mean! >< I'm glad he chose Donghae!

this fic is really affecting me! TT
Ame-chan #4
Like this chapter too !
I'm glad she stayed with Donghae. Heechul is really selfish, he should accept the girl's choice.
It's a shame for donghae and heechul's friendship but it might be better in the future.
Oh my God! This is such a heart breaking story! T_T Heechul had hurt her too much...TOO MUCH! And I'm glad that Donghae is there to help her move on! *sigh* I'm really disappointed in Heechul! (only in this story. actually he's my bias) I can't believe he did that! My heart was really aching when Leeteuk was telling her everything about Hanchul! damn* that was really heartbreaking! :'( And what the is wrong with HanGeng!? I thought he love Heechul! How come he just left him there?!! That bastard! He should have a very good reason for that!

sorry for the long comment. new reader here by the way! ^^ I really like this fic! :)) can't wait for your next update! :)
Ame-chan #6
OMG ! Well, that's a speech heechul !
TBH, I want her to stay with Donghae, it is safer but if she still loves him... But, it is a bit easy for Heechul, Hangeng left and now he wants her back. I don't know if he would have thought the same way if Hangeng stayed.
Anyway, I can't wait to know what will happen^^
Ame-chan #7
First of all, I love how Donghae did his machine phone XD It brithens a bit the atmosphere XD I hope Heechul won't be too mean towards them, therefore he will hurt everyone, even Hangeng.
Ame-chan #8
Wow you have updated fast XD I need to say that I love the hostess' professionalism lol Heechul is here ? It's no good if he calls her babe, too late to come back !
Btw, I like your writing^^
Ame-chan #9
Aie, problems are coming, I hope they will be strong enough to face that and Heechul lol
Ame-chan #10
Well who does Heechul think he is ? She was hurt and she has the right to move on. He cheated on her, he should remember that XD
It was nice to have his point of view. I think he still likes her but not in the same way he loves Hangeng.
Can't wait to read the next chapter !