
The Ramyun Lover


"I've been coming to this shop for their ramen almost every twice a week for the entire 3 months! And I think I want to know who's the talented cook," Myungsoo thought to himself as he slurps his ramen's soup.
When he got up to pay for his bowl of ramen at the counter, he braced himself and asked the lady boss "Excuse me, may I know who's the one that has been cooking my ramen everytime I order it?"
"We have two cooks so I'm not sure who's the one that has been cooking yours," replied the lady boss politely feeling sorry at the same time.
"Oh is that so? Hmm.. okay. Tomorrow, get the two chefs to cook for me the ramen I always order. But, put the ramen in 2 different coloured bowls. I want you to remember who cooks the ramen for which coloured bowls. Don't let the chefs know why they're doing this. After I'm done eating, I'll let you know which cook is the one that has always cook mine," Myungsoo explained carefully.
"But I'm sure there won't be any difference! Because we use the same recipe," exclaimed the lady boss.
"I know I know. Haha. Which is why I'm doing this. I heard from somewhere that when a person cooks, they put in their emotions and feelings into it. Therefore, even if the recipe is the same, the outcome is different," Myungsoo shared his little knowledge with the lady boss.
"Ah dehh. I'll do what you asked for. But what time will you be coming?" Lady boss asked.
"Just have them ready by 5pm. Thank you," Myungsoo said before leaving.
"I can't wait for tomorrow. If the cook is a man, I will definitely want to be his friend. But if the cook is a lady, I wish to be hers. Her cooking has made me fall in love with her although I know its ridiculous since I know nothing about her. But my mum onve told me that 'a lady that can make a man fall in love with her through his stomach, will make the man happy always'," Myungsoo thought to himself.
The next day, after dance practice, at exactly 5pm, Myungsoo reached the small yet comfortable shop to eat his ramen.
"Sir, your 2 bowls of ramen are ready. Please take a seat and make yourself comfortable while I go get your dish and drink," said the lady boss to welcome Myungsoo.
"Dehh kamsahamida," Myungsoo replied in a well-mannered tone.
Not long after he sat, his food arrived. He thanked the lady boss and began savouring his food. Instantly, he knew which is the bowl that holds the ramen he always eat. He called out to the lady boss and asks "May I know who is the chef for the ramen in this orange bowl?"
"I'm sorry but I am not allowed to disclose any information about the staff that cooks the ramen in that orange bowl," lady boss replied apologetically.
"Then may I entrust you to pass this letter to the chef when she's done with today?" Myungsoo asked the lady boss while handing her the letter.
"Yes, you may," 
Soon its 11pm. Its the closing time of the shop. After you left the shop together with your lady boss, she handed you a letter in a yellow envelope. While handing it to you she said "From a fan," with a chuckle before walking towards the direction of her home. You were about to leave too when your right feet stepped on something that gave off a crispy sound. You looked at the object; its a flower shaped letter. You bent to see what it is because you saw words written. True enough, you saw "Open the envelope and read the contents now. Thank you." Shockingly, you obeyed.
In the envelope, there's a letter that writes:
If you're a man, continue reading. But if you're a lady, don't waste time. Turn over to the next page.
You being a lady, turned to the next page.
On the next page, you read 'Annyeong chef. I asked for details about you but your trustworthy lady boss won't tell me anything about you hence I made her pass this letter to you. And I have to do the hard way just to get to see your face and know about you, the best ramen chef I've ever (never actually) met.
Anyway, please follow the flowers plastered on the ground to meet me. I beg of you to show yourself before me or your lady boss will lose a regular customer. And worse, I will never die in peace. But I don't want to force you if you refuse because I respect every human being's privacy. Whatever your decision is, I wanna thank you for your brilliant cooking. It always make me wanna come back for more. God bless your family and you.'
You had a debate with yourself whether or not you should meet this man. He didn't leave his name. He just said he's a man so he could understand further if you refuse to meet him; an unknown man at this hour in the night. In the end, you decided to go after putting the police hotline number on your speed dial. You followed the flowers attentively. And on some flowers, there are words like "I'm sorry if its too far", "I'm sorry if I tire you further," and the best one "You're reaching,". When you reached, there's a sign that said "Hi Chef!" But the man wasn't in sight. You began to panic. What if all this was just a prank? A prank from the hooligans from your past. Then all your effort to remain low profile was a failure. You almost turn to make your way home when a soothing and unfamiliar voice asks "Its difficult isn't it? To get here? And to see who's the one behind all this?" 
You calmed down instantly because it doesn't sound like any of your bullies. You turned as soon as you heard that voice only to get surprised. Its Infinite's Myungsoo!!!! Never in your life you'd thought you'll cook for a famous idol ! And now that idol wants to meet you because you satisfies his tummy. He even put in effort to make you meet him! He waited for you!!!
"Well, from the silence, I assume the answer is 'Yes, its difficult to get here especially to see who's behind all this," Myungsoo answered for you while chuckling. 
You nodded and replied "Yes. But now that you've seen your 'chef', I should leave. Thank you for complimenting my cooking and being our regular customer," You walked past him but he caught your left wrist.
"Please stay for a while. I wanna know your name. I wanna know all about you," Myungsoo whispered. 
"Why?" You asked.
"Because I deserve to know about the girl I fall in love with through her cooking," Myungsoo explained. You turned to him the moment he said 'love' and the both of you hold each other's gaze.
"Ha! You're lying! Why would a famous idol like you fall in love with a low class chef like me? And to add to that, I have burns on my left arm and left cheek!!" You yelled back. And you can feel hot tears in your duct tears. Its because of this you got teased and bullied by the hooligans in your school.
"You are beautiful in my eyes. Know why? Its not because its dark here but because before I see you, I know you are beautiful. I know I ay sound like I'm in denial. But believe me, I'm not. When your lady boss said you refuse to disclose any information about you, I know you don't want to take credits for what you do. And that is an act of humble. An act of humble always tell me that its a pure thing only done by beautiful people. You see, looks aren't everything. Yes, you're right. I'm an idol and I should probably fall in love and be in a relationship with an idol too. But what for?" Myungsoo tried reasoning with you. You gotta admit that you felt better hearing his words. They sound so sincere. Plus, its your first time talking to a man besides your father. Maybe there is still hope in your life, you thought.
You gave him a smile to show you acknowledged whatever he said.
"So, are we gonna eat the brownies I bought or what?" Myungsoo asked.
"Lets eat," you said in agreement.
But his right hand is still on your wrist, he kissed you while putting his left hand at the back of your neck. You were too captivated by his soft lips that you gave in. He bit your lower lip and slid his tongue. Both your tongues moved in rhythm. After you both pulled away, he asked "How was the appetizer?" with a wink. 
You whispered "Definitely the best, Chef Kim."
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ahaha aw
this is so cute :)
whoahh..like this one :)
-natsukim #3
@zvalkyrie oooipsi ! I'm caught! xP
zvalkyrie #5
'He bit your lower lip and slid his tounge' <--- i think iv come across this line few times in ur fic,ur rily liek this scene aint u?. Naughty!,haha
ramen..nyumnyummm..love your story
@creatingfaith aww haha! i wish we could go out and eat ramen together while fangirl abt infinite xD Thank you, dear! Thats very sweet of you!
creatingfaith #8
Ngawww~ I love your stories ^-^ I feel like eating ramen now :D
@Kimiipark & @hoyajoaane omg you two! Thank you so so much for commenting!!!!! Mwa mwah!!! ∞♡