eunyeon and kai met ~


seungho oppa , remember to meet at our usual place around 8pm .. love ya <3 - eunyeon sent a msg to her boyfriend reminding him of their date .

"my handphone battery is flat , can i borrow yours to check on my son ? " manager unnie asked .

" sure unnie . but i have to go for my mv shoot now , you can just leave it at the table after using it ^^ " eunyeon walked away while saying it . .

after 2hours her mv shoot was done . eunyeon went back to her dressing room .

she was so exhausted but when she look inside her bag and saw the star-light projector she is gonna gift to seungho made her feel energetic once again .

eunyeon fumbled through the makeups , scripts , accesories on the table but just couldnt find any trace of her handphone .

"she left urgently after talking on the phone ." stylist hyung informed me .

"something must have crop up and she forget to return my handphone..i will get from her tomorrow then " eunyeon thought ..

after 40minutes .

eunyeon placed the star-light projector on the floor and went to switched off the lights of the restaurant's private room she reserved.

"wow" she exclaimed as herself was awed by the effect the star-light projector did .

the walls and ceilings are filled with stars ,heart shapes , cupids , i love you wordings etc .


she heard footsteps walking towards the room.

the door opened and a figure appeared .

"whyy.. " the man tried to say but was interrupted .

" shhhh " eunyeon said while having her hands covering the man's mouth .

"its my gift for you .. my dear seungho .. saranghae" eunyeon sweetly whispered while her other hand is wrapped around his waist .

"oh my god .. she thinks im her boyfriend? should i expose her? will she be embarassed? " those questions raced through his mind .


why do i feel someone's breath near my face? - eunyeon has already tip toe wanting to give him a kiss when he is having those thought .

"NO ! " he blurted out while pushing her aside .

eunyeon didnt have anytime to react , she fell to the floor crashing onto the star-light projector.

he fumbled for the light switch on the wall and was shock to see tears running down eunyeon's face when the light came on .

she was bleeding from the cuts made on the elbow .

" i know you are in pain , dont be scared , i will bring you to the hospital " he said wanting to calm her .

" who do you think you are ? why are you in the room i booked? & i dont need you to bring me . my bf is coming " eunyeon screamed

ten minutes passed , no one arrived . he couldnt wait any longer .

"he isnt coming " he said and lift her from the floor .

"put me down ! " she struggled in his arms .

"your friend need to get stitches for one of her wounds " the doctor said to kai seating beside eunyeon .

" doctor im just in front of you ,you can just tell me directly ..anyways im not his friend ." eunyeon said trying to put up a brave front

but it was all futile as she grabbed kai's hand tightly when the doctor start to stitch her wound .

kai went to pay for the bills at the counter .

when he came back , he found eunyeon dozing off . he ran and seat beside her , postioning her head on his shoulders .

eunyeon woke up and was surprised to see the time was already 11pm ..

" do you feel better now? " kai asked with concerned eyes .

" yea .. i do ..thanks for ur shoulders ... " eunyeon replied

" thanks too " kai smiled .

" what is it for ? " eunyeon felt strange that he thank her .

" for letting me feel romantic .. haha.. i've never had a girlfriend before .. so .. thats an experience for me .. " kai shyly said .

eunyeon dont know what to say .. her mind was occupied by seungho who didnt turn up for the date ..

" and .. i know it cant replaced ur star-light projector .. but i will get you a new one .. " he added on .

"its ok .. i wanna forget about eveything that  happened today ..and i guess we wont have the chance to meet again '' eunyeon tiredly responded .

but kai knew that her guess was wrong <3

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