Day 3

The Girl with a feline eyes

Day 3

Onew checked his phone a hundred times already, he’s getting irritated at himself being impatient.

It’s been two days since his bandmates left the apartment for a week vacation. Minho mailed him the other day saying he arrived safe in their house while Taemin called him yesterday to check if he's fine alone. Jonghyun even mailed a photo of him wearing a diver's suit enjoying the ocean under a bright sun. But Key, who happens to be his closest friend didn't even gave him a ring, a miscall or any. Is it possible that he is very busy that he don’t have time to check on him? He sighed.

A week before Key and Onew made plan to go to Jeju. It was actually the three of them with Taemin but the youngest had to change his mind after his mother called him crying telling him he misses him so much. In the end the two continued their planned trip. But Key change his mind the day before their scheduled departure.

"Sorry hyung, you know my cousins they won’t stop bugging if I don’t go with them." Key who is sitting beside Onew asking for forgiveness.

"But Key, we planned our trip already. We even made a reservation at the hotel." he protested.

"I know, but forgive me this time. You know family members, they are hard to please." Key pleaded.

Onew can’t say no when it’s Key whose pleading so he just sighed and nodded.

"But you have to make up for this time huh." Key smiled.

"Ok hyung, promise." end of conversation.

In the end, he just decided to stay in their apartment instead of going to Jeju alone. What’s the difference anyway.

He was so excited about that trip he even prepared something for the two of them. but all went to trash. Guess it wasn’t the right time yet, he told himself.

Few hours after he is again in front of the cafe. Gwiboon told him to meet her for the last time before she leave. He also thought he might be busy after their week off so he may not have time to see the girl after she return.

He wave at the girl inside sitting and smiling after she recognized him.

“So, what shall we do now?” He asked excited.

“I wanna go to the newly opened planetarium two blocks from here, wanna join?” She asked.

“So you’re into stars too?” Onew laughed.

“I like a lot of stuffs and do a lot of things.” She stuck her tongue. Onew giggled.

“Haha, ok ok. It’s been awhile since the last time I went to a planetarium. Let’s go.” Gwiboon almost gave him a big hug but hesitated, they left the cafe and walked to the planetarium.


Since its weekday and around two in the afternoon, there are not so many people when they arrive. Inside is like a theatre, it’s dark and very silent you can only hear some people whispering at each other. The seat is comfy you can fall asleep if you stayed there for long.

They roam inside and look for the best spot to seat. They leaned their head looking above the roof where you can see sets of stars.

“It’s so relaxing here, don’t you think?” Onew whispered.

“Yeah. It’s romantic too.” Gwiboon added.

They stayed there just looking above. Onew closed his eyes and remained silent.



“Have you ever been in love?” Gwiboon asked shyly.

“Why did you asked?” Onew said.

“Nothing...just...curious?” She answered.

“Um...never been into a relationship but yes I’ve been in love.” Gwiboon’s heart is raising.

“You one-sided love.” He continued.

“Is it painful? You know...not receiving her love?” She looked at Onew who is still lying eyes close.

“I don’t know, he doesn’t know that I like him.” He? She got confused she don’t know what to say.

Onew opened his eyes when she went silent for seconds. As if he got what she’s thinking. She was shocked on his confession.

“Um...yeah...” he started.

“Don’t get me wrong I like girls too. But this guy who’s keeping my heart...he is...special.” Gwiboon’s heart aches. She like Onew and she wanted to tell him how she feels, but knowing he love someone already means she can’t have a chance. It seems like he is still in love with this mysterious person. She don’t know what to say. She wants to cry but she don’t want Onew to see her in pain.

“Are you ok?” He asked.

“Um... yeah. I just thought we can be together but I guess I came late.” She joked giving him a bitter smile.

“Do you still see him? The special one?”

“Um...yeah. Like everyday.” he smiled sweetly. Gwiboon is hurt.

“Oh. To a busy person as you seems like you can still have time meet him. He’s so lucky.”

“To tell you honestly, I just don’t know why but when it’s you it feels like I can be myself and I can tell you everything that’s in my heart.” He looked at her eyes, she blushed.

“Yeah, I see him ‘cause we work together and we live together and we share the same room.” Gwiboon was shocked at Onew’s confession. So it means that he like someone in his bandmate?

“Yes, what’s you’re thinking is correct.” he answered as if he can read her mind.

“That’s all I can tell you. The rest, please let me keep it to my self.” he chuckled. She can’t believe what she’s hearing from Onew as if she already know who the person is.

“So why not confess to him?” She smiled peacefully.

“I was about to do that, but just didn’t happen. We were supposed to go to Jeju Island this week, just the two of us. I was really excited about our trip Jeju is a good place to confess you know the sun the sea the mood, I imagined everything. It’s just sad that he have to cancel our trip suddenly because of his cousins.” He explained in detail, Gwiboon listening carefully.

“You should tell him sooner, maybe he’s just waiting for you.” She said grinning.

“I know.”
“I’ll tell him when he return. Wish me luck.” he smiled.

“Oh, I’m sure he likes you.” Onew raised his brow. Gwiboon giggled.

“Of course, you’re not that hard to love.”

“Well thank you Gwiboon.”

“You’re welcome.”

They stayed there for hours talking about almost everything they can think of. Gwiboon is more interested in his love life but she hesitated to ask more detail. As if her heart aches was blown in the wind she felt more relaxed and happier than ever. She like Onew so much, but knows she’s not the one he wanted. And whoever that person he like she is so sure that he can return his love for him and Onew will be happy even if she’s not around.

Onew on the other hand felt more at ease sharing his love problem. The fact that Gwiboon is listening carefully and not judging him is so overwhelming. He know that the girl likes him and he knows it not fair to tell him lies. He love someone and he can never return her affection so he thought of telling her the truth before she can even confess. He knows he’s being a jerk but he thought it’s better that way.  It will be awkward after if she confessed and he said no.

It is already dark when they left the place. Onew walked her to the nearest bus station.

“Maybe we will not meet again so I want to tell you this now before we part ways.” Gwiboon hold his hands to shake.

“Thank you... for being a good friend. The past three days we’ve been together, it will always be in my heart. “ She smiled.

“I will miss your smile.”

“I should be the one who’s thanking you for keeping me company. I was sad I felt left alone but you came.” He hugged her gently then look her in her eyes.

“Let’s meet again on that same cafe next time.” Gwiboon remained silent. She just smiled at him then waved goodbye.

The next day, Onew woke up by the sound of clenching utensils in the kitchen. He can’t believe he’s seeing Key, cooking their breakfast.

“Good morning, hyung.” He smiled sweetly. Onew is surprised that Key returned early.

“Why are you here already? I thought you’ll return after 5 days.” He missed that smile, and those feline eyes of him.

“Yah! You’re not happy I came back for you?” He acted angry.

“Of course I like you here, It’s sad being alone.” Onew explained. Key chuckled.

“Just kidding. Well... something happened and I decided to go back soon. Also, I wanted to spend the rest of our day off with you to make up for canceling our Jeju trip.” He grinned. Onew blushed.

“Sit. I cooked your favorite dish.” He chirped while serving Onew’s favorite chicken.

Onew smiled contented looking at his secret love.

Another great day is coming ahead, he thought.


The night before

“You sure you don’t wanna confess to him? You still have few hours left before the day ends. Fairy Godmother asked looking the girl in front of her.

“I don’t think I need to do that anymore.” Gwiboon answered with a big smile on her face.

“It’s up to you. I just gave you three days chance to get Onew. After this I won’t help anymore.” Fairy Godmother warned.

“He loves me just as who I am and that’s all that matters.” She hinted her to proceed and the Fairy Godmother waved her wand. Bright light covered the room.

“There, you’re back to your real self again.” He smiled at the her.

“Thank you, for giving me a chance to know what’s in his heart.” Fairy Godmother smiled at him.

“You’re welcome. I wish you both happiness.” She gave him a hug and flew away from the room.

Key waved her goodbye and walk his way back to their apartment.



Thank you for commenting and for subscribing and for reading this short fic. I hope you enjoyed this one as much as I did.

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Chapter 3: Woah wait what?!? I sense that there where some magic going on but this? Wow. I did not see that coming. XD amazing. The plot is really cute and sweet.
nazi22 #2
Chapter 1: love it , love it , love it , it was great
ChoomOppa #3
Oh My Gosh!!! Was Not Expecting That...I Thought Gwiboon Was A Real Girl, But....Wow! Love It~<3
i thought key was just crossdressing O_O'
imeellpeiwen #5
nice!! XD and I'm sooooooo attracted to ur gif there..the way key stares right into onew's eyes..oh my~ XD OnKey is loveeee~ XD
Awesome! Great story.
OH MY GOD ONKEY!!! This is so interesting and yes suprising!! I love this idea! So... Key was Gwe... Gwe was Key? Waw. I want to be like gwe then if the ending is like this! ƗƗɑƗƗɑƗƗɑƗƗɑƗƗɑ. Good job eonni!
DAY 1 ... Where is Key? O.o but gweeboon looks so friendly ♡(>̯┌┐<)♡ and yeah Onew... You like her did you?

DAY 2 ... Oh... I think Onew like you too Gwe... (˘̶̀ ▿ ˘̶́)9! Brb DAY r ♡(>̯┌┐<)♡