Yoona felt very happy when know that the boy who want to his parents were introduced is Lee Jonghyun, his first love. FIRST LOVE? Of course Jonghyun is first love for Yoona. Although she had grade 3 high school she's never going date, she had never felt what it was LOVE. Lots of men who say love her, but somehow no one who lures her heart. In contrast to what she felt at Lee Jonghyun. She feels to Lee Jonghyun is in her heart is able to beat faster when she saw him, what more when that boy smiled, as if her heart stops beating. Jonghyun is also able made her to feel jealous. She was so jealous when she saw him near Krystal, very jealous to see him and Krystal hand in hand even embraced, even her envied when Jonghyun smiled sweetly to  Krystal.
"Jonghyun, starting tomorrow you pick up and drive Yoona to school ok, you both do a class, So you'll be getting closer" Mr. Lee said his son.

"Do not bother ahjussi, I usually escorted by Seulong oppa really" Yoona said tried to resist, but their hearts are very happy, but she still felt uncomfortable, because she and Jonghyun still awkward and shy.

"Ne, starting tomorrow I will go to school and from school along with Yoona" Jonghyun said, then he looked down and work on his food again.


After dinner finished their parents told them to talk together so that they more closely they said. Yoona took Jonghyun sitting in swing in the next her house. They both still awkward with each other.

 "Jonghyun-ah, what you already know that I will introduce to you"

"Don’t know" He answer shorten. Yoona took a deep breath, she's really confused what to say to make them more familiar, He still cold, he never tried to initiate conversation first.
"Jonghyun-ah a few days ago you're the one who saved me when I was hit, and you, too, who drove home that night, do you remember if you please girl that it was me?" She said a little hesitation, she was afraid he still will answer it cold.

"Ne, I remember, I noticed when I first introduced myself to the class"
"Oh you remember, I think you forget. By the way, what are you doing that night, did you also attend at party of school? "

"I'm not senile, sure I remember kekeke. Oh that night that I was led Krystal to the prom "
"Oh just led it, why do not you join the party?" She is actually a little jealous when he mentioned Krystal's name, but she trying to mask her jealousy that him didn’t realize it.
"Krystal is actually invited me, but I don’t want to because I feel I still have not officially a student at that school."

"Krystal know if you'll move to our school," She asked in doubt, she was not going to ask much about Krystal, but she was curious, she wanted to know how far the relationship between Jonghyun and Krystal.

"Of course she knows, the reason why I chose to move to Seoul High School is also because her" he said smiling. She heart feels pain when he says that the reason to move to Seoul High School is due to Krystal. She was no longer wish to inquire about Krystal's more, she feared that there was a special relationship between him and Krystal.
Yoona POV

I start breakfast with a sense of weakness is not excited, because last night, because Jonghyun said that if he moved to the school because of Krystal.

"Jonghyun-ah You turned out really picked Yoona. Please enter " My mom said.
My mom came in the dining room and told me to finish my food, and I immediately went to school with Jonghyun. I immediately spent my food and headed to Jonghyun.

"Ahjumma. we go first, anyeyong haseyo"

"Street caution"

"Ne umma" I kissed her cheek and soon catch up Jonghyun.


Throughout the trip we just stay quiet, nothing was said. Jonghyun is so concentrated driving. I feel, we as drivers and passengers only. Just like last night, no one talked about, even now more severe, because along the way there are no talks at all. After arrive at school, Jungshin looked surprised when he saw it I went to school with Jonghyun.

"Ehmm, I go to class first" Jonghyun said while viewing Jungshin in parking left came up to me.

"Ne, I'm going to class together with Jungshin. gomawo"
Jungshin came up, and as usual we are to class together.

"Noona, that boy  is who a few days ago hug Krystal right? Why today noona sudden went to school with him?" Jungshin Asked the inquisitive me.

"He's a classmate of mine, what's wrong he drove me?"

"There is nothing wrong noona anyway, but just curious to see noona delivered by a boy other than Seulong hyung and another man who was said me autistic"
"Hahaha Yonghwa oppa you mean?"

"Ne, Seulong hyung and Yonghwa hyung. Noona looks close to them, and certainly noona too close with me "said him while draping his arm around my shoulder.
"And too close to me" said Seohyun who suddenly come join her arm on my shoulder.
I don’t feel uncomfortable when they hugged me like that, I'm very happy, they both are friends of the understanding and consolation.

"Seohyun-ah there are new rumors about Yoona noona " teased Jungshin

"Jinja? What? "Seohyun asked eagerly.

"Yoona noona go with the new boy"

"Jinja? Eonnie you have anything to that boy? strange to see you will be escorted by boy. There are many who want to take you but you always refuse '

"Aish you are completely redundant, don’t gossip weird, he's my mom’s son friends, arraseo? So don’i over-" I get in my class and ignore them both standing in front of my class, I don’t want them to realize, that my face was flushed.

The first break I've seen my two best friend standing in front of my classroom door. Yeah I've understood, it seems they still wonder why this morning I set out with Jonghyun. I walked towards them and walked with them to the canteen, as usual. Seohyun and Jungshin still looking at me who busy pursue my food.

"Ya! Don’t look at me like that, you make me uncomfortable "

Jungshin and Seohyun still looks at me sharply, they are still awaiting an explanation from me.
"My mom last night introduced me to his son friend’s, and it turns out the boy is Jonghyun"

"So noona paired with Jonghyun hyung?"

"Not really. Our parents told us to better know each other, if we are not mutually like ech other then our parents didn’t force us to match. "

"Oh that's it. But eonnie really love it not him? "Seohyun question made me choke a little and make my face a little flushed.

"Noona what's wrong with you? Ah I know, actually noona love Jonghyun hyung too right? Jungshin said teasing. Finally I was told the true feelings to my best friend, including a sense of jealousy towards Krystal.

"Eonnie, why don’t you just ask to him who Krystal and what Krystal relationship with him"
"I agree with Seohyun, noona should just ask him, might as well ask his feelings towards noona. What he likes noona, what he wanted a more serious relationship with a noona? ".
"Ya! I was girl. Why I have to ask that, or he'll think I'm aggressive " I said irritably.
"Ckckckc noona, the name was not aggressive, that's asking EXPLANATION, so let's all clear. If that boy likes noona, you can be dating, but if he does not like noona, then you can be just friends and be able to stop expecting your love ".

"It seemed like I was younger in front of you, I am older than you, but you seem more mature than me."

"LOL eonnie no nonsense. Do not see the maturity of his age, but see through the way of thinking. So eonnie must reading books, books like psikolagi, so eonnie can change the way think the narrow be open "

"Another book and book again, you made no appetite Seohyun-ah" I said weakly.
School bell rang, and I will go home with Jonghyun.

My handphone shaking and there was a call from Seohyun
"Yeoboseyo, what Seohyun-ah?"
"Eonnie don’t forget that we were talking in the cafeteria, you have to ask him"
"Noona do prestige, are for the common good. Your parents must also wait for the assurance of

your relationship " Jungshin also chimed in saying Seohyun.

"Ne, I'll try" I said weak

"FIGHTING" they shouted together in phone
Tut tut tut tut tut tut

I smile as close my handphone and put it in the bag, they had an interest in me.
"Come on, we go home" Jonghyun invite

Before proceeding with his feet, Jonghyun turned to me

"Ehmmmm, we went home with Krystal today. Gwenchanayo?” Jonghyun asked me
"Gwenchana. Whatever you say " I forced a smile.

My body immediately felt weak, I could not believe Jonghyun took me a car with Krystal. My plan to ask Jonghyun about who Krystal, how he felt to me, was destroyed.

"Hello" said Krystal nicely when we arrived at the parking.
I and Jonghyun responded with a smile.

In the car I was sitting next to Jonghyun, while Krystal sat alone in the back. But I feel I'm just like a mosquito between them both, Krystal and Jonghyun were chatting, which I don’t understand what they are talking about. Jonghyun laughs, as well as Krystal, and I just keep quiet, I seems like a fool. This morning when he went with me , he just silent as a statue, quite different from when he was with Krystal. We arrived in front of Krystal’s house, she out of the Jonghyun’s car, Jonghyun drove straight home, and when no Krystal, he back like a statue, he didn’t talk to me, him focus with driving. I feel like crying, it looks like him not expect.
Next day, I went to school again and as usual picked up by Jonghyun and he just stay quiet on the way. I better delivered by them, would not be quiet atmosphere and gauche like this if I was with them. I got to school and from the parking lot to class together with Jungshin.
"Noona, how did you ask Jonghyun hyung". I can only sigh.

"Not so. Krystal took her home yesterday, so I could not ask him "I said weakly.

"Calm noona, still no later" he said with a smile.

"Jungshin-ah, do you still like me?" I asked. Jungshin who were just smiled sweetly.
"Of course noona, I still like noona, noona always liked. Waeyo? "

"What you're not angry or hurt when I explained to you yesterday that my parents wanted me to have a special relationship with Jonghyun. And what you're not jealous, when you know that I love Jonghyun? "

Jungshin paused, then looked at me with a sharp but gentle.
"I'm not angry, I was not right to be angry. But I'd be lying if I said I was not jealous. However I still really like noona, of course sad to hear that noona love another boy "
"Mianhaeyo Jungshin-ah, I did not mean to make you jealous"
"Sorry for what? I was sad but not too well. I'm pleased with our friendly relations, because it makes us so close " I hugged him.

"Jungshin-ah, I love you as a my brother as my best friend and, stay like this"
I let go of his arms and smiled sweetly at him.

"I'm happy to see you with a boy who you love, provided it makes you happy, this may seem melancholy, but that's what I feel. I don’t want to force noona to be my lover, for what I have your body, but your heart is not for me, that would be a lie. "

Oh God I don’t believe in turning its childish at times, turned out to have the attitude that adults, he's really fascinated me, and the last words ‘ for what I have your body, but your heart is not for me, that would be a lie ' kept ringing in my brain. Correct what he said, have bodies of people we love but do not have the heart that would be a lie, does not mean anything.
I came home from school together with Jungshin and Seohyun but not together with Jonghyun. I do and they want to go to stores with books, I want to find a manga, while Jungshin want to find a comic, and Seohyun, no question about it, she was looking for textbooks.
Home from the library I did not expect to see Yonghwa oppa on the road, so we drove by him. and Seohyun Jungshin sit in the back, they joked during the trip, they are much less familiar they are a class . I can see the expression of the Yonghwa’s eyes jealous, I only see him smile. I realize that seems Yonghwa like Seohyun.

Tonight I asked Jonghyun out, we meet in the park, I want to ask something that has been eager to ask me. I'm trying to strengthen my heart to say it. Jungshin speech was kept ringing in my head and made me even more sure to ask this.

"Jonghyun-ah I know you don’t like me I know you drive me and pick me up because the commands of our parents, I know you're not really expect to establish a relationship with me"

"What do you mean? I don’t understand? "

"I, I I I really love you Jonghyun" My eyes started to red, I wanted to cry when I had to say my feelings are real.

"What?" he said, his eyes widen.

"I love you so much since we first met, I was very pleased our parents want us to know better. But I felt devastated when I know you're close to Krystal " My tears began to flow is not unstoppable.
"You're always laughing and smiling sweetly while with Krystal, but when you're so cool with me. I know you're not comfortable with me. I love you Jonghyun, but it's useless I have your physical body but your heart for Krystal. "

"Tomorrow, I will explain in my mom, enough if we just be friends, we may not be in a relationship more like they want" I said again, a relief to say it all, although quite hard to say. I immediately woke up from my seat intend to leave this place. But suddenly Jonghyun's hand held me back

"Do not say anything to our parents first. Tomorrow came to Café next our school at 10 am. Krystal and I'll see you there, there we want to talk with you, only then we explain together at our parents. Mianhaeyo if my behavior during this make you uncomfortable, I do not mean to hurt you ". He explained at length, Jonghyun immediately let go of my hand, then he leaves the park. I went limp toward my house, I guess I can not face tomorrow. What he and Krystal wanted to say to me.


Sorry for late update my dutty is too much and make me crazy. I hope you will like my FF. keep comment and subscribe. THANK YOU

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Chapter 3: Why jonghyun always appear around yoona? Like in street, cafeteria or library. So curious!!! Please update soon authornim >_<
Chapter 2: please updated this fanfic...i want to know what will happen next:)
super curious about jonghyunnie and krystal TT TT
please add minho, so he will end up together with krystal :D
BoiceKings #4
Poor Jungshin._. please let him end up with Krystal lol
Oh I'm curious yeah~ I'm totally curious on what Jonghyun and Krystal have to say, update when you can~ <3 T___T hopefully Jonghyun won't be cold towards Yoona anymore. DeerBurning FTW \o/
@CNBLue-Lee-Jungshin: You will know in end chapter kekekeke
@sibawangmerah: I deliberately did not make Jonghyun pov, because I want to hide what is really Jonghyun thinking about Yoona.
@panda-randomness: same with me. we are JongYoon shipper.
wah~..it's good, actually I'm just starting to become a JonghyunxYoona shipper. >< keep coming for the update, hwaiting~
honestly, i want more of JH's POV..what he's thinking of yoona..and who is this krystal??keke..
BoiceKings #9
Btw I wanna know,will Jungshin end up with anyone?since Yoona will be with Jonghyun
Thank you @CNBlue-Lee-Jungshin ,you always comment in this ff :-) .. Are JongHyun and Krystal sibling? Kekeke its secret, you will now soon :-)