


Ever since their first meeting, she can’t help but be attracted to this mysterious guy. When they've locked eyes, she felt this connection that only both of them share. She tried looking for him again but she can’t find him anywhere. When she got into her new school, she saw him there, dancing. True enough, his dancing skills were superb and she’s in awe. Her feelings are starting to deepen, what she’s up to next? 


Recently, I've been so addicted to EXO. At first, I dislike them. I remember myself tweeting "What's so special about EXO?". But then, all my views were changed when I watched the music video of History. I was so amazed. Well, the dance was quite complex and they were able to do it well. Uhhh, well, as of now, my biases are KAI and Baekhyun. KAI is just swoon-worthy. He's good. I can't explain how I feel about him. It's way too deep. ♥ This fanfic is focused on KAI but there were scenes where the other members of EXO-K were mentioned. Uhm, enjoy now. Feel free to post comments!  


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OhMyHanni #1
Hey miss Author, can you please update this fic? :)