


T.O.P pov

They pushed her up against the wall and held her so she wouldn’t move now she should be crying or at least trying to get away but we all knew she wouldn’t ..All she did was stand there smiling like nothing was happening but that just made the more angry ..this had been happening since she transferred here two months ago ...she was new and the new kids always got teased but this was worse i tried helping her once ...i followed her as she started walking away she when into one of the abandoned class rooms

You could stop them you know?

How? She was on the floor leaning against the wall ...she didn’t look up

Fight them back, tell the teacher, move school

1-how would that help 2-they know and don’t do anything and 3- no thanks just go here

But they are hurting you

It’s none of your business

I know but-

If you care so much do some thing

.............. I dint know what to say

Yea didn’t think so ...goodbye

Wait your bleeding

She scoffed just leave me alone i don’t need your pity okay

she walked out and never said anything to me after that ...why would she

 when they were done she got up like normal and our eyes locked then she gave me a smile a smile that could fool anyone into thinking she was fine but this time there was something different ,her eyes, was i the only one that saw the sadness and pain in them hurt my heart so much that i couldn’t breath i steep back and close my eyes my heart begins to race i stand there and wait for this feeling to go away when i open my eyes everyone was gone the show was over and they all went home wants to know what was really stupid I didn’t even know her name

~~~~~~ pov

Today was going to be just like every other day i walk into school with a smile on my face i wish i could get trough one class without being to injured to actually listen hahaha if only ...they were at my locker already would think that after two month i should know that they would at a locker and not go there but i needed my books and it had become a daily routine ...walk to school ...go to my locker ...get beaten up ....class ...lunch...more class....get teased ...go home . and all day i would smile what was the point in crying and getting angry if you just get hit more ...thanks to my dad i know what that’s like...compared to what I’ve been through this was nothing 

T.O.P pov

I saw her walking to her locker and a feeling of protection washed over me before i knew what i was doing i stepped in front of her and looked at jiyeun

Oppa? What are you doing

Aish this girls voice was so annoying

Umm i need help for a second okay?  I say as i drag her away..She better thank me for this

Sooo oopppa what did you need help with?

Omo is she trying to be cute i try not o roll my eyes and in the most innocent voice i had i said i forgot just in time for the bell to go yes!! Whoo now i just have to keep them away from each other for the rest of the day 

~~~~ pov

Did TOP just help me or did he really need her help ..i don’t know why but it really bothered me ...why am you standing here hurry up and get to class or she might come back i say to myself before running to class i actually got my wish one class without getting beat up lunch time !! ..the only reason i didn’t get beat up at lunch was because they couldn’t find me ..i would always go to the abandoned classroom at the back of the school ..i sit at the back and listen to music...the only other person that has been here since i started at this school was T.O.P ..he was trying to help me ha... before that i didn’t care who was there when i got beat-up but after i would always look to see if he was there ..and he was not laughing like the others but just watching and for some reason it hurt me more than anything else ...i open my eyes when i hear foot steeps i put on my smile

..can i sit?

You can do whatever you want i say still smiling as he sat down next to me


Stop what?

Smiling ...its not real your hurting inside so you don’t have pretend around me

So you were actually helping me this morning?


Th-thank you

I suddenly felt tears running down my face crying..wait what i never cry ..what’s wrong with me

I look up and see that he is still looking at me

Its okay to cry

I just shake my head

What’s your name

..My name?...

No one out of my class asked what my name was no one even said my name they probably forgot...

~~~~~ i say as more tears fall

I feel his hands go around my shoulder and pull me closer to him

~~~~ it’s okay i won’t let her hurt you anymore...

He repeated that over and over again as i start to calm down ...she stands up holds his hand out to me

My name is seunghyun nice to meet you

Im ~~~~~ nice to meet you too

And for the first time in so long i actually smile real smile 

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