A Can Of Sweet Corn

A Can Of Sweet Corn


I stepped in the dorm, just finished my schedule. I heard some noise from the kitchen and found Eunhyuk there.

“Oh? Kyuhyun, you’re back?” he said when he realized my presence.

“Hm,” I dragged myself to the couch in the living room. “What are you doing?” I asked.

“Looking for something to eat. I’m hungry.”

“Made one for me too, Hyung.”

“... Uh, only a can of sweet corn here. Better than nothing.”

Then I heard he was busy with some kitchen utensils. I flipped on the TV channels which I assumed he watched before.

“Aren’t you going to help?” he asked, peeped from the kitchen.

“I’m dead tired, Hyung,” I sighed, “Besides, you know I’m not compatible with kitchen.”

I heard him hissed, but I’m not sure if it was because of me or because of something that he still doing in the kitchen. I was so sleepy so I moved to my room to sleep awhile.


I woke up without knowing how long I’ve been sleep. But I guessed I only slept awhile because I still felt tired. I got up and went to the kitchen thingking maybe Eunhyuk finished preparing anything to eat. But he wasn’t there. The kitchen was empty.

“Uh? Where is he?”

I walked closer and found a half open can of sweet corn. A knife placed beside it and as I looked closer it had a blod stain on it. I also spotted two or three red drops on the table. I wiped it with my index finger and smelled it. Blood?

“Is he die?” I asked to myself and looked around the kitchen, tried to find more evidence.

I walked to his room but he wasn’t there too. I took my cellphone and called him. But his cellphone was being left on his drawer. I laid on his bed, waiting for him to come, but yeah, I fell asleep again.


“Yah, wake up! Yah, Kyuhyun!” I heard his voice woke me up.

“Uh?” I opened my eyes, saw him beside the bed. “You’re here.”

“Of course, it’s my room.”

I got up, “I was looking for you. Where were you going?” and moved from his bed.

“Hospital. I injured myself when opening the can,” he slowly got in his bed.

“So...uh...are you okay, now?”

He showed his right pinky finger with a huge bandage wrapped on it. “Do I look okay? I injured myself and I had to drive to the hospital by myself because I didn’t want to wake you up! I got five stiches and...and...an injection...on my ! Injection! The thing I hate the most! And you were not there to calm me,” he wrapped himself in the blanket.

I smiled.

“It hurts,” he said with teary eyes and pouty lips.

I slipped in the blanket, laid beside him. He faced the wall, back-facing me. “Tell me where it hurts,” I took his rigt hand and blew his pinky finger.

“My hurts more... The injection...”

I patted his lightly, helped him to forget the pain. We laid in silence for some moment.

“I’m sorry, I should’ve help you open the can,” I said softly, didn’t want to break the comfort silence between us.

Then I heard him snored. I chuckled a bit. At least he didn’t feel the pain because he was sleeping. I his soft hair and fell asleep beside him.


“What are you doing?” he asked when he finished bath and saw me in the kitchen.

“Cooking ramyeon,” I answered while filling a pan with water, “For you.”

“Uh? Are you sure?”

“Of course. Take it as my apology about your injury,” I the stove.

“Oh, okay, it’s not your fault though” then he stepped to his room.

I waited the water to boil while played with my cellphone.

“I think it’s time to put in the ramyeon. The water is boiling already, right?” he said from his room.

Oh? How did he know it? I put ramyeon into the pan and then waiting for it to cooked.

“Don’t overcooked it, Kyuhyun,” he said, walked out from his room while putting some stuff into his bag.

“Don’t worry, Hyung, it’s a perfect ramyeon,” I turned off the stove.

“But...,” he looked at his watch, “I’m in hurry. I’m late for my schedule,” and left the living room.

“No! You have to eat it first!” I followed him with pan an chopsticks in my hand.

He sat on the floor, picked a pair of shoes and wore it.

I shoved a chopsticks full ramyeon to him, “I cooked it for you.”

“It’s hot, Kyuhyun,” he rejected, still trying to put on his shoes.

I blew the ramyeon and shoved it back to him, “It’s not.”

He opened his mouth and I shoved it. But suddenly he choked because I shoved the chopsticks too deep into his mouth. I quickly put the pan down and got him a glass of water.

“Are you trying to kill me?” he asked after drank the water.

I stepped back as he stood up. “I didn’t mean to.”

“I’m okay now, Kyuhyun. Look, it’s fine,” he lifted his right hand, a huge bandage still wrapped on his pinky finger.

I gave a quick peck on his pinky finger, “Get well soon, Hyung. Come back early and I’ll treat you anything you want to eat.”

“I will,” he smiled, “Thank you for the breakfast. I like it,” and walked outside.




What do you think about it? It's not that sweet and fluffy maybe, but I hope you like it ^^

Comment please~ Thank you so much...


to kyuhyuk : you got it right. well, it is about eunhyuk's wound, hehe... enjoy~

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Chapter 1: Read it again after a long time.. :D
Chapter 1: remembered hyuk telling why he injured his finger in one of the eps of strong heart xDD
Ahhh kinda miss strong heart with eunteukdong. T^T
Soo fluffy!!!
ffloverespukiss #4
What hungriness brought KyuHyuk. Sweet!
carolina #5
ouch, eunhyuk it really really hurts by the injection.
Lolz! An injection in the ~ luckily, I escaped from that experience on being the receiving end~ XD I only injected someone's ~ Kekeke~
thank you for reading and commenting ^^
okey your KyuHyuk story make me feel so crazy >.<
you should make a new KyuHyuk storyy!!
btw thanks for writing ^^
EriiAR #9
Hyuk should have never let Kyuhyuk cook! xD
but it's sweet how he was so worried over Hyuk and Hyuk was so caring not to wake Kyu up! xD
thanks for writing! (: