

June 5, 2005
Missing: Kim SooHee
Height: 155 cm
Hair Color: Brown
Last seen wearing: White tanktop with a black skirt and
a red varsity jacket.
Last seen: Han River

If seen or found please contact this number: xxx-xxx-xxxx


"Sunggyu-oppa, let's go to the Han River!" Soohee dragged Sunggyu by the arm onto the bus.

"Y-Yah! Ok!" he wiggled out of her tight grip, plopping in the seat next to her.

"I heard that they decorated boats today and I really want to see some." she bounced in her seat.

"Such a choding, you're almost 18 and you get excited by boats? I wonder..."

"You'll see. There is going to be a bunch of beautiful boats. Remember when umma took us that one time? Remember the dragon boat we liked?" she laid her head on his shoulder.

"I don't see how you're my sister. Your hair color is extremely brown while mine is... eh." he ruffled her hair that ran his hand through his hair. "We look nothing alike at all."

"Correct. Well we do kinda have two different fathers." she whispered the father part. Sunggyu's dad left their mother when they were financially bankrupt.

"We do have the same mother and that's what I'm proud of."


The amazed crowd waved at the brightly lit boats as they entered a dark bridge. The light started to dim as each one of the boats disappeared into the darkness. Sunggyu got up and helped his sister up.

"Oppa, I'm hungry... can we get street food?" she whined.

"Hmm, I don't know, can we?"

"Your such a bully." she took her tongue out at him and started walking by herself.

"Yah, Soohee, don't walk off alone like that!" he ran behind his sister. As they were walking together side by side, she ran and sat under her favorite tree.

"Wah, I'm going to miss this place after I leave for studies in America." she looked up at the stars, admiring their beauty in the sky.

"Who said you'll make it to American schools?" Sunggyu snickered.

"You're such a bully." They sat under the tree for a while when Soohee got up and walked under a bridge.

"Look Sunggyu, a turtle!" she knelt down and observed a turtle.

"Yah, come back over here, it's getting dark and I don't want to miss the bus and walk all the way back home." he closed his eyes for a while, but when he didn't sense her presence next to him, he opened his eyes and saw her under the bridge still.

"Yah, Soohee, get back here now please?" he looked up at the stars, but when she didn't come, he looked back at the bridge. She was gone.

"Soohee, don't play any jokes on me, where are you?" he walked over to the bridge, hearing muffled words coming from above. Soohee was being carried by un unknown man. She struggled and struggled, but couldn't get free. Sunggyu ran behind the man and tried grab him, only grabbing some of his hair.

"SOOHEE!" he collapsed on the floor after the man took her into his car and sped away.


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