The First Week~ *Beginning to Fall*

When will you look at me?

3rd Person POV:

And so, they had all gotten back into the pattern of regular highschool life in the first week. Wake up, change, eat, class, homework, sleep. They had all gotten to know more about Changjo through small talk exchanged during lunch and they found out that he was staying by himself in an apartment near the school. His parents lived far away let him live on his own since he had gotten accepted at the prestigious KNSH (Korean National HighSchool). Within Teen Top, CAP and Ljoe lived together by themselves as well. Their apartment had become a gathering place that the gang hung out at after school. 

"Hey are you guys pumped for try-outs??" asked Niel excitedly. "We've all got little to worry about. I mean, so little guys bother trying out and we know we'll get spots either way" said a bored Chunji. "Yeah, plus, CAP's a shoo- in for team captain (again)" caoughed L.Joe. "You nervous, Changjo?" asked Ricky. "Not really. I'm confident." said Changjo.

Changjo was a man of little words. He was succinct and direct, which was good in most cases, but made for some difficult and awkward conversations. 

Everyday after school, the boys would play a little soccer and the girls would watch. Afterwards, they'd grab a bite to eat then go to L.Joe and CAP's place to do homework and hangout. Changjo was something of a genius. He was taking advanced math courses, higher than what CAP and Chunji were taking. He was also taking harder science courses and an additional computer coding class. When Rina heard, she was amazed.

"Waaa~ you must be totally smart! You have to help and tutor me in math sometime, ok?" "Um, sure. Maybe" replied Changjo.

Now, Rina was an average student. She got mostly B's and some A's. 

Rina's POV:

Wow. Changjo is not only handsome, but athletic and smart too?! He has so many talents! he can sing, dance, play soccer.... What do I have? I'm just an average, boring person... I don't have any special talents. I can't even cook, play an instrument, play sports, draw, or make jokes. :( Do I have a chance with a guy like him?


Author's Note:

WOW I apologize for the pretty sparse chapter, but I'm still in the process of working out the details and scenes from my mind. I imagine things as a movie and writing them down is harder than I thought OTL. But thanks for reading and please comment and subscribe!

Also, my dearly beloved cousin is int he process of writing a fic as well, so for any EXO lovers out there please check out:


Thanks to all you lovely readers! I hope you all have a happy New Year! 2013 WOOT WOOT~~

As always, have a Changjo for your thoughts:


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lamppost358 #1
Please update author-nim!
can't wait!
i like the sound of this