These Things Will Change, Can You Feel That Now?

After School's New Member

Aesook was still cautious after Youngmin told her how he’s going to change things. She allowed him to call her, but only when necessary, like updates on how his plan is carrying out. So he bombarded her with text messages instead, from the moment she opens her eyes to the second before she falls asleep. She let him do this, and as precaution, she changed his name to ‘Mom’. Besides, his messages were sweet.

“Choose your messages carefully,” she said one time when he dared call her. “I changed your name to my mom’s so no one will be suspicious.”

“It’s ok,” said Youngmin. “I bet I care about you as much as your mom does.”

Aesook rolled her eyes but she had to smile. This guy invented cheesy lines.


Once, Aesook and Gaeun were again asked to collaborate with Boyfriend for a project. Aesook was going to refuse, but Youngmin texted her saying that he “convinced” their CEO to do this as an act of opening up to Pledis. This act had required the CEO of Starship himself to go to the CEO of Pledis to talk about the project.

~.~.~.~.~.~.~ (A/N: these two are texting)

Aesook: Psh. We all know you blackmailed him. >.<

Youngmin: Whatever. It worked, didn’t it? xD

Aesook: What is the project about?

Youngmin: It’s a duet, so UNFORTUNATELY you won’t be working with me.

Aesook: YES!

Youngmin: :((

Aesook: Hahahah! So we’re gonna sing with Jeongmin and Hyunseong?

Youngmin: *pouts* Yes. You’re mean.

Aesook: So are you. ;P I have to go. I’ll tell Gaeun about this. Bye~ Hihihihi.


“You agreed?!” said Gaeun, disbelieving what she just heard. “I thought you refused to every collab with Starship artists?”

“It’s not just me, you’re going too,” said Aesook. “Besides, Lee Jeongmin and Shim Hyunseong are awesome singers. It would be amazing opportunity.”

“Whatever,” sniffed Gaeun. “I’m only doing this because of the chance to see Youngmin.” She smirked and walked out of the bedroom. Aesook almost burst out laughing.

“She defines ‘desperate’ so well,” she muttered amusedly as she fixed some pillows on her bed.


The recording was a few days after, so when the D-Day came, AS’ manager drove Aesook and Gaeun to Starship. She warned them to take care of themselves and watch out. They were met by Boyfriend’s manager who took them to the studio.

Jeongmin and Hyunseong were already in the inner room listening to the song. The other Boyfriend members were allowed to watch. When Gaeun saw Youngmin, she put on a coy smile and waved at him. When Kwangmin saw Gaeun, he smiled widely and waved at her hysterically. Gaeun regarded him coldly. Aesook turned and rolled her eyes, hiding a smile. Youngmin had caught her eye and smiled sweetly.

They went inside the inner room and greeted the main vocals of Boyfriend.

“Hello,” said Jeongmin with a hearty smile. “We’ve heard a lot about you girls.”

“So have we, sunbaenim,” replied Aesook.

“Well, let’s get started,” said Gaeun. She was to sing with Hyunseong and Aesook went beside Jeongmin.  She must have looked intimidated because Jeongmin gave her a wide smile again.

“Don’t worry, I won’t bite,” he said. Aesook blinked.

“Oh, I was just.... thinking, yeah, just thinking,” said Aesook, her face heating up a bit. Jeongmin nodded in acknowledgement.

The first few riffs of a guitar cut through the silence within the headphones. Aesook’s eyes widened. She recognized this song.

“Why are we singing Love You, Like You?” she whispered frantically.

Jeongmin looked at her with a curious expression. “Why?”

Aesook bit her lip. “Nothing. It’s just.... I like this song so much.”

And I wanted to sing it with someone who can relate to the lyrics with me. Such as, I dunno, Youngmin!

~.~.~.~.~.~.~ (A/N: blue for the boys, pink for the girls, green for both)

I love you, I love you
the words that I can’t bear anymore
my trembling heart
the words that I kept hiding in my heart

Just like the sunshines that glaringly shines on me when the morning comes
You, who’s always shines like sunshine
Yeah, that’s what you are for me

I like you, I like you
You, who’s always comfortly be by my side,
You, who’s always protecting me
Just like a big great tree

Sometimes I don’t even know why
My heart feels like enjoying this
I can’t stop smiling in front of you
Just smiling like a fool

Just like the sunshines that glaringly shines on me when the morning comes
You, who’s always shines like sunshine
Yeah, that’s what you are for me

Our relationship may be still awkward
Me, who’ll always carefully approaching you
Today too, carefully

We, who’s been together for such a long time
Even after such a long time
Let’s always get along with each other, comfortably

You’ll always by my side

I’m always by your side

Let’s be together forever


After recording, Boyfriend invited After School to have lunch. The girls gladly consented, but Gaeun tried to catch Youngmin’s attention the whole time that Aesook wanted to go home so bad. But Youngmin was considerate enough to ignore Gaeun and give Aesook ‘What is this hell?’ looks, which cheered Aesook up a bit.

The boys and the girls chatted up well. Donghyun, Minwoo, Jeongmin, and Hyunseong made up one side of the long table, and Aesook, Youngmin, Gaeun, and Kwangmin are on the other. Suddenly Gaeun’s phone rang. After shooting Youngmin a flirtatious look and saying she’ll be back soon, she went outside to answer.

“Umma, what is it now?” she demanded.

“Don’t take that tone on me!” hissed her mother. “You know that our revenge didn’t go well.”

Gaeun rolled her eyes. “Appa made himself clear that he didn’t want us! Besides, that devil’s spawn was smart enough and managed to reunite her so-called family.”

“, no, Sherlock,” cursed the mother sarcastically. “That’s why our revenge failed! And I have a new idea.”

“Umma!” Gaeun screeched. “Would you just stop it? Here comes the part of my sob life story where I say ‘All my life I’ve been told that Kim Aesook was a devil’s daughter, and her father was an evil bastard who did nothing right. That my life’s purpose was to take revenge on them.’ , it’s so cliché that I’m gonna wash my mouth a hundred times when I get home.” Gaeun made a gagging action.

“What are you trying to say, girl?” demanded her mother.

“Ever since I’ve met the Aesook girl I’ve pretended to freaking hate her guts and risked my image in the process! Kahi unnie has been on my tail since then! But Aesook is the sort of girl you can’t help but like, even if she was very sarcastic. She’s strong and won’t back down easily. Nothing can get the girl down. Aesook is the bestfriend I’ve always wanted to have. She reminds me of Nabi,” finished Gaeun with a slight sniffle.

“Don’t go soft now,” said her mother. “Aesook has brainwashed you! And don’t cry over the dead. They’re gone, for crying out loud, and you just have to accept it!”

That’s it. Something in Gaeun snapped and fury poured out of her.

“NO! NO MORE! GO ON WITH YOUR PATHETIC PLAN YOURSELF. I’M OUT OF HERE,” yelled Gaeun. Without waiting for a reply, she ended the call and turned her phone off.

Then she heard a loud screech of tires, a honk of a heavy truck, she was yanked off her feet and the world turn sideways.


Kwangmin was starting to worry. Gaeun had gone for almost 20 minutes. He glanced often at the restaurant doors, but there was no sign of Gaeun returning. Finally, he got up.

“Kwangmin, where are you going?” asked Hyunseong.

“Just outside,” said Kwangmin. “Gaeun’s not back yet.”

As he left, Hyunseong snickered. “He really likes her.”

Aesook blinked. “Wow.”

“Yeah, he talks about her all the time,” said Jeongmin with a smirk. “Deafening, really.”

“I don’t see what he likes in her, though,” said Minwoo with a pout. “Noona is really mean to me.”

“Aww,” cooed Aesook with a sympathetic smile. Youngmin caught her eye and smiled.

Suddenly they heard a commotion outside. They heard Kwangmin yell, and they all rushed outside.


Kwangmin went out and saw Gaeun yelling at someone on the phone in the middle of the highway. He looked down the street and saw a truck coming fast, and Gaeun wasn’t hearing any of it. He started running.


Time seemed to slow down. Kwangmin reached for Gaeun and dove away from the street. They both landed on the sidewalk with Kwangmin’s arms protectively around her. And he used his body as cushion so Gaeun won’t hurt herself. How heroic.

Kwangmin panted and sighed in relief. He looked at Gaeun. Her eyes were shut, but then when they opened they saw into his dark-brown ones. They stayed like that for a few moments until Gaeun realized this. She scrambled off him and dusted herself. She avoided his eyes.

Kwangmin got up as well. Silence followed until he decided to break it.

“You know, this would be the time when you would say ‘You saved my life! Thank you!’” he said.

“Yes, well,” said Gaeun, clearing . “Thanks. I should’ve watched where I was going.”

Kwangmin looked at her expectantly. Gaeun shrank back. He looked like he was waiting for her to do a flip or something.

“What?” she said.

“Is that it?” said Kwangmin with a prodding look.

“What do you want me to do? Jump into your arms and cry and tell you you’re my savior?” she said sarcastically. She raised her hand in a “ please” manner. “Please, go easy on the fantasy novels.”

Kwangmin smirked. He leaned close to her and smirked mischieviously.

“What is it that you want?” said Gaeun and stomped her foot.

“For saving you, I guess you owe me now,” he said and bobbed his eyebrows up and down. “I’ll call you tonight.”

Kwangmin his heel and walked away with his hands in his pockets. Then he looked back.

“Your eyes look pretty when they’re up close, by the way,” he added.

Gaeun blushed, and then she composed herself. “I knew that!” she called after him.

But she felt a change inside her and butterflies appeared in her stomach. What the heck? Jo Kwangmin, what are you doing to me?

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finally, chap 14 is here


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all i wanna say is.hwaiting!kekeke i mean to ur friend.please pass it to her.lets hope she'll be AS member someday.go for it,and oh.this is a nice and fresh ff,though i just found it lately.kekekekeke
Why so short? Only 16 chaps?
OMG LOL at the flashback =)) who's who, now?
Lol what the...
More youngmin-aesook moments please! :)
I will dream abt youngmin because im reading this before i go to bed. *to tired to type XD*
She's... Hshjsjhdhjhjd
poor aesook, be strong!
Hihi youngmin :">
awwww best friend with nana unnie