
Belly Dancing Doesn't Make Me a .


"What's downstairs?" I asked Bokyung once Jonghyun had left.
"Are you sure you want know? You don't even have to go down there if you don't wnat to." She said trying to persuade me out of going. 
"Is it that bad or something?" I asked. 
"Well to people who haven't been here or are like you," She said pausing. I was giving her a look, "Not in a bad way like you but like the.... You're just so innocent!" She said to me.
"You're only five years older than me, it shouldn't be that bad." I said to her.
"Well because I've had five more years in this world than you, I'm not all that innocent." She said to me. I knew a little too well what she was talking about in that sentence.
"Well it's not your fault that happened so just forgive and forget; or just forget. Just tell me what's down there so that when I do end up going down there I don't have a heart attack or whatever you're worried about." I said smiling lightly at her. She took a deep breathe and decided to explain to me.
"Do you know what is?" She asked me carefully.
"What?" I asked confused, slightly laughing for not knowing.
"... It's like... Okay, just hear me out while I explain, okay? Don't interrupt, got it?" She asked. I nodded. "Okay... It's like... Chains, whips, , leather, spanking, slapping, burning... Pain. Pain for pleasure. People get pleasured out of either giving or recieving pain. There's clear rules with it to, but you have to know which one you are. A slave, a master, or a switch. The slave gets hurt, the master hurts the slave, and a switch is fine with both. That's just like... A baby summary of it though. You'd have to see it to understand."
I was shocked. "And what are you? What is everyone else? Why do you like it?! That's just messed up!!" I said scared. This is something she and no one ever told me. I didn't know it was that big of a secret but I was starting to figure it out.
"I'm a slave. I don't know why I like it, I just do. Cl, Ailee, and Eunjung are switches. None of us are full masters unless you want to be of course." She said to me. I gave another look. "You don't have to be one if you don't want to either but I think you should check it out and see if you like it before you judge it." Her eyes were almost pleading now.
"This is just too much. Give me some time and I'll make up my mind on what I want to do. You can go enjoy yourself down there since I know you've been wanting to do that. If I'm not there in 30 minutes, I probably took a cab home, okay?" I said walking to the bathroom.
She smiled and told me that she'd be waiting before I couldn't hear her anymore. I saw her walk downstairs as I pushed open the bathroom doors.
a/n: hello all! It's now 2:30 PM and here is yet another chapter! Just in case this wasn't clear somehow yet, TAEMIN IS A GIRL. I did explain that earlier so hopefully you understand and didn't need that. ^^ Thank you for subscribers already and some comments!! I would love more of them ^^ <3
"What. The. . SHE DIDN'T TRUST ME TO TELL ME THIS?!?! Great. What a wonderful friendship." I said outloud to myself. It seemed like no one was in there so I decided to hop onto the counter and cry a little. 
Someone came in the bathroom and handed me a tissue. "Pretty girls shouldn't cry, so stop." She said smiling. "My name is Ga-In, what's yours?" She asked me.
"Taemin..." I said wiping at my face. She took another tissue and fixed my eyes which had most likely smeared. 
"What's wrong? You can talk to me about it if you want, but you can also keep it to yourself if you'd like." She said throwing away the tissue.
I explain to her about what happened and she just listened and didn't interrupt me at all, letting me speak my mind freely. Once I was done, she decided to speak.
"You're young. She was probably embarrassed and didn't want to tell you. All your friends could have been. They might've wanted to protect you as well. I will put my own two cents in on this but it's not as horrid as you think. When I first went down there with my friends, I was scared like you are now. I didn't know why they liked it and I thought they were insane. But they pleaded for me to just try it and when I did, I actually came to like it. It also helped my friends and I bond more. It's another thing that we could share." She said smiling, eyes glazing and recalling memories. 
"Will you go down there with me?" I asked not making eye contact. She smiled brightly and pulled me down from the counter like Bokyung would always do. 
"I'll protect you." She said. "Just follow me and hold my hand." She was acting like a mom should. I really admired that from her. We made our way through the crowd and started to walk down the stairs. The atmosphere was completely different. 
Upstairs was like a normal everyday club but this down here was something else. It was black, silver, and red. There was a wall with a bunch of whips and such that people would choose. There were places for people to go and get whipped in rooms and publicly. The music was a lot harsher and had more bass. A bunch of people ran around in leather. There was a bar down here too at least and it didn't seem to have people getting whipped there thankfully. 
I was still holding Ga-In's hand as I came down the stairs, taking it all in. People were screaming and , making me feel really awkward. "Relax. You'll be fine." Ga-In whispered in my ear. I nodded slightly, relaxing just a little but keeping my guard up. 
"Ga-In! How'd you get her down here?!" Bokyung approached us happily. They obviously knew each other.
"It's personal, if she wants to tell you, she will." She said guarding my thoughts. Bokyung pouted but smiled to me.
"It's not that bad, right?" She asked me. "Everyone here is friendly too, don't worry!" I nodded to her feeling uncomfortable still. "If you need me, I'll be somewhere here, enjoy yourself and explore!" She said leaving. 
"Want me to show you around at all?" Ga-In asked. I nodded. She showed me the wall and talked to me about what they were and how they were used. Then I was told about the rooms and which section was what. We bumped into all my friends, shocked and happy that I was here. We finally made our way to the bar and sat down. I just wanted water this time while Ga-In got a heavy wine. 
An arm slinked around me, scaring the absolute out of me. A low laugh was heard and I saw the man from earlier, Jonghyun, there. "Hey, kitty." He smirked at me.I rolled my eyes and shrinked slightly. 
"How do you know him?" Ga-In asked me.
"He introduced himself to me upstairs, why?" I asked. 
"Because I'm the best of the best and the most wanted down here." He answered for her. I almost choked on my water when I heard that. 
"Excuse me?" I said obviously surprised.
"You didn't know that either?" Ga-In laughed at me light heartedly. "Don't be so surprised, it's not really that hard to guess considering how he looks."
"I haven't been here since today though, keep that in mind." I said pouting slightly and looking away.
"Ah, no wonder I haven't seen you here before, kitty. And no wonder why your skin is still so smooth and milky." He said my arm.
"Be gentle with her, Jonghyun." Ga-In warned.
"Don't worry. And stop being so jealous. She obviously isn't into girls so you can stop being so friendly with her. She won't be one of your slaves." He said turning cold. His grip on me was now insanely posessive. 
"You never know, she might become my slave." She raised an eyebrow.
"Excuse me!" I said trying to remove Jonghyun's arm from my waist. I was now standing with no contact, I liked that better. "I don't want to be a part of this; I wouldn't even know which I was anyway. Plus, it's scary and gross. I'm here with and for my friends, not for this." I said putting my hands up as a deffense.
"You are such a cat. So moody. You're definately a slave by the way, you wouldn't be able to whip anyone." Jonghyun said eyeing me.
"You don't know me so don't act like you do." I said to him.
"You're an open book, it's not that hard." Ga-In butted in. I sighed and sta back down not facing either of them and sipping my water.
"Are you sure you don't want to try it?" Jonghyun said dragging his hand on my exposed back, I shivered slightly which he took notice of. "I think you do." He whispered in my ear.
"Get off of me." I pushed him, not affecting his position much. He took his other hand and dragged it along my leg.
"You know you want to." He whispered in my ear again and bit it ever so softly.
"I said get off me!" I said loudly, dumping my water on him.
"Let's play, kitty." He smirked, grabbing my wrist and leading me somewhere else. 
a/n: hehehehehehe ^^ it is beginning to unfold..... slightly..... ^^ 10:00 PM and I am going to bed. Hopefully I can write some more after school tomorrow but I'm busy until Wednesday. Sorry~~!!! I will try though~~ ^^; <3
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Chapter 16: Wow good story!!!
jonginluv88 #2
Chapter 7: Omg! This is amazing! Keep writing~♥
Chapter 16: oh my god I cant believe its over NOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Well, the images of zipper dresses made me redesigned 13 for each member too(not now but soon) >.< haha, and yes, this silent reader for a few hours(since I had only just started reading) has finally spoken up^^
Omo!!! Amazing! Jjong is like the perfect Dom!!!!WANT!

Plz update soon ^_^ I'm looking forward to it
I like this, no I love this. Ahhh can't wait for your next update.
Oh and btw about your copy paste thing did you notice there's a button that says paste from words, you should use that. Anyway, great story!
Sayonara-125 #7
ooooh this is so good :)
Ohhhhhhohoo... my god. Lol that was good XD
aKSJANDIEUFNkajhbfjkhfbfhjf KKKKK~
Me gusta. That was such a teaser though! lol
This was really good though.. Update soon! ^^