Of Polaroids and Revenge

Polaroids and Revenge



Another day for another kill.


Those were the words that rang into Minho's head whenever he stepped foot to the school.


Everyone cowered in fear like cockroaches that scatter away in the dark. That's what everyone was like. And boy did Minho liked how he could control them like puppets. It's like he was the conceited King of the castle and everyone else was his filthy disgusting servants.


But in truth he was the disgusting one.


No one liked him. They all hated him. They all did what he wanted to do and in return what did he give them? Nothing. That was just it. That's how the school worked. And everyone had no choice but to follow under his reign until he graduates. 


And they couldn't wait for him to leave. 


Minho didn't mind the animosity. The auras his fellow school mates gave him. The glares some boys gave him. It actually entertained him. Whenever he did something like pick on a nerd or do something dirty. But he would never go that far.


Sure he did taunt the poor victims and maybe a little shove, enough to send them to the lockers and ended up with a few bruises here and there.


But he would never really intend to hurt them. It did pretty much look like he did but he just wanted to fit in.


And being a bully was ‘fit in’ for him.


Why would Minho be so confident to step around with the crown on top his head?


Well there were a few things Minho used as an advantage, not only to the teenagers but also the adults. After spending so much time looking at the mirror smiling to himself being proud and posing ily, he had worked a façade in front of the adults.


All he had to do was to speak in a calm orderly manner and smile like every day is the best of your life. It easily worked with most adults though some actually saw through this and often, they would roll their eyes and simply try to make his life like hell.


This was one of the reasons why Minho liked to bully. To let out his frustration he had with the teachers.



Being the most athletic person in the school was also why Minho could do these things. He had a reputation. This is like one his keys to success. As long as he had a god like body, no one can ever say anything.


Without this record in the school, he was pretty much useless an one of them. But one night in his bedroom, he swore that he will climb and climb until he perfectly got to the top and he did that by endless researching and watching YouTube on tips on how to be popular.


Obviously Minho had successfully completed his task and was popular. Only, it wasn't the 'Hot and Nice' guy that he expected. But at least he was well known right? He was so sure that if this still kept going on until he graduated, and then this high school experience would be a very short story to tell his children one day.


The sad thing about being a bully was that he had no friends. Normally the bully would have some sort of sidekick or a gang but he didn't. And he didn't need anyone else. At least that's what he's thinking. 


He would sit alone in a table during lunch and look at the people that looked back at but they had a whole different look at him.What they saw on the outside was an who butted in people's buisness. 


And another thing, Minho also dreamed that when he became well known he wished that all the girls would fawn over him. Like a swarm of bees dying to get their first sting on the flower. But it looked like genie wasn't on his side either.  Instead of the dream he had when he walked through the halls of the school he would see the girls biting their lips trying to hold on to their screams and Minho would wink at one and she would sigh and fall to the ground. And it all happened in slow motion. Like you picture in the movies. 


Only the reality, instead of biting their lips and stare at him dreamily, they stared at him as if he was their worse nightmare and even a few of them tried to attempt to spit on him. Minho was just that bad.


Most of them, wished that someone at least someone, will stand up for the whole school.. If only. It was like all of them were in some kind of nightmare that only happened in the movies and the sad thing is that no one will ever, ever rebel against the flaming charisma Minho.




“What the hell?”


Minho looked at his stained shirt and back up at the boy.


“You owe me an apology.” The boy said causing Minho to send daggers at the boy. Did he. Just. Talk back to The Choi Minho?


Minho scoffed. “I believe you owe me one, you know kid I don’t think you know who I am.” He said towering the boy, they now gained the whole of the cafeteria’s attention and everyone is anxious.


The boy didn’t back down though he stood straight with his chin up, “My name is Lee Taemin and I’m the president of the student council. I’m quite aware of whom you are Minho-ssi…” He said placing his hands on his hips.


Minho raised a brow. Student Council? How come he’s never seen him before? “So what? Do I look I care?” He growled, he pointed at his shirt. “You walked into me. You pay for my laundry.”


Taemin shook his head as he smirked at him, “No, no you got it all wrong Minho-ssi. It’s you that walked into me. So I don’t owe you an apology. You do.” He walked to a table and stood on it.


Inside of Minho he was growing more anxious by the minute. He didn’t know why but at this moment, he was going to admit that he was afraid. Afraid that this president will actually overpower him. It scared him to death.


He’ll ruin his reputation. He’ll ruin his fame, if he falls now then everything will collapse after all the hard work he’s been through.  He’ll ruin everything.


And he has to stop him.


Before it’s too late.


“Everyone, some of you may not know me so let me introduce myself.” Taemin shouted, his voice was so clear and was definitely ready for a speech.


Minho on the other hand, did not like this.


“My name is Lee Taemin and I’m the student council president. Now you’re probably wondering why you never saw me before. Well that’s because I was sick, obviously, but now that I’m back I noticed students are bothered by something. Someone.” A few murmurs of agreement broke out before Taemin raised his index finger.


“And I know who that someone is.” He said pointing at Minho who was completely off guard. His eyes widened in surprised. He was surprised that his body was just there frozen.


Normally he would have taken care of this situation but today was not that day. His conscious told him to stay put and see what will happen. But that’s the thing. He knew what was going to happen.


“Me? Why me?” He asked folding his arms.


Taemin laughed and rolled his eyes, “That’s an easy question.”


“You’re a bully.”




“What do you mean ‘so’? Don’t you realise all the students you’ve hurt? I know a lot of my friends had lost some confidence and their modesty because of you.”


Taemin walked down the table and towards Minho, “You just don’t know what I’m capable of Choi, but mark my words. I will get revenge.”


He glared at him once more before disappearing the cafeteria.


The cafeteria was silent for a second, they waited for Minho to react but he didn’t until a minute later. He turned around to see all eyes were still fixed on him.


“What are you all staring at? Go eat your damn food unless all of you want a piece of me.” He shouted angrily and stormed off. He was now mad.


He had to eliminate him.


As soon as possible.






Hi guys! It's not going to be multi-chap okay? Just think of it as a long, long one-shot. I guess Minho got humiliated ..

I hope you enjoyed this, be patient for the next chapter ^_^

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Long oneshot remember that. xD


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oh, this looks great, Tae's not the scared baby for once ^^ I wanna see what is he gonna do against the bully
Sounds good!