


Minho fell back, hitting a wall. His shirt was hanging wide open, exposing his bare chest and abdomen. The girl moved forward, placing her hands on either side of his head, trapping his. Minho cupped the girl’s face in his hands and pulled her face toward his own. Their hot feathery breaths mingled in the space between their mouths, longing to finally meet. The air reeked of desire as the girl closed her eyes and gasped as she ran a hand sensuously from his shoulder and down his sides. His breath caught. 

“Cut,” the director said. Minho and the actress broke out of character and stepped back from each other. 

“It was good,” the director said. “But I think one of the lights were off on that side, so we couldn’t get a good shot. Also, Minho, I think you need to tilt your head that way a little bit, we can’t see her face. Take five while we get the technical stuff fixed.”

Minho nodded to the actress, who took her leave and walked toward the refreshments table. At this very moment, you burst through the doors of the studio and Minho ran over to meet you. He reached out and took the four cups of coffee all stuck together in a cup holder from you and placed a hand on your shoulder.

“Jagiya, where have you been?” you asked, worry painting his tone. “You were gone almost an hour, the shootings almost over.”

“Sorry,” you said, slightly out of breath. “Mister Woo Hyun asked me to grab two cups of coffee for him and while I was there I decided to get some for us, too. But the line was so long that I missed the bus so I had wait for the next one.” 

“Didn’t run into trouble, did you?”

You smiled. “Of course not. Omo, why is your shirt ed?”

Minho looked down at himself. “Oh this? It’s part of the commercial.”

“They’re getting a shot of your abs?” you said with a slight smirk that made Minho feel just a little bit bashful. He fumbled with the buttons and you reached over and helped him. 

“Yeah, well, I should get it buttoned up for the next take, anyway. Where’s that coffee you got me?”

You reached over and grabbed the coffee cup that belonged to him. “A tall cappuccino for my tall boyfriend.” you handed it over to him with a proud grin. 

“Thank you,” he said as he took it from you.

“And thank you for inviting me over,” you said. “Even if I haven’t seen much filming being done because of running errands. Still, being with you during a commercial shoot is a really great experience.”

“I’m glad you’re here,” he said. “But are you sure you’re okay with this?”

“Why wouldn’t I be?”

“Well,” Minho turned and looked back at the actress who was conversing with her manager at the refreshments table. You followed Minho’s gaze over to her and nodded to yourself knowingly.

“I’m sure.” Minho smiled at you.

“OKay. I feel like this is going to be a very long and tiring day.”

“But at least we’re together, right?” Minho smiled, reached over and pulled you in. He kissed your forehead tenderly.

“Right,” he whispered.  

After the short coffee break, filming was back on. Minho handed the finished coffee back to you and gave you one last hug before heading over to the set to get ready. You busied yourself by distributing the other two cups to Mister Woo Hyun and his friend.

When the director called action, you made yourself comfortable leaning against on the walls, next to one of the cameramen you had befriended. You got yourself ready to see Minho in action. He strode over to where his partner was, an actress hired by the company. Minho had warned you before you got there that he would be working with an actress, so you had already mentally prepared yourself to see him with her.

You made yourself confident in his care and love for you, and after all that prep, you were determined that there would not be a single ounce of doubt or jealousy in you and when you finally saw the two of them working together.

You were confident and your resolve was strong, or at least it was until the next three minutes. 

The director called “action” and action they did. The actress and Minho turned and stared right at each other. Your heart was racing fast. She grabbed his collars and pushed him back, against the wall, pinning him there and standing practically between his legs. She put her hands at the base of his neck, between the two folds where the buttons of his shirt met and pulled it open, exposing his chest and abs yet again. 

Your jaw dropped and your eyes widened. You could hear your heartbeat beating so fast like a motor in your ears, blocking out all other sounds. The girl brought her face closer to Minho’s, hovering over his and breathing hard. 

She brought her hand up, placing it on the inner side of his arm and ran it down his bare sides. 

“Yah!” you pushed yourself off of the wall you were leaning against with enough force that pushed you into the cameraman you had befriended.

”__-ah!” the cameraman yelled. You twisted in panic to face him and apologize.

“Joesonghabnida!” you interjected, spinning to face him. Your foot got caught under the tripod, and when you tried to claim it again, the tripod fell, spiraling to the floor.

“Yah!” the cameraman yelled, reaching out to save the camera, but it was too late. The camera fell to the floor, lens first. The glass was smashed to a hundred pieces and as you scrambled to pick it up, you hit your hip against one of the lights, breaking that, too.

“CUT!” the director yelled. You were still kneeling on the floor alongside the broken camera and the light. You did not want to look up; you already knew everyone was staring at you. 

“What the hell is going on here?!” the director demanded. He stalked over to where you were kneeling and you stood up slowly to face him.

“J-Joesonghabnida,” he whispered, biting your lip in embarrassment. You lifted your chin to see the director face-to-face. Instead, you met Minho’s eyes. 

He looked at you with a mixture of sadness and shock. You felt like there was a snake squeezing your heart. You were ashamed at having embarrassed yourself and Minho in the process. He sighed and then swallowed, never taking his eyes off of you. You held your breath and once again heard your heart beating, as though it had moved from your chest to your throat. 

“Your Minho-ssi’s girlfriend, are you not?” the director asked. You couldn’t take it anymore. You picked up your jacket from the floor and let yourself out the backdoor. 


What was wrong with you back there? What happened? How could you let yourself get jealous back there? What happened?

Outside, it was lonely. There were no cars, no passersby, no one to say hello to or ask for comfort from. You found an abandoned bench near the street and sat yourself down there. 

You didn’t want to cry no matter how much your body tried to make you. But eventually, a single tear managed to escape from your eyes, giving license to rest of the tears to follow suit. Pretty soon, you were crying quietly on that bench, alone. 

You didn’t know what you were more angry about: that actress and her steamy scene with your boyfriend, or the fact that she was able to anger you enough to make you lash out and lose control. 

God, I just feel so stupid! What the hell was I thinking, yelling out like that? Now the whole crew is probably steaming mad at me and Minho is probably embarrassed and ashamed right now and it’s all my fault. 

IN the middle of your inner monologue, you were awakened from your thoughts by the sudden arrival of new occupant on your lonely bench. You wiped at your tears furiously and turned away from him. 

“Are you alright, jagiya?” Minho asked, leaning more toward you in an effort to see your face.

“You hiccuped as you tried to control your sobbing. “I feel so humiliated!” you spit out. “I don’t even know what came over me back there! I-I’m usually calm and in control, but I totally just lost it in there! I broke the camera! I’m so sorry.” 

“Sorry? I should be the one apologizing.”

“Still, I shouldn’t have acted like that.”

“And don’t worry about the camera. They can fix that,” he said. You turned and faced him.

“No they can’t,” you said. “It’s broken. The glass lens is shattered, Minho. You can’t fix that with regular old Elmer’s glue. I’ll bet getting a new lens is crazy expensive.”

“Well, it’s a good thing they’ve got money to spare. But, jagiya?” he asked. “You told me you were okay with…that actress and the commercial we were shooting. If you weren’t… then why didn’t you say anything before?”

“Well,” you said, looking for words to say. “I-I was… I was okay. But then you started filming and… oh come on, she tore your shirt open! That was a bit much—“ 

“…and then you got jealous?”

“Well… not exactly… ugh, yeah. I did. And I’m really sorry.”

“Stop apologizing. I wasn’t exactly enjoying myself back there, either.”

“Then why’d you do it?”

“Because it’s my job. And I have to no matter how much I don’t want to.”

“I suppose so. But still! I thought you said it was an advertisement!” 

“Well, it was an advertisement, a little,” Minho said. “It’s advertising perfume or cologne or something so I think the advertising part comes a little later, in the editing.” 

“I think it’s a stupid advertisement,” you said, crossing your arms and letting your earlier despair turn into rage. “That’s not how I would make it. I think that was a little bit too much acting. They should be more conservative, I think. If I hadn’t done anything, she probably would have kissed you or—”

“No, because that would really inappropriate and I wouldn’t have let her.”

“Could have fooled me back there? Why do you have to be such a good actor? That girl annoys me so much, standing around in her important heels, ordering people around, and being pretty, and tall, and thin, and beautiful, and pretty—”

“Jagiya… don’t go there.”


“The comparisons thing. You tend to do it whenever you think another girl is prettier than you. Don’t, okay? Just don’t. I like you just as you are. Doesn’t that mean anything to you?”

“Of course it does… but sometimes I wonder. Especially when you’re in some studio shooting hot make-out scenes with other actresses for stupid commercials.”

“Well, how would you do it, jagiya?”

“I don’t know. I’ve never directed or anything. But if I were, that actress would be the first to go. She had her polished fingernails all over you and touching you and was about to your face off if it weren’t for me—”

Minho smiled to himself as you went on about all the things you didn’t like about the actress back in the studio. 

“—and seriously, who thinks up a commercial like this? I mean, even I haven’t… touched…you…like that—”

“Would you like to?”

“Minho! Ugh, well, you know what I mean, don’t make me say it! Come on, I’m being serious…be serious with me in turn, ok?”

You leaned back against the bench and covered your face. You were sure that your cheeks were burning pink from that last statement. The thought had just suddenly popped into your head as you were ranting and your motormouth had escaped the filter for a split second and allowed you to say it. 

Minho smirked even more. He always thought you were a sweet and polite girl with a kind heart. But once in a blue moon, your angry passionate self would emerge. And it never failed to amuse him. He felt you were more honest when you were angry as long as that anger wasn’t directed toward him. He smiled and sighed and leaned back on the bench as well. 

“Yah, I thought we were being serious?” 

“Come on, you know we can never be too serious for long. Eventually we’ll end up laughing.”

Almost as if on cue, Minho reached out and poked your side, the part of your body where he knew you were the most ticklish. You spasmed and jumped up and slapped his hand away.

“Minho!” you scolded! You scooted away from him on the bunch but he scooted toward your some more, attacking your sides and tickling you. You wiggled away from him and but continued to scoot toward you. You laughed in panic and slapped at his hands furiously.

“Minho! Oppa! Stop it! Stop stop stop! Okay, fine, I’m sorry!”

“No, you’re not, yet.” He laughed as he continued to try to tickle you but eventually you grabbed his wrists and held them together to keep him from reaching toward you.

“Not jealous anymore?” he asked. You looked at him through squinted eyes. 

“No, not anymore.”

“Good. And besides, I think you’re right. The commercial is really awful. I mean, I thought that scene back there with the other girl was pretty ridiculous, too. So what do you say we go rent a camera and make a commercial of our own?” 

You put your hands down from covering your face and looked straight at him, staring at him. Minho looked back at you with a smile. You, on the other hand, were gaping. After another second or two or intense staring, you reached out and smacked his shoulder.

“Ow!” Minho said, clutching his shoulder where you hit him. You moved to sit closer to him, but your face did not look amused at all.

“Minho!” you scolded. 

“What?!” he asked. 

“Rent? Camera? Commercial? Of our own?! I can’t believe you would even suggest that! I thought you were nice and polite and… I don’t know more conservative! First the y CF and you’re making suggestive remarks now, too?!”

“Suggestive remarks? What? What are you talking about? It’s not like I’m speaking in code or anything, I meant we should get a costume and shoot a homemade video advertising like, candy or something. What were you thinking?”

You froze for a second and bit your tongue. But suddenly Minho stood up, wide eyed and smiling like a fool.

“Wait!” he said. “I know what you were thinking.” 

You bit your lip and your cheeks blushed even more red. “W-What?!” Minho sat back down on the bench and held his side as he laughed. You reached over and smacked him again.

“Whatever it is you’re thinking, get it out of your head right now!” you said. “Don’t be so quick to jump to conclusions, Choi Minho!” 

“Mwoh,” he said. “Me? Jumping to conclusions? You should speak for yourself. Look how fast you are, jumping from friends to boyfriend to that. Thinking about that already, are you, jagiya?”

“NO!” you defended. “I wasn’t! I… I just didn’t want to— Ugh, just forget it!”

“Yah, I didn’t know you were like that,” he continued to tease. You tried to smack him again, but he moved out of the way.

“I-I’m not!” you said, still blushing like a madwoman. You stood up to chase him around the bench. “You’re putting words in my mouth!” 

“Oh, but’s not all you want in your mouth,” he said with a smirk. You finally caught up to him and hit his shoulder again, harder this time.

“Ow!” he yelled.

“Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!” you said. “Ugh, do you have to drag everything into the gutter? Why are you doing this to me!?” you covered your face, blushing and red, with your hands again. Minho finished laughing and walked towards you. He kissed your hands, right where your forehead would have been and wrapped his arms around you.

“Yah, Jagiya,” he said softly. “I was just kidding.”

“I hate you, you jerk,” you said, your voice muffled by your hands. Minho chuckled.

“You know,” he said. “You don’t have to be jealous.”

“Easy for you to say,” you said. “You’re not the one standing on the sidelines while some girl seduces your boyfriend. Or in your case, some guy seducing your girlfriend.”

“But you love me, don’t you?” You said nothing, but in your embrace, Minho felt you nod your head.

“More than anything,” you whispered. Minho smiled.

“Then I have faith in you,” he answered. “So, trust in me. I love you.”

“Really?” you said. Minho laughed lightly.

“Yeah. And when the time comes, you’re the only one I’ll ever drag into the gutter.”


A/N: So much innuendo in this one :O so umm, yeah a little attempt at humor in this one I guess.. 

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Chapter 1: damn the hidden messages haha
DiarraCha #2
Chapter 1: owwww
so sweet >,<
Chapter 1: sweet ><
But seriously tho, that line – “Oh, but’s not all you want in your mouth.” TOTALLY GOT ME
Chapter 1: Ahah! Very nice. :)
Chapter 1: "but that's not all you want in your mouth" gusta ~ mrehehehehe.
And Minho just became a _______ to me.
Joyvin #7
Awww, so sweet ^^ Love this~
weeeeeeeee so sweet~~ and cute :''>
so cheesy :>