No Need For Jealousy

No Need For Jealousy


You cheered wildly as you watched Taemin dance with his group and no mattered how loudly you screamed, your heart was still too full of excitement. You liked Taemin no matter what he was doing, but there was something entirely different about him when he was dancing; he was no longer the cute, sweet, naive maknae of the team; he was focused and in control, his movements precise and fluid. Many times you had walked in on him alone in the practice room only to find him full immersed in his dancing; it was something that he loved, something he was passionate about. 

The first time you had seen Taemin dance — and not on a stage, but alone in a rehearsal room — your heart beat faster and it was though you could feel everything he was feeling. And for once, you realized that you had no idea what it felt like to pursue something so wholeheartedly the way Taemin pursued dance. Up on stage, he looked so happy, and that alone was enough for her. Though somewhere deep in your mind, you wished there were someway you could share it with him.

The song began to change and from the back of the stage, the girls of SNSD strutted forward. You were taken aback; you had no idea Girls Generation would be joining the perfromance. Around her, the SNSD fans and teenagers began to cheer even louder as the female idols began their y dance… almost too y, you thought.

You didn’t hate SNSD, you had just never been much of a fan of tall long-legged girls with unnaturally high voices; you preferred the distinct and different styles of boy idol groups. Girls Generation especially worked their y act today, clad in tight black leather outfits, the tiniest shorts you had ever seen, and heels taller than their foot size. But your jaw dropped when SHINee began dancing with them, getting down on their knees and locking arms with them. You could have forgiven them had they not done the last few dance moves; the boys had gotten down to the floor again and sensually ran a hand up the girls’ long tight bare leather-bound legs.

At this point, your heart was racing like a newborn horse in derby. You wanted to say something but your throat had tightened up. So you stood there in an angry trance, so frustrated, you could cry. Your eyes never left Taemin: Taemin dancing with a girl, Taemin locking arms with her, Taemin running his hand up her legs, Taemin dancing practically underneath her. No matter how much you didn’t want to see it, your eyes would not pull away from him.

The amorous dance continued until the crowd’s whooping and howling had nearly drowned out the music. But suddenly the song changed again and SNSD’s Genie began to play and the SHINee boys walked off the stage. The performance soon ended and the crowd of people pushed their way out of the auditorium and rushed to get SNSD and SHINee autographs and pictures. You lingered back and waited for the crowd to dispense then headed toward the SHINee company van. Already there were a few fangirls waiting to get glimpses of their biases. With dread, you realized that some of them were Taemin’s fangirls.


“Are you still not going to talk to me?” Taemin asked you as you both strolled on a strip of walkway near Han River. You had been painfully quiet and irritable since they left the performance hall. Everything had gone according to their rehearsal; you had even been given a free ticket to see them perform, so Taemin had no idea why you would be upset.

But you still walked a good five feet ahead of him. You kept your arms crossed and looked anywhere but directly at him. The dancing maknae tried his best to make the mood lighter again, but his jagiya was clearly not cooperating with him today.

And he hated seeing you angry and disturbed like this.

“I am talking to you,” you answered nonchallantly, without stopping nor turning to look at him. “We’re talking now aren’t we?”

“Yeah,” Taemin picked up his pace to catch up with you, but you only walked even faster. “But what’s with the attitude?”


“Yeah,” Taemin answered, still trying to get closer to you.


Taemin scratched his head, trying to figure out what he had done wrong. He’d been considerate and a nice boyfriend for the most part. You hadn’t seemed this bothered lately.

“Are you angry about something?”


“Or maybe it’s something that happened at school?”


“Well… have I done something wrong?”


“Well…” Taemin stopped you with a hand on you shoulder. “Then tell me so I can correct it.”

You just scoffed and pulled your shoulder from his hand and continued walking. “So you really don’t know what you did wrong? Typical.”

Taemin was taken aback. You had never been harsh to him, at least not this seriously. Whatever he’d done wrong — if any — he wanted it resolved quickly. 

“So whatever I did… what do I do to make it up for you? Come on, why are you mad?”

“You really don’t know? Huh, of course you wouldn’t, you’re too busy and distracted. Stupid idols, never taking a day off even for their—”

“Would singing help?” Taemin offered playfully.

“No!” You answered, but Taemin merely shrugged it off and began singing a tune.
”____ neomu yeppeo… How was that?”

You just kept your arms crossed across your chest and kept your glaring eyes straight ahead, not daring to look back at him. 
“Oh, it was very good. Now if only you had some y back-up girls in leather to dance all ty under. Honestly, you think entertainment managers would be more conservative about—”

“Oh,” Taemin said with a mischievous smile, blocking your way. “So that’s what you’re upset about, huh?”

You stared up at him fighting a blush. If you blushed, it’d be the end of you. You shook your head quickly.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you said and pushed past Taemin to continue walking. 

“Isn’t this just precious? My yeobo’s jealous!” 


“Of course you’d be upset about that. Aigoo, why didn’t I think of it before?”

“Because you’re a stupid, insensitive, impertinent, hard-headed—!”

“Why didn’t you say anything before?” You turned to face him.

“Because if I said anything—! Uh, well who cares if I say anything, there are people in higher places than me and it would have just messed up the performance.” 

Taemin was going to say that he could have asked them to choreograph another dance, but he knew that you were right. Even if he wanted to do a less provocative dance with SNSD, the coordinators would have not stood for any of it. The public wanted to see idols flirting with each other and he had to give them what they wanted. He knew that he was an idol dating a normal girl, and provocative performances would be something that you had to get used to, no matter how much either of them disliked it. Good-looking boy idols were always matched with equally beautiful girl idols. It was a fact of life.

You had tried to hold in your angry tears, but seeing Taemin face-to-face, a few had begun to spill out. You wiped at them furiously.

“Urghh!” You growled. “See what you made me do?!” You hated crying, especially over matters that concerned Taemin. Crying over boys made you feel overly-feminine and fragile.

Taemin laughed.

“What’s funny, huh?! Jerk—”

“You’re cute when you’re jealous.”

“I’m not jealous!”

“Of course not. There’s no reason to be jealous of SNSD.” Taemin leaned forward, closing the distance between him and his girlfriend, and placed his hands on either side of you, leaving you cornered against a wall. 

“If anything… they should be jealous of you.”

Your combat against blushes was lost and your face was suddenly as pink as a Victoria’s Secret bra. The temperature had suddenly kicked up several degrees. He was so close to you and your combined body-heat became feverishly hot. From the start, you had never needed to look up to know whether or not Taemin had walked into a room or not; you had a Taemin radar built into you. And right now, that radar was going crazy from over-sensation. What’s more, he had you trapped against a wall, in a position any sensible girl would faint if caught in. Your poor heart-rate picked up again when you noticed that his head started bending down towards yours

His forehead had just started to brush against your own when you found the courage to speak again.

“Hey,” you said cautiously. “What do you think you’re doing?”

“What am I doing.” Taemin laughed lightly and shrugged shyly.

“Honestly, I don’t know,” he said. “But I thought I should try something to show you that you don’t need to be jealous of those girl idols.”

“Not jealous,” You pitched again, shyly.

“Ok,” Taemin chuckled. “Well… you don’t have to worry.”

“How can I not?” You said sadly. “You’re away all the time and it seems like I see you less and less nowadays. You’re only in Seoul for a week each month and then you have to fly away to some other country.”

“Yeah,” Taemin said. You were right of course, as usual; the time he spent at home was growing shorter and shorter. “But I think about you all the time. And I miss you.”

You nodded. “I miss you, too. We really should come up with a schedule or system or something for when you are home so we can see each other more. And maybe some kind of long-distance system for when you’re away.”

“That’s a good idea.”

“Yeah. So… how long will you be staying this time?”

“Two weeks, then I’ll be flying to Japan again to shoot the new video for the new single.”

You sighed. “Busy busy busy. Being an idol must , huh?”

“It’s got it’s good points and bad points. But we should figure out how to spend the time we’ve got.” Taemin pushed himself off the wall and took a few steps back from her. 

He held his hand out to you, who took it gladly. He pulled you closer to him and together began to walk side-by-side.

“So what do you want to do, yeobo?” Taemin said with a smile, using the nickname that made you blush even more. You smiled back.

“Just promise you’ll try to avoid doing flirty dances with y girl idols while you’re away, ok?”

“Fine, I promise. So what should we do now?”

“A walk by Han River is just fine with me for now. In the meantime why don’t you try that song again.”

“What song?”

”Taemin neomu babo…”


A/N: Hi, everyone… first shinee scenario >.< I’m excited and nervous at the same time, I don’t know how this stuff works… sooo I hope you enjoy this one! :DDD I realize that Taeminnie is a little out of character buuuut he’s growing up :)

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KimJonghyunx #1
Chapter 1: Adorable xx
PandaVenice #2
Chapter 1: wow hahaha
Chapter 1: hahahaha I love your remix of the song XDD such a cute story!! <3
Chapter 1: Hhoray for the last line!! XD
Taemin neomu babo!!! XDDD
The last line was simply EPIC!
Joyvin #7
Another cute story of yours ^^
LOLOLOLOLOL I was practically grinning from when Taemin said that I was jealous :3 THE LAST LINE LOLOLOLOLOL~
Lol the song. Taemin neomu Babo. Btw, nice story
Aw, cute! :3 LOL, the last line: "Taemin neomu babo". >w<