love in the snow

love in the snow


It started the moment I decided to travel to Seoul in South Korea.  October 30th was the day I got on the plane to take a break from my life in England. Now it was May and seven months has passed since I arrived. I had planned to stay for about four months since I had no reason to stay any longer and I was going to be a freshmen in college in the fall of 2011. So, I had to go back to study but my life in South Korea was not easy as I thought it was going to be.

                My name is Joo Chan and I am 18 but my Korean age is 19 and I know how to read and write hangul because of my mom who taught me since I was a little girl. So, to get two jobs was easy, oh did I forget to mention I worked two jobs?  I worked in two bars in the day I worked as a waitress and in my night shift I sing in another bar. Well, I did because things here in Seoul were not cheap and I needed the money to live. I could easily ask my parents to give me the money that I needed but I wanted to do something on my own.

                One day after I was done working my second shift a snow storm took place and I had to go home. My boss warned me and told me to get a taxi cab but I was hard headed and decided to save the taxi money. Well, that didn’t result in a good way because my body was so tired that the moment that I stepped outside the bar everything went pitch black because I fainted.

                The next morning I opened my eyes a little and turned to my right and I saw a guy hugging me, who later I found out it was yoochun of dbsk. But I closed my eyes right away because I thought it was a dream and back at that time I did not know who was dbsk, I just knew some of their songs. Well, anyways my life did not changed until I woke up and realized that I was in a hotel , in a bed, and without anyone  around me. At that time I just heard  the t.v and a voice coming from the hallway towards the door that said  

“ HYUNG! I am leaving because I am extremely hungry”

Then another voice from the bathroom came and said “ Araso! Changmin just be quiet before you wake her up”

I was extremely scared at the moment so I got up and I got a vase that was on the table next to the bed ready to hit the guy. When all of a sudden I heard the voice say “ ne! I will take care of her for now and thanks goodness you knew Korean because my English is not good. But you don’t have to worry because I will take of joo chan for now then, bye!”

                 I froze at the moment and thought how he knew my name? and was he talking to my mother? But I had not realized that he was now standing in front of me. When I stopped thinking I screamed and i was ready to hit him with the vase and there was a problem with my plan that he had taken the vase from my hand without me noticing. Then I started to scream again but he eventually calmed me down and explained everything to me.

                Then we turned to the t.v  the moment we heard the headline of the news “ JAEJOONG OUT WITH A GIRL IN A HOTEL”. We both starred to each other and didn’t know what to say because this was a big scandal that would affect us both. Our question was who did people find out about this? But it was already to late for that because we had to sneak out of the hotel. He took me to his dorm with the rest of the members which at the time it was still hard for me to believe that I was with dbsk. Even if I didn’t know them very well. At the end we had to come up with an excuse why I was with him and it was decided that I was his cousin that lived in England and decide to come to South Korea to visit him. But because of the snow storm I had fainted and that it was too far to go back to the dorm. Well I ended up living with them to back up the story and I was in charge of cleaning and cooking so I won’t have to work.

                Things were going really great even though, changmin ate too much, yoochun was a flirt, yunho with his extremely careness, jae joong always being annoying, and junsu with his foolishness. But things got complicated when my feelings for jae joong  was chaning into love. Being rejected wasn’t the problem because he felt the same way although we didn’t want to admit it at first. But how to tell the whole world that we lied and our safety was on the line too. But that wasn’t the only thing because my time to leave to England was coming soon because I stayed more time than I planned.

                One day in the summer night when I went to the roof of the building jae joong came later to see me. He took a deep sigh and came sat down close to me and starred at the stars for a while. Then he took my hand  and looked into my eyes and said “ Joo Chan since I meet you I loved you. And I can’t live without you and I don’t want to lie no more. Baby lets tell everyone the truth”

“ do you really think we should ?” I asked

“ don’t you love me?” he asked

“ of course I do and I want to spend the rest of my life with you but I don’t want you to get hurt by others because it was my fault for fainting in the first place”

“ don’t say that Joo Chan you know I never regretted meeting you but what I do regret is not telling you I love you earlier and lying”

                At that moment he reached into his pocket and took something out.

                “ Joo Chan this is a promise ring and with this ring I promise to love you forever and go through this together to the end”

                Jae joong then kissed me as my tears of joy ran down my cheeks then he put the promise ring on my finger. We finally told everyone the truth and even though people were hurt because of our lie everyone with time accepted us. But then I had to go back to England he took me to the airport and I decide I would do a year of school in England and then I would continue to study in Seoul. He came during winter and visited me and my family and then he went back. Then I visited him and the members on my break and then he visited me once again. soon afterwards I was done with my first year of school and I was ready to go and live my life in Seoul. Jae joong was going to wait for me at the airport the day after tomorrow. I was excited that I was going back but not only that but I was now engaged to him.

                 The last time he came to visit me he ask me to marry him and I said yes. Once I got there  I saw jae joong turn around and we walked towards each other. Then I put my stuff done and jae joong hugged me by the waist and kissed me while lifting me up in the air. At that moment it started to snow and in the news that was on the airport’s t.v it said that a snow storm was on the way. We both smiled because of snow we meet each other. Then jae joong said to me in a sweet low voice

  “ Welcome back my future wife”

And we kissed again and I said

“ it is love in the snow”


once again sorry for the lateness i wasn't able to put it up on the 25 and the 26 there was a big snow storm where i live and i could not go home because of the snow storm i had to stay at my cousin house and i thought it was too many days do i did a short version of the original story since i didn't have the detailed story with me which i wrote for you because of the snow storm i was still not able to go home again so i am using my cousin computer right now.( and it is 1:05 a.m) i will post the detailed story later this week if you want to read it because it was for you but thats up to you.  so once again i am super sorry !!! 

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Congrats on the feature!! ^-^
ExoticAnqel #3
Congratulations on the random feature!
congrats on daily feature!!
sea0horse #5
Congratz ^_^
Congrats <3