Will you pretend to be my BOYFRIEND?

Helplessly Falling In Love

"Eunjung i LOVE you! & I want to be with you for the rest of my life. Will you do me the honor's of marrying me?" Taecyeon said

Eunjung's POV

"..........." it took me a while to remember the words that came out of his mouth

"Jagiya?" He said waving his hand in my face

"..Ne..I would love to do the honor of marrying a pabo like you" i said pinching his cheeks

"Yah that hurts!" He said with a puppy dog face

"PABO..you know it doesnt hurt." i said smiling

"Does your parents know?" 

"Ne..but,,," he said with a wierd face

"But what oppa?" i said looking at him concerned

"Nicole has to be in the wedding" Taecyeon said closing his eyes

"........" he opened his eyes

"WAE WAE WAE WAE WAE WAE WAE WAE! OPPA WAE WAE!!" i said hitting his chest



"Aishh... I LOVE MY MOM" he said smiling

".. Aishh chinja... MOMMY'S BOY!" i said turning around not facing him

"..b..bwo mommys boy..Yah HAM EUNJUNG" he said with his aeygo 

He was silent. His mom probally has a good reason maybe I should just agree with it. {My thoughts}

"Arrasso Arrasso.Nicole can come" i said giving in

"CHINJA..you cant change your answer"

"Ne. but tell me the reason."

"I found out that Nicole and I are cousin's and so omma wants her to be in the wedding for us to bond but omma doesnt know we went out"

"Ewww...EWWW EWWW..Yah PABO you guys didnt kiss did you guys?" i said looking at him

"....." he was silent it was scarying me


"Aniyo we only went out for 4 days we barely even talked..all she talked about when we were together was her and seungho going to be together some day." He said smiling

"oh..but i have a list of people that i want in the wedding oppa"

"bwo list?"

"Ne list"

The Couple's                                                         

KiKwang        &  Jiyeon

Seungho        & Nicole

Seunghyun    & Minzy

Jiyoung           & Bom 

"Bwo i thought you didnt want nicole to come?" he said looking at me

"I just added it because Seungho broke up with Jiyeon" 


"You didnt know?"

End of POV

Taecyeon's POV

Seungho broke my sisters heart.Aishh my bestfriend and my sister your kidding me..


"oh well it happened today jiyeon texted me saying that he dumped her and just walked away not caring about if she was crying or not"


"he must have a  reason" 

i didnt think about that. i started driving eunjung home.

"We have our fitting's tomoro im going to schedule it for everyone so send the message after you dropp me off ok oppa" 

"i barely proposed to you now were you planning this" i said smiling

"ani just i dont want to stress about this for weeks so just do it"

i just nodded.

End of POV

No One's POV

Everyone got the text message from taecyeon about the fitting for the wedding especially Nicole.

Jiyeon's POV

Seungho you PABO! YOU DOUCHEBAG! YOU JERK! AISHHHHHH... why did i even go out with him? Right when i was gonna go to sleep some one knocked on my room door.

"Oh oppa" i said wiping my tears

"i heard what happened.do you want to talk about it?" he said with a concerned voice

"ne..taecyeonah who told you?" 

"oh eunjung noona"

"you guys are getting married..chukae!" i said trying to smile

"stop trying to fake smile i know you. your my sister."

"aishh..i HATE him" i said messing up my hair

"Your gonna have to forget him because he's going to the fitting tomorow with us" 

"WAE WAE WAE WAE !" I said hiting his chest

"YAH OK JIYEON!" author's note: ok jiyeon is just her name in the story because their brother and sister.

"You and eunjung must be the same person. she just hit me on the chest not too long ago"he said looking at me

"Mian..oppa" i said with my head down

"Dont worry daesung..Our bestfriend is probally going through something" he said rubbing my head

"arrasso oppa..goodnight." i said waving goodnight


End Of POV

No one's POV

Those of you who are wondering what happened to Seungho well that night he called Nicole and told her he had broken up with Jiyeon. Then after that for Nicole to keep his secret he had to go out with her so he said yes.

The Next Day at the Fitting Place

Jiyeon,Eunjung,Minzy, and Bom were already there.

Taecyeon, Seunghyun,Jiyoung ,Kikwang ,Seungho and Nicole walked in just right now

Jiyeon had noticed Seungho holding hands with Nicole. She looked like she was gonna cry but she didnt. 

Seungho looked at her but she turned away.

Minzy's & Seunghyun{TOP}     

Seungho & Nicole  

Seungho looked mad that he wasnt paired with Jiyeon

Jiyoung {GD}& Park Bom   

The Wedding Couple    

"Alright lets get started Jiyeon your the last one to go" Eunjung said smiling

Seungho looked jealous and Nicole just smirked her.

Seungho's POV

Aish why Kikwang. I should just tell her. Aniyo.Ani ani..i cant..

End of POV

No one's POV

 Jiyeon   & Kikwang 

"You guys are a cute couple" Minzy said

"Ah..we aren.." Kikwang was trying to say

Jiyeon's POV

I have to get over Seungho. He looks like he's getting over me with Nicole..Jerk!

Ki kwang whispers in my ear

"I know he broke up with you."

"bwo how?"


"AISH TAECYEONAH YOU BLATTER MOUTH!" i said yelling at him

"bwo what did i do..Hyung did you."

Everyone was confused except for the 3 of them.

"Jiyeon you cant hit me i'll tell omma" Taecyeon said hiding behind Eunjung

"Arrasso then i'll tell appa." I said giving him death glares

I had to talk to kikwang oppa. so i grabbed his hand.

End Of POV

Seungho's POV

Why did she grab Kikwang's arm? Is she over me that quickly? Aish this girl.. 

I got up to see where they were going but Nicole's water spilt on me.


"Mian yeobo"

End Of POV

No One's POV

Jiyeon dragged Kikwang to the lobby

"bwo noona?"

"Can you do me a favor?"


"You know why?"

"Oh because seungho's going out with Nicole" Kikwang said not knowing Jiyeon didnt know about their relationship 

"............"Jiyeon was silent

"Jiyeonah..you didnt know?"

"No i didnt.." Jiyeon said crying  

Kikwang grabbed Jiyeon into a hug 

"Mian i didnt know"

"its ok oppa"

"What was your favor?"

"Will you pretend to be my boyfriend?" Jiyeon said wiping her tears

"...umm..sure why not?" 

Then he kissed Jiyeon on her forehead not knowing Seungho saw the kiss happen... omo.....LOVE TRIANGLE

Please look at the forward i added a new character Kikwang..For some more DRAMA..WOOHOO!Please subscribe &Comment..Gomawa for reading.."What will seungho think?" "Will Seungho have the guts to tell jiyeon the secret?" "Will there be problems in the TAECJUNG relationship?" STAY TUNED 



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i will update tonight


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Chapter 23: i love it it was awesome
Oh!!! I haven't Subscribed your fic >.< carelessness of me T___T Your fic is great, update soon :x
Aw, what was he going to say?? O.O
Update soon!
happybunnysmile #4
New subbie! Update please!! Rarely can you find a good story with loads of drama here, and I think I've found it!!
canequita #5
And Here it goes me wondering what happened!!!
Update pleaseeee ^^
Please update soon!!!!! ^^
KPOP_survivor #8
i love this fic ur such a good writer=^^= daebak
Cutiepatootie #9
B2uty here keke ^.^! I really like your story! Please update soon, I wonder what Jieyon's response will be!!
Seung Ho fight for your love!!!
Update please!!!!!!! >.<