On Days Like This

Little Bits Here and There ✍

This oneshot was requested by mochamocha!!! Yeah~~~~

LOL I know, I'm super lame... but I just typed up a little something today that I didn't feel like creating a whole new story for and it's really kind of an experimental piece so a lot of people might not like it (at least I don't think so)... but it was new for me to write this! ^___^

Any thoughts on it would also be really helpful!! <33


The Request A Jong Up Solo Piece







It was a beautiful day.



Jongup walked down the street of the school campus, taking in everything around him.



The weather was true to the season, with the sun shining and not a single cloud to be found in the sky. The air was warm and humid, the back of his shirt already starting to get a little damp from sweat. A summer breeze would blow every now and then to provide relief from the heat; the shades from the tall trees bordering the sidewalk also helped to alleviate some of the sun's intense rays. The leaves on the trees were a lovely hue of green, the grass and bushes also bright with life. Flowers bloomed where gardeners planted them. Squirrels and birds were busy following their own lives. Cars drove by beside him, drivers with their arm out the window to enjoy the wind. Students walked down the street - some friends and some lovers - chatting, joking, laughing in the glory of the day.



Jongup smiled as he enjoyed his walk, head bobbing to the sound of the music flowing from his earphones. 



It was, indeed, a beautiful day.


At times like this, it felt like the world was still. The clock still ticked seconds away, people still breathed and lived, the Earth still made its daily rotation - yet, in the complete serenity and peacefulness of the day, Jongup  had the feeling that the world was frozen on this frame of bliss.


Nobody had anywhere to go; nobody had anything to do. They just went on their way, forever repeating the same actions over and over again, completely oblivious to this fact in their absolute perfection. 



Jongup took his iPod out, changing the song.



If he stopped living at a moment like this, Jongup wondered how death would reach him. Like any other person who lived in today's society, thoughts of suicide had crossed his mind before. He always imagined the situation to be absolutely dreadful: his parents would be torn apart beyond repair, his siblings devastated, his friends mournful. Jongup would leave behind a mess. It would be true enough. 


Nonetheless, on days like this, he envisioned a different scenario. If he drew his last breath on a day like today, he felt as if everything would stop. There was no leaving behind anything. As he disappeared, his world also disappeared - along with his family and friends, and even the people he didn't get a chance to know. As he stopped existing, the world stopped with him.


On days like this, life and death seemed more like a game. Pull the plug, and the whole screen goes black. End the life, and all other life disappears with it.


When Jongup thought about it in that sense, he questioned what he had to fear in death. After all, who knew what really happened after one died?



He broke out into a grin hearing his favourite part of the song come on.



It might be easier than living. 


Jongup wasn't particularly unfortunate or miserable. He was born into a wealthy family, with loving parents (a little too overprotective, in some cases), made good grades, had loyal friends - he was easy on the eyes too. He flew through middle school and high school with flying colours, landing him a prestigious university which his parents would pay all four years for. Even when Jongup announced to his parents his wish to drop out for a year, they were supportive in his cause. Everything about his life required him to be perfectly content.


But that was what he hated the most.


Jongup had all these things but he found it hard to push himself to be happy. Most of the time, he was lost more than anything else, overwhelmed as he got older year by year without the wisdom that the passing time should have given him. Jongup lived what others would call the comfortable life, but he didn't believe that made him content. It drove him mad. He knew very well how fortunate he was, yet he couldn't help what he felt and it only took away from his freedom to be miserable. 


If he talked, others would only called him spoiled. They would say he was talking with a full belly, greedy for more without considering what was already in his grasp. They would tell him to grow up.


Yet they didn't know. They didn't bother to know.



Jongup hummed quietly, watching people line up in front of food truck for lunch.



There was this insane suffocation building up in him each day, deflating one moment only to rise higher the next. He felt as if his chest was too tight, his heart pounding harder and harder against its confinements. There were too many questions in his head, with too little answers given to him. And fear gripped at him in his blindness and ignorance. Fear inched its fingers up Jongup's limbs before holding onto his neck, tightening its grip as each day moved on. Jongup felt trapped; Jongup was trapped. He felt claustrophobic, screaming for some kind of escape. 


The worst part was that no one suspected him of it.


Smiling Jongup - that was him. He was quiet and withdrawn, but fun when he needed to be. He was friendly, always smiling and laughing. He was warm to anyone that talked to him, caring for anybody within his reach.  He was responsible and dependable. That was him.



Jongup stopped walking, taking a slow spin in the spot to absorb everything around him with his eyes. It was perfect.



It was peculiar how the way in which others perceived him and the way he felt differed so much.



A pretty girl walking by gave him a small smile, and Jongup returned the gesture.



It was a beautiful day, eerily peaceful. On days like this, Jongup couldn't help but feel philosophical.



He reached into his backpack, taking out an object covered in fabric. The fabric dropped to the ground, revealing a knife, the bright shiny metal glittering in the sunlight.



Did everything end when your life did? Like turning off a screen, shutting down a computer, closing a video game...



Slowly, he brought the edge of the knife up to his neck. Jongup's eyes twinkled darkly. His lips curved into a wicked grin.



He would soon find out.

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Reya_K #1
Chapter 7: Oh God, Jongup's is really really sad
Reya_K #2
I liked them all so far, though i liked youngjae's story more than yonggul's.
BUT what's wrong with Jongupie? It's not over , right? He's not going to die, right?? TT_TT
@msawkward: omg thank you for saying that! A lot of readers are too nice to say if something is a little lacking and I do agree with you on 'Fire With Fire'. Not my favourite piece of writing... sigh I really appreciate it! Hopefully, the next ones will be better ^_^

and yes.. i messed up our derpy jongup.... LOL :P

@bobafreak: haha thank you. pretty fluffy stuff, eh? xD
and thanks for the compliment hehe *blush*
your oneshot is on the way!! i'll have it up within two weeks~
msawkward #4
alksdjlaks;dj what ; A ; Jongup.. OTL
msawkward #5
I'll be honest: I think the first one shot could have been better. Definitely has that shoujo feel and.. I don't know.. Feels like it's missing things? But the second was good, aha ^^; I wish I could give you more constructive criticism but I can't put my finger on it /:
@fxluna: you requested the byg fluffy oneshot a while back too, right? I haven't forgotten! ;) Just... taking a while to get around to it LOL I'll write both for you soon <3
Daehyun x oc. Fluff, fluff, lots of fluff. Just something sweet will do. Preferably no angst included :)
@crestrisen: LOLOLOL youngjae would be so upset if he saw that LOL but that's a pretty good photo, perfect timing haha XD

Yayy~~~~ I'm glad you liked it!! Ah, makes me super happy!! I was kind of nervous you wouldnt >< haha

I think I would to no end too, if I was in her position, hehehe

Thanks so much for the comment <3<3<3 you have no idea what it means to me ^_______^
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/Fuji-Eri/youngjae-iamsosorry.png LOOOOOLLLL.

The first chapter was so short and left me confused, but the second one was gold. Yoonji is a mean but tbh I would do the same just to spite him ahahhahhahjkdhflskjd. Jello as the cat was too adorable!

I loved how you kept making Yoonji mess up! First was the multiple teasing, the diet phrase, and the baking scene. Everything (except the envelope cause obv YJ would find it) was quite unexpected lol. And the final scenes! It was beautiful how you reused lines about YJ's face and them echoing each other, it made everything seem more cohesive and sweeter :))))

I really liked this and will bookmark it <333
@KpopAce: hehe :) thanks for reading & commenting!