OC for the story ^^



OC For the JiYong romance ^o^




Name: Choi DaHee

Stage Name: Peach

Appearance: Long, brown curly hair, average height/weight, likes to wear cute stuff ^^

Age: 17

Birthday: 18/5

Position in band (No rappers, sorry!): the one who does really good aegyo ^^

Talents: Can speak fluent english and french

Background (life before band): Used to train as a gymanst till she got injured and couldn't do it anymore so she started dancing

Personality: Cute and quirky, always found doing really weird things like meowing xD

Quirks: She really like cheese, always eating cheese sandwiches :P

Personality flaws: She speaks with out thinking

Physical flaws: her left pinky cant move very well

Good traits: Shes really nice and polite, shes a great dancer, she can sing (obviously otherwise she wouldnt be in the girl group xD)

Hobbies: She likes to play video games, dance, sing, watch dramas

Fears: heights, spiders

Pet Peeves: when people leave rubbish/food around

Relationships: i dont really know its your story :S

Additional Info: ummmmm, her aegyo is really awesome and she can get anyone to do anything for her with it. She also makes up random words like roarsome (roar + awesome)



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