First Sight.

Hyung's Girlfriend

"Taemin-ah! Come down here, I need you to meet someone." Onew Hyung calls me from downstairs.

I was practicing my dance steps for a long period of time, and I was dripping with sweat. I grabbed the nearest shirt beside me and threw it on and made my way downstairs.  As I approached the last step I noticed they were all in the kitchen. Onew's back was facing me and he had his arm conveniently wrapped around a girl who stood up to his shoulder. Her hair was long, curly, and brown. She looked ordinary, from the back, at least. I made my way to the kitchen and noticed that Key was cleaning the counters, Jonghyun was having a conversation with Minho totally ignoring the guest, and Onew stood across from then and gently pecked the girl's cheek signaling her to be calm.

"Onew Hyung." I whisper, leaning against the frame of the wall.

Both him and the girl turn to face me. Then, that's when I saw her. When I actually took in her presence. Both of them gave me a soft smile and I bowed towards her respectfully. As she came up from bowing she tucked one strand of her hair behind her ear, revealing two diamond earrings that matched well with her light skin. I assumed Onew had bought it for her. My face became red when I noticed how horrible I might have been looking, but her eyes  seemed understanding.

"Taemin, this is Mi Sun. She's my girlfriend." He gave me a smug smile, being proud of that statement.

"Anneyong, Mi Sun Noona~" I smiled back to her and she seemed a bit taken back by the word 'Noona'; I guess she thought I was older. I take it as a compliment.

She wasn't tall at all. She was even shorter than Jonghyun, big shock there. I noticed I was looking at her way too much than expected, she seemed totally opposite from Onew hyung.

Later in the night, we ended up watching this chick flick. Not really my taste; unless Emma Watson were in it then I'd be fully attentive. I sat by the arm of the couch, Onew sat beside me and Mi Sun was next to him. While Key kept his eyes on the screen and Minho/Jjong were nearly knocked out.

"Hyung.." I whisper to Onew, and as I look he is already sleeping.

I roll my eyes at how "excited" he was to watch this movie.

"I can't believe he's sleeping." I hear Mi Sun chuckle lightly.

I lean forward to see her looking at me with a smile.

"Could you show me to his room? He needs some sleep." Her slender finger pokes at his cheek which causes him to face the toher way.

"Sure." Before, I got up I playfully slapped Onew behind the head which made him finally wake up.

Mi Sun held his hand and guided him while she followed behind me up the stairs. The hallway was dark and I felt a hand tug on my shirt.

"Sorry," Mi Sun whispered, "I cant see anything." I almost heard her smile.

I swiftly the light and we made our way to the last room in the hall, Hyung's room.

"Here you are." I smile.

"Gomawo, dongsaeng." She bows while still holding onto Onew's hand since he was still in a daze from me slapping him upside the head.

For some reason, I cringed when she called me "dongsaeng." It didn't suit me when she addressed me as that. So before making my way downstairs I turn back to her.

"Mi Sun Noona, don't call me dongsaeng. It doesn't feel right." I twitched and she began to laugh.

Wow. I caused her to smile, chuckle, and laugh in one day. I watched as she entered the Onew's room and closed the door behind her.

As I went downstairs, Minho was awake and Key was fast asleep beside Jonghyun.

"Where were you?" Minho interrogates me as soon as I sit down.

"She needed to know where Onew Hyung's room was."

He nods in belief, which gives me loads of relief. I never would want him to think otherwise.

The morning sun peered through my curtains and blinded my eyes which caused me to wake up. It was warm outside and my blankets were cascaded onto the floor. I heard no movement what-so-ever in the house, so that meant I had dibs on the shower first! I began whistling and twirling around the hallway to a song that was mentally playing in my head and practically kicked the bathroom door open. But then I suddenly stopped in my tracks. Right then and there I couldn't believe what I had barged in to see.

It was... Mi Sun Noona.

She had just come out the shower, obviously. But LUCKILY there was a towel wrapped around her! Wait, LUCKILY? What am I thinking such vulgar thoughts? Wrapped in a towel or not, I still invaded her privacy. My eyes widened in shock and my puffy face became even more puffier. It was worse for her though; she had nothing but a small cloth wrapped around her while I had a baby dinosaur shirt on with light pink boxers. OKAY, maybe in a way, I had it waaaay worse. Before she can open to scream or cuss from A to Z I immediately shut the door behind me and tumbled/rolled down the staircase. Alright, maybe not tumbled and rolled but nearly died from rushing down the stairs. Everywhere I ran in the house didn't work because the image of her would chase me down the whole neighborhood. How am I going to enjoy suhsi now, when its all WRAPPED UP. Exposed. Delicious. 

I slapped myself as hard as I could, "TAEMIN! Stop that now, you can't think this way." I say to myself  as I dig my face in to my pillow.

Wait. What if she told Onew? I'm done for. I bet he hasn't even seen her half- yet! That would really kill him, considering the fact that I saw her that way first. I inhale the soft scent of my room and collect myself before checking if the coast was clear. I cupped my ear on the bathroom door to hear any movement or if anyone ELSE were to be wrapped up in a towel. Finally; an empty bathroom! I go inside and lock the door in case, you know, karma might come back at me. Maybe a shower was what I longed for...

But sooner or later, I would have to apologize to Mi Sun for barging in on her like that.

Aigo~ what a morning. I so have to get used to this lifestyle of a girl living with us.

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angel_barbie #1 cute...hehe<br />
please update soon...^_^