Yes, I Love You....

Yes, I Love You... (oneshot)


                Everyday, Jaejoong went to basketball court, watching his favourite team training. He like basketball but he did not know how to play.

                “Look at Yunho, he such a hottie,” said a bunch of girls that sat at the first row. As Jaejoong took a seat, Yunho took a glance at Jaejoong before waving his hand.

                “He’s waving to us!” said the girls excitedly.

                Jaejoong just chuckled at the girls behavior and shook his head.  He’s blushing when he realizes that Yunho was staring at him, not at a bunch of girl.

                “Yo, Yunho. Lets continue our training. Stop staring at those girls.” Yunho grabbed the ball and continue training. The girl getting  excited and shouting whenever Han shoot the ball. After  training is over, those girls gather around Yunho. Jaejoong just standing far away from them, looking the girl flirting with Yunho. Then, someone tap him from behind.

                “Jae, what are you doing here?” asked his elder brother.

                “I just took leisurely walk.”

                “But why are you standing here? Are you staring at those girls over there?”

                “what?! No…  can’t you see that those girls is flirting with the guy over there. I just wondering, are that guy really hot?”

                “Let me see… umm… he is better than you. Hahahaha.”  Jaejoong glared his brother before tugged him to walk with him.

                On the other hand, Yunho was annoyed with the boy that approached Jaejoong who was standing a few feet away. He felt envy to see Jaejoong grabbed the boy’s hand and walked away.

                The next day, Jaejoong was late for school. He rushed along his way to class and accidently bumped into someone.

                “Auch” Jaejoong scream in pain.

                “Ah, I’m sorry. Are you okay?” said the boy, extended his hand and helped Jaejoong to get up. Jaejoong can felt butterflies in his stomach. He felt his face heating up from their closeness. When he look up, he meet eyes with a hootie, handsome guy.

                “Err… I’m okay.”

                “Are you sure?”

                “Yea. By the way, thanks for helping me. Erm, I need to go now.”

Jaejoong rushed to his class, leaving Yunho behind. His heart was pounding faster. He took a deep breath before entered the class and settle down on his place.

‘what happen to me? Why my heart beating so fast? Does it mean, I… NO! It can’t be! This drive me crazy.’ Jaejoong sank into thought.

                “Kim Jaejoong! Don’t daydreaming. Come here and solve this equation,” said his mathematic’s teacher. Jaejoong jumped in surprised when his name was called. He then walked to the front and tried to solve the equation.

                “Good, now go back to your place. Next  time,  please focus when I’m teaching,” warned the teacher. Jaejoong just nodded his head.

                After the class  was  over, Jaejoong went to a basketball court. He saw Yunho was playing basketball and covered with sweat. Once again, Jaejoong felt butterflies in his stomach. His eyes laid on Yunho sweaty ,masculine body. He shook his head to bring himself back to his sense and start to walk away. At the moment he starts to walk, someone called him.

                “Hey you!” Jaejoong frozen at his placed. A few second later, Yunho was right in front of him.

                “Hai! What are you doing here?” asked Yunho.

                “urm.. nothing. Just walk around.”

                “I’m Yunhi,” said Yunho and extended his hand. Jaejoong hesistantly shook his hand.

                “urm.. my name is Jaejoong.”

                “Do you want to play with me?”

                “ Its okay. I don’t even know how to play basketball.”

                “Really? Let me teach you. Come with me.” Yunho tugged Jaejoong into the field and start to teach Jaejoong. he went behind jaejoong. He raised Jaejoong’s arm and aimed it at the top.

                “Just raised the ball at this level and you will get the shot..” Yunho whispered. jaejoong could feel  yunho’s hot breathe on his ears. He gulped down. His heart was beating so fast and he started to sweat.

                “One..two..three…” Yunho and Jaejoong threw the ball and it graciously went into the hoop.

                “nice…” said Yunho. Jaejoong could feel his cheek heat up.

                Since then, Yunho and Jaejoong got closer. Jaejoong will watching Yunho playing basketball in the afternoon. Yunho love the feeling when Jaejoong was around. He love the attention that Jaejoong gave when he was injured.

One day, Jaejoong asked Yunho…

                “Yun, do you have a lover?”


                “Yup, lover. I just wondering since you are famous in our school.”

                “No, I don’t.”

                “What? Are you serious? Don’t  you think you should have one to lean on?”

                “Why should I? I already have you by my side. I don’t need other people.” Jaejoong was startled. He flushed at Yunho’s statement.he was speechless, cat got his tongue. He could feel  Yunho’s warmth beside him. Yunho was staring intensely at him.

                “err… what do you mean?” asked Jaejoong.

Yunho cupped Jaejoong’s face and look straight into his eyes. Their  faces were so close to one another. Jaejoong could  even feel  Yunho’s warm breathed. He could not do anything now, except blinking. Slowly, Yunho claimed          Jaejoong’s red kissable lips. Jaejoong was stunned. It just a simple kiss yet made his heartbeat  faster. He immediately pushed Yunho and run away, leaving Yunho  alone. Jaejoong was really confused now.

                After the incident, jaejoong tried to escape from yunho. He will avoided  Yunho whenever he saw him. He still can’t figure out his feeling towards Yunho.

                The next two weeks, after the school was over, Yunho waiting Jaejoong in front of the school entrance. The moment Jaejoong saw Yunho, he start to walk away from Yunho, but he can’t escape as Yunho managed to grab Jaejoong’s arm.

                “Why are you avoiding me?” asked Yunho. Jaejoong glared at him and just keep his mouth shut. Yunho locked their hands together  and dragged Jaejoong with him to somewhere else, to the place where they can solve their problem. Lastly, they settle down at the basketball court. Silence took place. None of them willingly to start the conversation. Both of them just keep their mouth shut and looked away from each other.

                “OKAY! I can’t stand this anymore. What happen? Why did you run away from me?” Yunho began after a deafening silence that took place for a while.

                “… nothing  wrong….”

                “What do you mean by NOTHING? You ignore me for almost one month. I can’t bear it. Now, you act like nothing was happened.”

                “Argh!!!! Alright! I’m confused. What make you love me? I’m just an ordinary guy and I don’t even think I’m into you. I’m straight. I just…. Ah! I don’t know..” Jaejoong lowered his head. His mind was about to crash-boom-BANG until he felt long and slender  fingers tilting his head. When he raised his head, he realized that Yunho had cupped his face and now they are staring at each other, words unspoken.

                Yunho slowly caressed Jaejoong’s soft cheeks.

                “Look into my eyes. I’m really in love with you. It was love at first sight. First time I saw you during our basketball match, I know I was falling deep in love. I grabbed a chance to befriend with you. I want you to know  that you’re special in my heart. But, when you run away from me, it make my heart hurt. Its really hurt when you’re trying to avoid me.”

                Jaejoong stared straight in Yunho’s eyes. He could see ‘love’ in his eyes. Staring into his eyes make Jaejoong reminiscing the moment they spend together . They laughed together, teasing each other, talk  with each other. He remembered  the soft lips that make him flushed and his heart fell like will explode anytime. At the moment, he realizes that he was in love with Yunho. He meant it. He stared,stared and stared. Without thinking, He pull Yunho into a hug. A smile finds its way to Yunho’s lip.

                “I’m sorry” Jaejoong managed to murmur. The words he breathed out tickled yunho’s neck softly.

                “Its okay.” Yunho secured his hands, encircling Jaejoong’s waist as tight as he could. They remain still, felt each other warmth.

                “Does this mean you love me?” Yunho asked when they finally broke the hug. Jaejoong dazed into Yunho’s eyes.

                “Yes…. I love YOU!”





* Thank You for reading this oneshot! hope you like it~ dont forget to comment~*

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anaha10 #1
Chapter 1: Its very cute & lovely <3
Chapter 2: Awww sooo sweet^^
love it dear^U^
nice one shot! make some more~ *puppy eyes*
@heavenly93~ chinggu-ya~ give me some more time to complete that story ok~ ehehe~
uhuhuhuuhuhu!!! i know this story!! yeaaahhhh!!! go Yunvin! haha! YES! I LOOVE YOU 2! gahahaha.. daebak chinggu ya! ><v now dont foget to post the other story ya! ^^v hehe~~ hwaiting!
Erikaoi #6
Cute.simple but cute.
Update soon! ^^