First meeting

Super Guys- Korean dream

The 17 year old boy was shaking, when he entered in the dancing room. He not shaking that's why because he was cold or he was afraid just he was worried that what will be on the new place, he will mess up something why will be better, if he leave the dance. He opened the door and taken some steps, but immediately stopped. There were at least 15 another boys and girls on the room, they dancing for great, but what was the strangest for him, not a dance teacher stood in front of the dance group, but a boy. A boy, who seemed not much older, even maybe not was that. YeWook just watched him, and the dancer boy also noticed the other boy in the mirror, so he stopped and after a few seconds he slowly turned. His breath is stopped, when he saw the newcomer. It was as though time had stopped. Wook bowed his head. A little frightened and besides hard to bear if he went in new fellowship.
-Ehm... Hello!- greeted for him one of the girls, who was closer to him.
Wook picked up his head.
- Hi!- greeted the choreography teacher boy because he noticed that looking on the boy - Are you Wook, right?
YeWook was suprised that the boy knows his name, but he nodding.
- I'm KyuSung, but calmly to call me Kyu.
Wook again nodding.
- Not I'm the teacher. - KyuSung smiling and he looked at the others. Some boys or girls laughed. - She's not here, but asked me that I teach a choreography. Come, join.
Kyu wanted to show the dance whereat just they worked, but a girl ran up to him. As long debated with Kyu,  till he allowed, that she keep a show for Wook. YeWook smiled for the girl because he suspected why was it. The girl was fantastic dancer, but she messed up the last step and fallen. YeWook was afraid, quickly ran up to her that he can assist, why the girl immediately flushed. At the moment, as he got there, Kyu also rushed to help her. The two boys hands touched, but Wook quickly pulled away of own.

- Are you well? - looked at the girl rather. She sniffed one, but then nod. Not was all right because she could hardly stand up. Kyu decided he finish the class, but the girl disagreed. Insisted till Kyu not continued the dance. Already also Wook joined to the others. No one not thought that will succeed the dance now to him, but everyone wondered, when he began to dance. Kyu's words stopped as he see how can to dance the newcomer. One of the boys, Hae poked, that pulled oneself together.
- Sorry! - said Kyu - But this... I don't know what to say.
YeWook thought, he didn't like the dance. He began to panic and was sweating as when he is in stress situation. He was very happy when Kyu said, that Wook was great. However bothered him that everyone stared at him and it was also in the dressing room, he could hardly dress. Then when Wook went to home, someone yelled after him. True, the boy recognized the voice, but hoped, he is wrong and is not the boy whom he thought. But namely he was. Kyu. Wook felt, you'd better keep the distance because happend why he always afraid. He had a big secret, which he didn't talked never to nobody and do not want to talk about it.
-Where are you going? Can I go with you?- inquired KyuSung.
- Listen, you're so fantastic. I mean your dance skills. You impressed everyone, particularly me. And I think, also other.
YeWook looked at him questioningly.
-She was Seo. The girl, who pulled her ankle.
-Do you like? Nice girl.
Wook silent for a moment. He never liked, if interrogate him about girls. His parents still quite often asked from girls.
-Yes, nice. But me...
-I think, she likes you.
Wook felt he flushed. He wanted to escape from the boy. Wook didn't fell well himself with him, in fact, he really liked Kyu. Overmuch. But thought he isn't such than he.
"Surely the girls love him and also he very love all girl. Maybe he parlay if a girl want to approach him. We are totally two different worlds."
-Sorry, but I got to run right now! - said quickly and already ran.
Kyu didn't realize what to say, just when Wook already ran before him a few meters. Looked after him, but already was too late that he go to after Wook. Namely he wanted. Despairingly went to home and just thought on the last hours. It was so beautiful.
Kyu tried to talk with Wook on the next days, often accompanied, he did as he proceed thitherward as the another boy, but Wook always hurried, therefore Kyu couldn't knew much about him. Wasn't occasion, that he cognize Wook.

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