

The loud electronic sound boomed loudly across the four walls of the studio room. I wondered who are the people practicing inside, I rarely see other trainees since they usually go for the group stuff and I'm trained to be a soloist.

"Hey, IU right?"

I stood dumbfounded as my eyes shifted to Wooyoung, standing confidently by the doorway of the studio room. Sweat covered his skin, as he wore only a sleeveless T-shirt and jogging pants. I gulped, a rare treat for my eyes to see a man like that, so I quickly glanced away.

"Like what you see?" He snickered as he waved at me, before going back inside the room. Feeling a bit annoyed, I hastened my pace, making my way towards the vocal practice room, not even looking back, scared to see him again.

That jerk.


Not again. Why do I have to keep on bumping at this arrogant guy?

"Hey there... it's you again. How's practice?" He asked, placing his tray of food across mine, as he took his seat. Trying to act nonchalant, I smiled at him, before taking a sip from my carton of milk.

"It's okay."

"You don't seem to be in the mood for talking. I'm Wooyoung, by the way, I heard you're IU from a trainee friend. So, you're dreaming to be a soloist." He said, not even stopping to give me time to talk back. I just stared at him, dumbfounded at his personality, wondering why I even wanted to know what kind of person he is in the first place.

"Yes, I am. I have been a trainee for more than a year now." I told him, distracting myself with the pancake on my plate. He seemed to be more amused as he started eating his own plate of food, before watching me again.

"You're really pretty. You can become anyone, just use your charms." He whispered, winking as if he said something very interesting, when in fact, it's annoying. Feeling my pressure going up, I quickly stood up, gathering my stuff before planning to leave.

He took hold of my hand, a smirk still planted on that boyishly handsome face of his. Did I say handsome, erase that part...

"What, did I say something offensive?"

Before I can even react, a staff ran over to our table, bowing at the both of us, then facing Wooyoung who seemed not to take notice.

"Wooyoung, you should be leaving for your TV appointment. The driver has been waiting in the van for an hour now." He murmured, hoping not everyone in the canteen could hear that.

"I'm not done with my meal, okay Just tell him to wait, that TV show can wait, they won't be able to find a replacement like me, anyways." I can almost feel my food go up to my mouth as I felt sick hearing him say that. I've never seen such an obnoxious disrespectful guy and I just want to slap him there.

"But Wooyoung, your manager will scold me again..."

"Don't be such a spoil-sport..." I watched as Wooyoung sat back on his seat, his hand toying with his food, as the staff left, a hopeless look on his face. That's it. I can't take it anymore.

"You know what...." I started off, my patience running dry for this person. He looked up, his face lighting up, as he waited for me to speak again.

You can do it IU. Just tell him straight to his face.

"You are one obnoxious, arrogant guy who don't seem to be grateful for the success you have. It's better for someone else to achieve such glory ratehr than someone like you who takes it all for granted. Wake up, it's not everyday that you're popular, work your for it!"

His face fell, I can almost hear the gasps that echoed inside the cafeteria. Breathing in and out, I took my tray and left the table, not even looking at him again. He deserves that. Feeling proud, I stashed the tray in the washing area before exiting the room with an air of accomplishment.

Wooyoung, you're such an idiot.

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Chapter 6: Still wait for you to update. Please update, i really want to know what the next.
please continue this story, i love it.
Chapter 6: Hope to see an update sometime in the future :)
Good story
missseoulicious #4
SHushi... haha, you're a regular critic, I must say..and I appreciate it. True, true, I think I just imagined Wooyoung over there getting embarrassed.. haha, prolly tripping over once he walked past the door? Teehee. ;) Thanks for liking my latest update! :)
haha really? that's some interesting inspiration ;P
great update once again...wooyoung acting all embarrassed is cute...and IU still seems annoyed with him.but i would do the same as well if i were her...well, he freaking told yen that he actually dislikes his duet with IU xD
missseoulicious #6
shushi_pilsuk: haha, thank you. glad I got you hooked in this story. :) yeah, actually it's inspired by me looking for an "inspiration". hahaha. <3
uw i'm really addicted to this story now..can't wait till their relationship get better.and the whole idea about 'my inspiration' is really interesting^^
wy0430 #8
update soon!
missseoulicious #9
rahlicious: I love that the last part of our username here is the same. :) Thank you for subscribing... hope you continue loving this story! ;)