Chapter 2

Mr Love Rival...



"You did WHAT?"

And Taemin proceeded to laugh loudly enough to attract a look from everyone warming up in the dance room.

"You get louder and louder every day," I muttered with my head in my arms. I was currently deeply regretting what had happened during lunch.

"You said that? To Jonghyun? Who you have never ever talked to before? In our almost three years here?"

"I don't know what came over me!" I cried exasperatedly. "I just… I don't know…" I groaned. "What do I do now? You don't think he'll tell everyone, do you?"

Taemin shrugged. "You should've thought of that before you opened your mouth."

"You're no help," I grumbled.

"Come on, Mirae. Jay hyung moved to the states so we have a new dance teacher, remember? We need to make a good impression."

"Kay." But I waited until he grabbed my hands and pulled me up into a hug.

"I won't bother you anymore," he said into my ear. "Talk to me when you need to. And watch your mouth."

"Thank you," I whispered and squeezed him one more time before looking up at him and looking behind him, expecting everyone to be looking at us. But they were looking towards the door…

…at a stranger.

A man, to be exact. Tall, skinny, built, and obviously our new dance teacher. Looking right at us.

Taemin turned swiftly. I felt him freeze. 

And an awkward moment passed.

The new man finally looked away and continued to walk in. "Class. Time to start."


The only thing the girls were talking about after school was the new dance teacher, Mr. Choi. They were already calling him Minho oppa though. They had a way of finding out things, like his first name.

Taemin was oddly quiet as we walked home. Key had something to do and left first. In fact, he wasn't even in dance with us. 

We were about to walk into our apartment when the door to the apartment across the hall from ours opened. The elderly couple that we had met a few times walked out.

"Hello, my dears," the grandma greeted warmly.

"Hello, grandma," I smiled back. "How are you today?"

She nodded slowly. "Good, good. I'm afraid this is the last time we're seeing each other though."


"Yes, we're moving out today. We were just about to say goodbye to you guys, but it seems things worked out well. We just wanted to say farewell."

"Where are you guys going?" Taemin finally broke out of his trance.

"Our son is taking us to the states. It'll be wonderful," the grandpa answered. "Your new neighbors will be moving in tomorrow. They look about the same age as you young folk, so get along well, okay?"

We nodded and finished our farewells, wishing the grandma and grandpa happiness in the states.

"That's sad that they're moving away… they're so nice," I said as I took off my shoes.

"I wonder who our new neighbors will be." Taemin walked into the kitchen. "You hungry?"

I stopped and stared at Taemin getting ready to cook. "You're stressed about something."

He didn't reply.

I sighed. Taemin was a stress cooker, although not the best in the world. So he was definitely stressed about something.

And so was I. And I was definitely a stress eater.

"Taem, make me an omelette."

"Will do."


Taemin and I met Key the first day in school in dance class. We knew only each other but we didn't care, just joking around and having fun as usual. And then when class came around, we awed everyone with our dance skills, especially Taem. Afterwards, people were all talking and pointing at us, but no one seemed to want to come and say hi. That's when Key came up to us.

"You guys are 10th graders too?"

"Yes," I answered friendlily. "You too?"

He nodded. "My name is Kim Kibum."

"I'm Han Mirae. This is Lee Taemin."

"Han Mirae. Lee Taemin. Cool, call me Key. How do you two know each other?"

"We've been friends since middle school. We moved to Seoul together to attend this school."

He smiled. "How cute. But no going out or anything, right? Lee Taemin?"

Taemin flinched slightly and I frowned. "What do you mean?"

He laughed. "I don't mean to be mean or anything. I just notice things very easily. Well, nice to meet you guys. I hope we get along."

And surprisingly, we did. Taem and Key got off to a rough start, but eventually, they became closer. Now, nine months from graduation, they're closer than me with either of them. Key has never said anything, but we're pretty positive he knows Taemin is gay.

And now, I have a feeling I know something about Key too.


"Why am I doing this?"

"Because you love me!" Taemin replied to me without hesitation. "And we should be good neighbors and both of us greet them."

"What if they're creepy?"

"Han Mirae."

"Just saying."

Taemin sighed before pressing the doorbell. 


"I'll get it hyung!"

"That voice…" Taemin frowned.

"…is eerily familiar." I finished.

"Both of them." We looked at each other.

The door clicked open. It swung forward.

"Who is it?"

I froze in place as Kim Jonghyun's face came into view.






a/n: ah! it looks like we're getting somewhere! I actually have the first few chapters written up, so I'll update frequently for a while. But once I catch up to them, then I'll slow down. Enjoy :)

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Wow.getting intersting nae?