Hired [One-Shot]

Hired [One-Shot]

            She got up today earlier than her usual wake up time. She prepared her breakfast, took a bath and wore her best corporate attire. She’s wearing a black dress, extending until above her knees, partnered with cream-colored blazer and high heels. She fixed her hair like a girlish doll and put on some make-up. She seemed so simple, yet elegant. At the moment when everything was ready, she got her shoulder bag and a long white folder, got out of her apartment and started her trip to the company where she, hopefully, will be hired as the CEO’s secretary.

            After almost thirty minutes, she finally reached her destination. As soon as she entered the building, she was amazed of how beautiful it was. She proceeded to the elevator and directly went to the 35th floor where she was told to come. The moment she stepped out from the elevator, she was more flabbergasted of how huge, stylish and professionally designed the place was. Her eyes were wandering around but still, she kept her cool. She went to the information booth and said, “Good morning, miss. I am here for an interview with the CEO.” Then, she smiled to the lady.

            The lady looked up to her, browsed some files, probably resumes, and looked back to her once more. “Alright, just enter to his office. The CEO is waiting for you,” the lady uttered and smiled back at her. Then, the lady motioned the way towards the CEO’s office.

            “Thank you,” she replied and went towards the office’ door. She stopped for a moment there, took a deep breath, before she finally knocked and entered.

            Inside, she heard a man, perhaps, the CEO himself, talking on the phone while sitting on his chair. He was facing the window that’s why she wasn’t able to see his face right away. She stood at the same position, until she heard him bade goodbye on the phone and spun around. By that time, she contained herself and prepared for the interview. “Good morning, sir,” she greeted.

            He looked at her and was going to greet her back but he became speechless. He was as surprised as her. Their eyes widened as both of them recognized each other. “You,” was just all that they could say.

            “You’re the CEO?” she asked, not believing of what she saw.

            “Y-yeah,” he stammered at first but recovered immediately. “So, you’re the one who’s applying to be my secretary?” he asked.

            “Uhm, yes,” now, she’s the one stuttering.

            After he finally realized what was happening, he cleared his throat and said, “Miss, come and take a sit.” She followed his order and waited on what’s gonna happen next. When she looked at him, she saw him smirked like an idea popped on his mind. Because of it, she started to feel nervous.

            “So miss,” he started as he walked back and forth in front of her. “Why should I hire you?”

            “Sir, as stated in my resume, I have already two years of working experience in the same position. I graduated in a prestigious school and I believe that I have the capabilities to be your secretary,” she stated as she tried to look at him directly to his eyes. On the other hand, he was just nodding, absorbing what she just said.

            He went back to his chair and asked another question. But this time, a personal one. “Do you still remember how you broke my heart?”

            She was shocked; she didn’t know what to say. Of course, she still remembered. It was three years ago, they were on their final year in college. One afternoon, after class, he decided to meet her at the school garden and talk to her. He didn’t know the exact words to say to her. All he knew that time was his feelings for her.

            She came, as expected. He walked towards her and said, “I know that we’ve been friends for a long time now. We’re close and I’m very happy that you came into my life.”

            She was looking intently in his eyes, still unsure of why he’s saying those things to her. “I think I’m fallin’ for you,” he finally confessed.

            There was no reaction from her, nor a word from . Moments later, she just smiled and uttered, “You know that you’re one of my closest friends and I’m also happy that you came into my life.” But her smile faded as she continued, “But…but, I’m not yet ready for any commitment or relationship. As of now, my studies are my priorities in life and you know it. I’m sorry, but I guess, it’s better if we’ll stay as friends.”

            It was his first heartache. He didn’t reply, instead, he watched her turned around from him and she said, “I’m sorry.” Then she ran away.

            Yes, they were still friends, but it was unavoidable for them to distant themselves from each other. Things remained that way, until their graduation, or rather, until now. No communication between them since then.

            She snapped back into reality after she finished her little imaginary flashback. She’s still looking at him. She really regretted what happened. Only if she gave him a chance, maybe, until now, they were together. “Only if I opened my heart,” she thought.

            “Yes,” she finally replied from a long pause. She bowed her head and continued, “I’m sorry. I thought I’ll ruin my priorities if I accepted your offer. I was afraid back then.”

            He was just listening to her. He knew that thing even before. He knew her very well; she’s really a studious girl. But something caught his ears and made him astounded. That something was the words that escaped from . “But I’ve learned that I was falling for you as well.”

            She lifted her head and looked back directly to him. “So sir, if you’ll permit me, can I fix your broken heart I once broke?”

            He smiled and simply replied, “You’re hired!"

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