Long Detention!

Lovely Demon


You: Excuse me is this Detention?

No one seemd to be there, except someone in the back who came closer to you

You: AHhhh.. A ghost >

Zen: What the hell?? no Im not a ghost, argh your so noisy T __T;

You: oh O.O so your not a ghost?? You started touching hes face to make sure

Zen: What are you doing you idiot?? =_=

You: ohh I was just checking * hehe* oh your Zen right?

Zen: yes, I remember you I saved your little friend back there, your more stupid then I thought you were.

You: yeah hahaha.. ( =.=")  oh  thank you about that yesterday, you just left so we couldnt properly show you our gratitude

My name is ~~ nice to meet you :)

Zen: Yeah whatever.. no need to be so formal with me T _T

As Zen said that the Teacher comes in, as you sat on your places you had to stay 2 hours listening to hes big lecture, hr scolded you and made you feel that you did somthing really bad, As the teacher stops to catch hes breathe he gets called to the School office. the teacher leaves and warned you both not to do something that you might get expelled for.

You: *yaawn* that was soo boring = ="I think I almostfell asleep

Zen: Hah almost I could see how your head was trying to stay up while your eyes were all the time closing and opening XD

You: *haha* well you were just staring at your desk

Zen: not really I was looking more at you then my desk

You: O.O oh (okaaayyyyyy T ,T ?)

Its already 5 pm and the teacher hasnt come back, you and Zen are getting worried.

Zen: is it me or the Teacher has been taking too long now??

You: yeah, I think that too

Zen: well then dont the school gates close at 7 pm?

You: yeah they do!

Zen: okay you stay here! I will go look for the teacher, dont do anyhting stupid Missy

You: = =; fine

Zen made hes way to door, but it wont open! Zen starts to twist and turn the door nob but it wont move.

It seems that your in!!??

few minutes pass and Zen gives up, you sit on the ground and make your self in a little corner, Its getting colder and you dont have any Jacket, your freezing then Zen comes closer and sits next to you

Zen:hey Missy! are you cold? He touches your cheeks and then he takes hes Jacket off and puts it around you Here that will make you warm.

You: uh O///O thank you

Zen: *haha* geez I have to babysit you already T _T man your a problem. anyway now that were here

tell me how did you get in detention?

You: well you see my friend Lia she usually gets alwaysin trouble, so this time she sneaked into the Teachers roomand then I was near by so the teacher thought it was me O.O so I had to cover for her!
because if the teacher found out that it was Lia the school would have kicked her out! and then her parents would send her to a foreign school.

Zen: ahh I see, *haha* I knew you have the look of a good girl or atleast not crazy.

You: yeah I guess hmm so how did you get Detention?

Zen: Me? well lets see I came late to some classes , I didnt show up in one of them, I got yelled by the teacher and I got in trouble because I have bleached hair. ya know the usual. It doesnt matter anyway I almost always get detention.

You: huh? but if you get in trouble all the time? how come the school hasn't kicked you out? O.O

Zen: *keke* cuz Im the Son's Director of this school. Duh you didnt knew?

You: WOWY! no I didnt knew that O.o but as the son's Director , Dont you have to be the best student? and have good grades and all that??

Zen: hm how do you know that I dont get good grades? and anyway My Father doesnt care what I do or not do, My brother was the favorite.

You: oh I dont know. sorry I jumped to conclusions O.O but what about your mother? she must love you a lot ^ ^

Zen: hm you think so?

You: Yeah :D
Zen: well I dont know I  never met my mother

You: oh I see.. Im so.
Zen: I like the color Black and white! what about you? what is your Favorite color?You feel how Zen's voice is trembling
you feel that you shouldn't go deeper to hes personal life. so you went a long.

You: oh my fave color is ~~

Zen: oh really?

The more time you spent with Zen the more you feel that he is a nice guy and not as bad as everyone say's

You: Hey Zen! can I tell you something? promise you wont get mad??

Zen: well it depends on what your going to tell me *smirk* you will have to see if I get mad or not He moves hes head closer to you, you feel that you can feel hes breathe.

You:.. hm you know how everyone say's that your a bad boy! well now that Im talking to you like this, I feel that your a nice guy ^ ^♥ You give him a bright smile

Zen: *hahaha* are you sure about that? just because were talking doesnt mean that you know me, oh man you shouldnt trust me like this. I could act this all out and you wouldnt even know.

You: Hmm well I dont care I still belive that your a nice guy ( he gave me hes jacket! and he worried about me that makes him a nice guy)

Zen: hm you cant be too sure , You dont know me, so you dont know if the rumors are true or not.

You: so you mean they are true?

Zen: no I said "if"I never said that they were true, you see people judge so easy thats why I dont hang out with little kids lie you cuz one thing you do wrong and everyone points at you and says your the bad guy *chuckle* I just laugh at this Foolish rumors and ingore it.

You: so that means you dont have any friends at this school??

Zen: I didnt said that, geez Missy T__T that lecture must have broken your ear drums or something so that you dont even hear well anymore.

I just hang out with the high school kids.

You: oh O.o your the same year as me right? wow you dont look like my age.

Zen: T_T whatever

You: (hm now that I think about it Kei doesnt look like he is in middle school, hes tall just like Zen) *hehe*

Its already 7:20 pm now and you hear someone knocking the door, It was a Teacher from the higher classes

you explained why you were locked in, as you were excused to leave . you and Zen went out together.


Zen: so were do you live?

You:hmm  I live few blocks a head, nex to the information/Help center for Tourists. hm why??

Zen: Okay I will walk you home then.

You: oh you dont have to!  but thank you :)Bye see you tomorrow!  As you walked away Zen grabs your arm and pulls  you to him, you felt the way that he grabbed your arm , the touch of hes skin. its was so.. familiar.

Zen: I didnt say you have a choice, I said "I will" stupid

its not good that a girl walks alone at this time especially a little kid like you Missy

You: *hehe* I see

Zen: T__T what are you giggling about stupid?

Zen walked you all the way to your door entrance, as he is about to leave

You: Umm Zen! thank you soo much *Bow* arigatou gozaimasu!

He turned around

Zen: *hah* as I said dont be so formal kid ;) and why thank you? I only walked you home and anyway my house is by

You: *giggle* okay I wont change your mind then ( thats not true he cared for me all this time, I dont believe that he lives nearby. hes a nice guy just I like I thought)

You stayed to see Him walk away, wen you couldnt see him anymore you went in your house, finshed your homework, and brushed you teeth  then went to sleep.

You: *dream*


A gentle hand.





your dreams song ♥
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Missbunnylayla #1
thank ^ ^ ♥ (wow someone actually read my story >.< *hapy*
iminlovewithyou2 #2
nice title... I like the contrast :)