The Begining

Lovely Demon

2 APRIL 2012



You: hmm .. just few minutes more (# - .-) Zzz...


You: ah .. Ok I'm already up!

As you wake up and make your self ready for school, you rememberd that that you were suppose to come to school today at 7 pm.


You wonder around the hall waiting for your Best friend

Familiar Voice: Heyy!! ~~ Good morning Bff :D tehehee

You: hmm? you glance at your side and there you see Lia.

Familiar voice: *heh* Ohayo gozaimasu ^ ^ ~~

You: oh  Good morning Lia! geez you made me wait so long *you rub teasingly Lia's head*

Lia: Owwy what a nice way to greet me today T ,T

You: Whatever. so why did i have to come so early again?

Lia: *giggle* cuz yesterday i found out that the hot guy from Class 4c always comes at this time! rumors say that he likes to hang out every  morning here *tehehehe*

You: you have to be kidding me = =" i dont care!! great i think i just lost my beauty sleep

Lia: Woowwy I lost my Beauty sleep too T 3 T come on!! hes succh a good catch..

You: Pfft a Bad boy who always gets in trouble no thanks! Your about to leave as then you hear a beautiful melody from the back

Lia: *kyyaaa* Diddd you hear that!!?? ♥ ♥

You: ummm yes i did .. lets go check who it is. You changed your mind and pushed Lia infront of you and walk to the direction from were the melody came

As you both hide behind the door you see a young boy playing the melody over and over again.

Lia: *Kyaaaaaaaa* Out of exitment Lia comes out and praises the boy

Lia: Your sooo gooddd!! oH my goshh!! can you play more!!??

Boy: excuse me?

Lia: Uhhh wait a sec!! your!! uh your that hot Bad B..... You come out and put your hand on Lia's mouth so she stops talking

You: Ehm what she meant to say is hello Nice to meet you! my name is ~~ and this Lia, sorry for intruding you we were leaving anyways! right Lia

You gave her one of your " you better say yes or i will kill you" glance.

Lia: umm right! She said with a sad voice

Boy: Well Im not that Bad boy that your friend Is talking about. My name is Kei, Nice to meet you too :) now go away i'm busy

Lia: *whisper* gosh  hes a meanie ~~, he should be more nicer (# Omo)

You leave the room with Lia, giving an ugly look to that Kei guy,

8: 40 AM CLASS 4b

You made it to class, after you had fallen asleep sitting on the ground with Lia.

as you sit on your seat you hear two girls whispering

Girl #1 : *whisper* omg!! did you hear???

Girl #2 : *whisper* Yes I did!! were having a new student!! *giggle*

Girl #1 : *whisper* I know!! and i heard more, hes a guy! I hope hes a cute one >< cuz we only have one cute guy in this whole school

Girl #2 : *whisper*well yeah he is pretty cute and cool but hes a bad boy and always so rude *hmpf* oh but what was that bad boys name again??

Girl #1 : I know and hes name is Zen, sounds like a bad boy *haha* but no worry I bet this guy will be cuter and nicer!

So a new student is coming and its a boy? you didnt cared, you took out your textbook and your pencil case, As the teacher comes in, you realized that behind her following was that boy from this Morning!!!???

Teacher: Ahem! Attention students. as some of you know we have a new student in our Class..

The teacher tells the boy from this Morning to introduce himself

Kei: hello, Nice to meet you my name is Kei :) I hope you can take care of me.

Kei was all the time looking at your direction and was smiling very brightly.

All the girls started screaming and whispering because of hes charming smile

You: (hmm he didnt seam that rude like this morning O.o)

Teacher: well let's see where we can find you a spot.. Ah there right Behind Ms.~~

The teacher points on the empty desk next to you!

You: B...but someone sits there already!

Teacher: and that someone is not here so that means that seat is vacant! this should be a warning to those who come late to class.

Kei walks to the desk next to you while giving you a smile

as he sits you try to avoid any eye contact with him.

Kei: *whisper* hey your ~~, from this morning right?

You: *focus on the teacher* yes.

Kei: *smile* hah i knew it , what a coincidence huh?

You: *You look at Kei* hm yeah.. why are you so nice to me?

Kei: *haha* Cuz I am nice ^ ^

Teacher: Excuse me?? what are you two talking back there? one more sound and you two will go to detention

Kei: *chuckle* sorry Mrs.Teacher 

As the teacher continued with the class, Kei past a note to you

Kei: " Heh that was close ^ ^  so what you doing?"

You: *pass note to Kei* " = = hmm just writing some notes from the board! you should be doing that too! oh and you?"

Kei: "Im just bored and chatting with you, I like passing notes! like that in later on we can read our conversations from before :)"

The whole class time you were passing notes to each other

And soon the class was over and Break started, Kei came up to you

Kei: hey, what are you going to do now?

You: Oh I was going to my friends :)

Kei: oh.. hm okay *smile* well then see you in class!

Kei seemed a little upset, Maybe he wanted to spend time with you.

You went to your usual spot to meet Lia and your other Best friend Gi (short for GiGi),

you see Gi being molested by some guys, as you ran to help her a Guy comes and scars them all off.

Guy: you should be more careful

Gi: ahhh.. *tremble* thanks!

Guy: yeah

As you ran to Gi the Guy was looking at you, and then he left.

You: GiGi! are you okayy?? did those guys do somehting to you?? are you hurt anywhere?

Gi: oh Im fine :) and hey Wasnt that guy that Bad boy that everyone talks about? what was hes name .. Oh yeah Zen!

You: hmm I think so O.O i'm not sure

Gi: well he is cute like people say he is, I dont think he is bad! he did save me from those Idiots.

You: *nod* hai, I believe so too

As you go meet up with Lia, you tell her what happened to Gi and that she got saved by Zen.


The bell rang again and you were passing notes with Kei the whole time, it seemed as the class was passing by in a flash.


Zen: hey, I was waiting for you

Female: hmm I dont care, Im a lady and I need also time to make myself ready *snobby voice*

Zen: hah okay Miss Super star, anyways your brother is new in our school.

Female: yeah I know, You dont think this is a coinsidence?

Zen: so it was you? I figured it wen i saw him, hey i can play your game too

Female: *hugs Zen* ohh but your my brother too..

Zen: Were not blood related you know that Gwen T _T

Gwen: *giggle* but Kei is.



You said bye to Kei and left the room, Lia and Gi come up to you and Ask you to go window shopping.



Gi: *Yawn* Im so tired my feet hurt and my arms hurt.

You: *hahaha* but it was you who instead of window shopping we went buying whatever cute things there were.

Lia: *giggle* I can handle, I bought so many cool stuff >.< ohh we should go buy watches with balloon images!!

You: Why would we need that?

Gi: *tired* maybe she just wants to have them as matching BFF's watches, you know

You: Ooh I see, but cant we buy matching charms or something?

You spend shopping with your Best friends chatting about anything that came to mind. Until you get separated from them

You: (oh no I lost them O.O" hm its getting to crouded here i should probably go back)

You bump into someone

You: Uh O.O Im so sorry *bow*

Kei: Huh? oh ~~ its you! how funny this is a coincidence again ^ ^

You: Oh hm yeah! *hehe*  (um could this really be coincidence? as he awlays say)

Kei: Well then now that were here do you want to go grab something to eat?


AUTHOR :  hey! I hope you all like this chapter ^ ^ ♥ sorry if not

well then ♥ thank you for reading ♥ i will write more! I decided to make this story longer! 



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Missbunnylayla #1
thank ^ ^ ♥ (wow someone actually read my story >.< *hapy*
iminlovewithyou2 #2
nice title... I like the contrast :)