Confession Number Two

It's All Your Fault ...

Park MeeSung: 


"You're slendid. How do you put me in such a daze like that?" Since I've transferref to this school, has this been a long dream? 

"Good Morning, MeeSung!" KwangMin said 

I tunred around and looked at him. "Kwangmin!" I said, smiling back. 

"What are you up to?" He asked

"ah, this, huh?" I said

"Becuase we scored zero on a small test so now we have to pick out the weeds."

"Eh, you got a zero, huh?"

"That's right. So what KwangMin doing here?" I asked

"I'm on my way to a student council meeting, but I wanted to see your face before that." KwangMin said. The sunligt shined on him, making him look even more handsome than ever. I stared at him, my month wide open. I melted. 

'She enchanted!" Sun Young said

"It's like slime!" Donghyun said "She became soup."

I'm Park Mee Sung, I am sixteen years old and this is person is my boyfriend. 

I stared at KwangMin. He looked so handsome with the wind blowing in his hair. I just stared. It isn't a dream, right? I smiled at him. It just makes me so happy ...

A hand came flying between me and KwangMin. "Seeing you so early in the morning, depresses me." The person said.It had to be YoungMin's voice. KwangMin stopped smiling and glared at YoungMin. I turned around to see that blond-coloured hair boy. My month dropped forming an 'O'. It wasn't YoungMin. This boy had hair coloured hair. He looked a lot like KwangMin.

"YoungMin! Your hair!" DongHyun said 

It was YoungMin? 

"It doesn't look like YoungMin at all!" Sun Young added

"This is just a protest. A protest!" YoungMin explained


Jo YoungMin:


"Ah! The three main characters all have black hair now! It's going to be such a truble to tell us apart!" Meesung said

"What are you talking about? Don't speak like you're someone else." I said 

"It suits you.." KwangMin said "YoungMin." I glared at him. I turned around and grabbed MeeSung by the wrist, lifting her up. She looked surprised. "MeeSung, let's talk." I said. I walked away from KwangMin and the Ba-Bo class. "Put me down, idoit!" She yelled 

"Okay. We can talk now." I said 

"But the rooftop is such a cold place!" MeeSung complained "This is my first time here!" I gently  placed her on the ground. "Why would you want to talk at this vey moment?" MeeSung asked "KwangMIn was there.."

"Stay away from him." I barked "This might be the only chance to say this so ..." I began, becoming serious "I'll just say it now. You have to stop seeing him. Do you get it?". She looked up at me. She looked innocent, I blushed. "What I feel about you .." I took a deep breath, adverted my eyes away from hers and took up all my courage. "I like you, Park MeeSung." I looked up at her, hoping she would be happy. 

"Haa?!" she asked, not convinced. She had this 'Are you joking' face on her. I kept my anger inside me. Aish, this girl ... 'What's his? Is this a game? Is there a hidden camera?" She looked around the rooftop. 

I tried my best to keep my anger in. "Hey, you that was a confession ..." I said "I should have through you would do this." I mumbled to myself. 

"Well, becuase it's you! And you just blurted it out so suddenly! I don't understand!"  MeeSung admitted. My eyes grew wide. I remember the time when I had the fist fight with her, the anger I showed to her, and the fights we always had. I crouched down and buried my face in my arms. "Ah! That's right..." I mumbled

"Right!" MeeSung agreed. 

"Argh!" I said, ruffling my dark coloured hair. "I don't understand at all, either. Especially since you're stronger! You're irritating! You're cude! But I still think Park MeeSung is still amazing," 


Park MeeSung:


"Especially since you're stronger! Your irritating! Your cude!" He said, fusterated "ButI still think Park MeeSung is still amazing." He said much clamer and he had the same look I saw during the Training camp when I passed him, to confess to KwangMin. The same face, he was in ... Love.I blushed. Wait, why was I blushing?

"YoungMin," I said, making him pay attention to me "Thank you but I am sorry." I bowed. 

"Hey! You could at least have given it some thought!" YoungMin said "When someone confesses, people normally say 'Give ,e some time to think!" I 

"But.." I began "I ABSOLUTLY don't feel that way." I blurted.I heard him gasp and his dark coloured hair fall of of his head. I felt really bad. His dark hair was just a wig? I tired to comfort him. "It's just that ... I don't see you as a guy.." I said 

"Gah!" He said, shocked 

"I'm sorry!" I said, noticing how dissapointed he looked. "I mean you, you know what a henchman is? That's how I saw you." I said, trying to help. 

"Gah?" YoungMin asked, looking even more dissapointed.He was down on the floor, looking more dissapointed then ever. "Ahh, I was expecting this. I was already resigned from the start." YoungMIn said. He adverted his eyes away from me. "I actually wasn't.." he mumbled. He grabbed my hand and looked at me. "I'll wait for you patiently." He said, grabbing my hand. I looked at him, he was still on the floor while I was hovering him. 

I jerked my hand away from him. "Wait! but I'm already with KwangMin!" I explained, trying to hide my red cheeks.

He looked up at me and gave me an 'Oh?" look. "So, you 'd rather quickly choose that guy over me?" He said "Huh? Huh? Huh?Huh? What's the reason?"  

"Are you an idoit? You're still not stopping?" I said, starting to run away, while YoungMin was getting closer. "KwangMin! KwangMin!" I yelped. I looked at KwangMin and caught a glimsp of his face. He looked like those ghost, wanting to haunt you. "No way.." I said. He looked scary. Without hesetation, I punched him right in the face. I watched him fly accros the rooftop."Ah! Stop this YoungMin! For the ninth time!" I said, cupping my face "Why am I blushing?" I mumbled. 

"ahaha! An accomplihment for me!" YoungMin said, not looking hurt at all. "MeeSung's conscious of me, MeeSung's conscious of me!" YoungMin chanted

"Don't chat like that!" Meesung snapped. I got up and started walking to MeeSung.  

"Okay, that;s enough," KwangMin said butting in between KwangMin and I. "MeeSung is coming with me." He held the side of my wrist and we walked away from YoungMin. I blushed at his action. I caught a glance at YoungMin. He glared at KwangMin with an upsetted face. "Damn it.." I heard YoungMin mumbled.

Didn't Kwangmin come on too strongly on YoungMin? "Uhm, KwangMin ..." I began "Uh, just now.." wasn't that a bit awkward? 

"Here." he said and showed me a paper with Mr.Choi, the Chairman and in very small letter said the words 'Christman Convention: The Chairman will show you a great time!' 

"Christmas Convention?"

"Every year, the school an event during Christmas Eve." KwangMin explained "Students can participate and live their winter dream. Those who will arrive have to be in costumes. Be showy and illuminate." 

"Ehhh!" I said, gripped the paper "This looks fun!"

KwangMin chuckled "Oh that day, let's go together." KwangMin suggested

I smiled at him , giving him my biggest smile. "Okay!" I chriped. Wait, I can't be festive. "Uhm, KwangMin. YoungMin. He just.." I said, tying to find the right words

"Confessed to you?' KwangMin said "Right?"

I looked at him and sighed. "Yeah." 

"Everone knew that YoungMin likes MeeSung. Everyone except YoungMin and MeeSung."  KwangMin explained, clamly "Did you refuse him? Actually, don't explain. It's okay, I understand." 

I stared at KwangMin. Why was he not upset? He just dismissed YoungMin's confession so quickly and clamly. Why?

"Did you want me to be jealous?" KwangMin asked and raised an eyebrow. 

"What? Not at all!" I said.  My face turned red,  how did he read through me?

He leaned closer to me, making me feel small. "MeeSung is already dazed by me." KwangMin playfully pointed out. It was true. I was dazed by him. "No other man will get through me." KwangMin said, sersoius. He patted my head. "Then, I'll head to my meeting." KwangMin said. He walked away from me.  I stumbled around and quickly regained my steps. 

I can't breath. KwangMin had taken all the oxygen in my body! I need to regain my composeure. Also young! I was shocked by what he did. What are they doing? I'm too young for this!

"I'm home. Junho! Wooyoung!" I cired. Slience like always. I was tired, I don't want to play games with Junho and WooYoung right now. "Come out! I don't want to play." I noticed someone charging up to me. I took a step to the side, letting one of them bump to the door and I noticed teh other coming from behind me. I flipped him over when he was close enough. I ywaned. "Do you guys even try anymore?" I asked, walking up the stairs. 

"Owww..." I heard them moan

I chucked at their pain. "Good Night Juho and WooYoung! I'm going to sleep." 

"Owww..." They moaned again. 

~ The Next Day ~


"This prince sure knows how to manipulate." Sun Young said

"Huh?" I said, falshing her a confused look and continued walking. 

"He seems experienced, right? He knows how to work around emotions." Sun Young explained "He acts very maturely, right? He's elegant. Watch how he treats a women. How can someone be like that?" SunYoung asked "Surely he's been with someone else."

My face turned pale. "I didn't think of that. He does know how to make someone dazed. What's this? Why do I feel funny? I don't want to feel like this! This feeling wasn't here this morning! I noticed something on the ground. I glanced at it and my eyes grew wide. There was a stuff toy that looked a lot like KwangMin and a photo bokk beside the stuff toy. "Woah.. It's so cute!"I said "It's a KwangMin puppet!" 

Sun Young gave a disguested face. "Huh? It is?" Sun Young said

"It's a book of KwangMin's memoires, too!' I said, picking up the KwangMin doll and flipping through the photo book. Just then I heard the bush beside me rustle. "Theif!" I yelled and threw the doll into the bush. 

"Kyaaa!" said the bush

"Hey! Don't do that!" Sun Young said

I saw someone come out of the bush. "Kwang-Kwangmin's fanclub's pre-president?!" I said 

She flashed me an angry face and pointed her finger at me . "I knew it was you, crude women!" the president said

"President what is this?" I asked, holding up the 'Memories of KwangMin' book. 

Her face soften. 'What do you think it is? Even if we were commended to break up.." she began "That's our sign of gratitude to him.." 

"You guys are really thinking of him! Good Luck!" I said, patting her shoulder

"No need to wish us luck!" the president said

"President! The memoir has KwangMin's middle school pictures!" I chripped

"It's does! It has valuable photos!" the president agreed. I noticed sun Young walking away.

"What a bunch of idiots." Sun Young mumbled

I was too busy looking through the photos to stop Sun Young. So cute! KwangMin from Middle school. I sopped smiling and my eyes were glued to this one photo. KwangMin in his third year of middle school, his classmates, stood what looked like a young YoungMin , KwangMin and a really pretty blond hair girl. I showed the photo to president, making her lean in closer. "What's this.." I asked

"KwangMin's girlfriend." the president explained. ".. You don't know? This girl's the worst in history." 

My eyes grew wide. The worst in history? What happened? 



Please comment and subsricbe! 




Comment Replies: 

Barneyondafloor : Thank you for commenting and liking my fanfic! Thank you for supporting! <3

Mickeymousewithoutears : Hahaha, YoungMIn just did and Meesung just turned him down. (>.<)  KwangMin? Sweet? Haha, not for long ... Thank you dongseang for sayong I'm awesome but you are eeven more awesome. Love you! <3 Thank you for your feedback, dongseang! I love your comments! Thank you for supporting! I did update, I hope you enjoyed it! <3

cammers : Thank you for commenting! Your comments really mean a lot! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much! I know KwangMin is sweet for now ... Haha. Thank you for your support! <3

kellen_1825 : Haha, I did update. I will update more for you Unnie! Thank you for commenting and supporting! <3

kellen_1825 : Thank you for saying it was cute Unnie! Your feedback means a lot to me! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! It's okay if you were late Unnie. I really don't mind. I am just happy that you are enjoying the fanfic. Thank you for your support! Love you. Unnie! <3

lilcandycane : Thank you so much for commenting and suporting me dongseang! I love you too! and I will update sooner for you too dongseang! <3

beverly_ym : Haha, you like the YoungMIn and MeeSung couple? Haha, a lot of people do. I love your feedback, it's helps me a lot! I did update and I will update another chaoter soon! I hope you look foreward to it. Thank you for subsricbing and commenting! Love you! <3

crazygirl147 : Thank you for saying it was awesome dongseang! I am happy you are looking foreward to the next update! I will update for you dongseang too! Saranghae too dongseang! So much! <3


Thank You! 감사합니다! Gamsahabnida!

Thank you for everyone who read this, voted on the poll, and commenting! I am so happy to be supported by so many people. I promise I will update two chapters this week since I updated late the last week. Thank you again for your support! Love you all! <3

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Omg they fought!!! But nooooooo!!!! Kwangmin! Im sure kwangmin really loves her! He just didn't realise it! And youngmim is so sweet he did all that for meesung! She needs to see how good youngmin is to her! But still, its so sad to see brothers fighting for the same girl T^T
kellen_1825 #2
yahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i love this update aigoo update soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ilove yah my two saeng ^^ hwaiting!!!!!!
awwwwwwwwww thats so sweet!!!!!! update soon dongsaeng!!!
kellen_1825 #4
Wahhhhhhjhhhhhhhhhhhhh sssssssoooooooooooo sssssswwwwwweeeeeeettttttt!!!! good job saeng!!!! that was really nice. I love it. update soon!!! love yah ny miho abd my wendy. sorry unnie is so busy so i cant manage to response huhuhu i feel so sorry about that. ^^
So sweet so sweet so sweet so sweet so sweet so cute so so cute so cute so cute so cute so cute so cute so cute so cute so cute <3<3<3<3<3<3

Minwoo is not a gay anymore! XD Sun Young!!! XDDD hahahahaha! XD

Chukkae Minwoo and Sun Young! ^^

Update soon!!