He Never Did ...

It's All Your Fault ...

Park Meesung:

"Don't go."

YoungMin's words echoed in my head. I stared at him, then at my head. 

"Ah.." He began. "It so hot!" He took his hand off mine and tok off his cape. What was he talking about? It's December but stil lhe came to the event like a normal student. I stared at him and he started at me. I was so confused and I saw his cheeks turn a light shade of pink. Is he too hot? He turned around and looked at me, in the eye. "Choose me." he said. "I'm not smart, I have a rude mouth. But despite all that.." He stopped staring at his shoes and looked stright at me. I stared back, confused. "I'm the one who's in love with Mee Sung the most." 

I was shocked but I knew this was coming. I sighed. "I.." I began "I have to go. I have to meet.."

"Mee Sung!" YoungMin said "That guy is no good! He's just going to hurt Mee Sung!" 

"I don't understand! Why would you say something like that?" I asked

"Just listen!" YoungMin demaned. "

"What is it? I said I don't understand!" I said

"That guy, he still hasn't forgotten about her!" YoungMin admitted

My eyes grew wide. That girl. "Kim Hanuel?" I said. A picture of her popped up in my head. 

"So you're just here, Mee Sung?" I closed my eyes. I know that voice, Kwangmin. "Huh? YoungMin came into the event?" He asked. He walked up to me and gentley dragged me away from YoungMin. "Let's go, Mee Sung." I stared at him. Was what YoungMin said true? I looked at my shoes and walked with Kwangmin, not so far away from YoungMin. "Who told you? About Hanuel?"

"What?"I asked

He sighed. "Let's just get this over with .." He began. I looked at him. What was he talking about? I figured that out soon enough. Kwangmin kissed me, forcefully on the lips. I was shocked and appearently YoungMIn was too from the corner of my eye. My eyes widen. KwangMin broke apart the kiss and looked at YoungMin.

"HAHAHAHA!! WHAT A FACE, YOUNGMIN! IT REALLY SUITS YOU!" KwangMin yelled. I was scared. What happened to KwangMIn? This isn't the normal, cool-headed KwangMin I knew. "AHAHAHA! Sorry MeeSung. You just don't get it! I guess I wil explain." He continued. What is happening? KwangMin is looking really scary right now. "Kim Hanuel, we met back in middle school. And the truth was, Hanuel was extermly in love with YoungMin." KwangMin said, clamly and less scary. My eyes grew wide. "Hahahaha. Can you believe that? Who would feel that way about YoungMin? I was the one who was right for Hanuel. She broke it off becuase all she really saw was YoungMin! It was all a trick to get his attention. She threw me aside after that. And Park MeeSung, since you have arrived at this school. YoungMin love for you did nothing but annoy me. What happened between Hanuel and me, I will never forget.That's why I wanted to be close to you. Becuase it's painful for YoungMin. For that reason, you're nothing but a tool." The word TOOL kept repeating in my head. 

"Tool?" I repeated out loud

KwangMin chuckled. "You don't understand do you, like a real idiot, huh?" KwangMin said. I looked at him. "I used you." He bluntly said "It was a lie. All of it. I don't feel anything towards you."

"HEY! QUIT IT, KWANGMIN!" YoungMin yelled. I watched him, I couldn't do anything or say anything. All i did was just stand there looking at KwangMin.

"Everything I have told you,even my smile. It was all a lie." KwangMin said

"KWANG-" YoungMin began

"Thuth is .." KwangMin continued "I never liked you. Not even a bit." 

"You -" YoungMin began and grabbed the collar of KwangMin's costume. I watched when KwangMin pushed YoungMin down. "We're so different Youngmin. I am so much better than you at everything. Except for when it came to Kim Hanuel!" KwangMIn got up from YoungMin and strighten his costume. I was about to walk away until I grabbed the hem of his shirt. He looked at my hand then at me. "I have no use for you anymore." KwangMin emotionless said. I let go of his shirt and watched him walk away. 

"I must still be dreaming." 

"I'm not that fragile, okay?" 

"Right now, I want to be her." 

"Can you not bother us with your made up rules?"

"Right now, I just feel like it."

"I like you too."

I remember all of them, the words KwangMin said to me. They kept echoing in my head. I saw his smile and his laugh. They were... they were all just a lie. All of it. 




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 Thank You! 감사합니다! Gamsahabnida!

Thank You everyone for voting on the polls! (^_^) Voting really means a lot and your comments too! Gamsahadnida for all your support!  I am so sorry for not replying to comments and messages. I might not reply to comments or mesages for a while, well until I finish this story.  I am very sorry. I hope you can all forgive me and I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Love you guys. Thank you so much for supporting me! <3 


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Omg they fought!!! But nooooooo!!!! Kwangmin! Im sure kwangmin really loves her! He just didn't realise it! And youngmim is so sweet he did all that for meesung! She needs to see how good youngmin is to her! But still, its so sad to see brothers fighting for the same girl T^T
kellen_1825 #2
yahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i love this update aigoo update soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ilove yah my two saeng ^^ hwaiting!!!!!!
awwwwwwwwww thats so sweet!!!!!! update soon dongsaeng!!!
kellen_1825 #4
Wahhhhhhjhhhhhhhhhhhhh sssssssoooooooooooo sssssswwwwwweeeeeeettttttt!!!! good job saeng!!!! that was really nice. I love it. update soon!!! love yah ny miho abd my wendy. sorry unnie is so busy so i cant manage to response huhuhu i feel so sorry about that. ^^
So sweet so sweet so sweet so sweet so sweet so cute so so cute so cute so cute so cute so cute so cute so cute so cute so cute <3<3<3<3<3<3

Minwoo is not a gay anymore! XD Sun Young!!! XDDD hahahahaha! XD

Chukkae Minwoo and Sun Young! ^^

Update soon!!