The dream that has been revived.

Lost Dream


Life should be near perfect now, right?

Woohyun, even though unable to stay in Infinite can at least still stay in the dorm with his family, so everything should be okay.

But life isn’t that easy.

Everyone knew it wasn’t going to be easy for fans to forget Woohyun, and sure as hell, it wasn’t.

The fans couldn’t accept the fact that Infinite was now going to be a seven member group. They demanded to know the reason for Woohyun’s leaving, but the members and the CEO decided it will be better for Woohyun if the real reason isn’t told to the public.

So they said that Woohyun had to leave because of health reasons.

No way were the fans going to accept that.

Fans camped outside the dorm, the company, everywhere, leaving Infinite no privacy.

Some fans even demanded they wanted Woohyun back if not they will stop being Inspirits.

Woohyun didn’t know any of these problems as the members; especially Sunggyu tried their best to keep it from him, to prevent him from blaming himself.

But Woohyun was bound to know sooner or later.


“Hyung, what are we going to do? The fanmeeting yesterday was a bust. There weren’t even half the amount of fans as the last time!” Sungyeol says.

“And our fancafe numbers are dropping every single day…” Sungjong adds.

“I know, I know… I’m trying to think of a way to solve this as well okay?” Sunggyu says, frustration splayed on his face.

“Hyung. We should let Woohyun know about this. Didn’t fans want to know the real reason and see Woohyun say it that he is withdrawing from Infinite himself?” Myungsoo says

“Do you think I can let Woohyun be hurt even more? How do you think Woohyun is going to feel if we make him do this?” Sunggyu says.

“Hyung…” Dongwoo starts but Sunggyu raises his hand to stop him.

“You guys don’t understand. Imagine. Myungsoo if Sunggyeol was in Woohyun’s state right now what would you do? Hoya, if Dongwoo was in Woohyun’s state now what would you do? I’m sure you’ll do the same thing that I am doing which is to protect my lover from anymore pain. And I just hope that you guys will understand…” Sunggyu says.

Everyone is silent now as they ponder over Sunggyu’s words and just as Sunggyu is about to cry out from frustration, he feels a warm hand in his which soothes him because it feels so familiar.

“Hyun?” Sunggyu immediately says and spins around to find himself face to face with his lover, who isn’t supposed to have heard their conversation.

Woohyun lifts up his notepad with one hand, the other hand still tightly holding onto Sunggyu’s.

‘I’ll attend a press conference and explain everything. The fans have the right to know. I’ll be alright.’

“Hyung, if you really don’t want to do it you don’t have to…” Sungjong says but Woohyun shakes his head and smiles.

That smile.

As if everything is alright.

Woohyun knows everyone is so stressed out now and the main reason is because of him, so if there is anything he can do to lessen the burden for Infinite, he will do it.

Especially seeing how Sunggyu looked weaker and weaker every single day, it broke Woohyun’s heart.

Sunggyu shouldn’t have to carry all the burden on this shoulder, regardless whether he is the leader or not.


The day of the press conference has arrived and even though Woohyun was the one who wanted it to be as soon as possible since he didn’t want more problems to arise for Infinite, but he was a nervous wreck.

His hands were trembling as he clutched his notepad tightly to his chest which was filled with the messages he wanted to tell everyone today.

Suddenly, he felt warm hands encircle his waist and a soft voice which whispers in his ear, “Baby, it’ll be alright, I’ll be next to you.”

Hearing that voice made Woohyun’s body relaxes and he clutched the hands tightly.

The press conference commences and the fans go crazy as soon as they see Nam Woohyun but they immediately quiet down when Woohyun raises a finger to his lips.

Woohyun starts to lift up his notepad and everyone has confused looks on their faces.

‘Firstly, I want to apologize for not having this press conference earlier and explaining my withdrawal from Infinite.’

‘I really hope that all of you continue to support Infinite, as six.’

By now, shouts were starting to be thrown across the room.

“Oppa! Why are you using a notepad to communicate to us?”

“How can we accept Infinite as six?”

Woohyun’s face cringes but then he remembers Sunggyu is next to him and he has to do this for Infinite so he continues on.

‘I recently got into a car accident. And unfortunately, I lost the ability to speak. It is temporary, but I won’t be able to continue activities with Infinite any longer.’

The shouts and cries have started and the whole room was in a mess.

At this point in time, Woohyun really wished, that he still had his voice so that he could tell them this was all a joke, and Infinite will forever consist of seven members.

But Woohyun blinks and the situation in front of him is very real, too real maybe – fan girls are breaking down and security are trying to hold them back.

Woohyun loses strength in his knees and he falls to his seat.

Sunggyu immediately holds his hand tightly and Woohyun knows it’ll be okay.

Everything will be okay, because Sunggyu is by his side.



After a few weeks, things seem to go back to normal.

Well, except for the fact that Infinite is now a six member group.

Woohyun feels weird.

Waving goodbye to the members every morning as they go to their schedules while he stays at home, it’s like reality hit him in the face.

He’ll no longer have to wake up early to rush to schedules, no longer be able to only sleep 4 hours a day, no longer able to dance for 18 hours straight.

But at the same time, he’ll no longer be able to laugh and cry with Infinite during the ups and downs, he’ll no longer be able to say he is a part of Infinite, he’ll no longer be able to sing next to Sunggyu.

They were supposed to sing a duet for the new album and both Woohyun and Sunggyu were looking forward to that, to see how their voices matched together, to be able to sing, just two of them alone.

Woohyun tries, he tries to lie to himself that he is still a part of Infinite, and when he gets his voice back, things could go back to how they were.

But life doesn’t wait for just one person, it moves on.

Woohyun getting kicked out of the bathroom, shampoo still on his hair and a towel around his waist is something that he is used to already.

As he sits in the middle of the living room everyday and watches as the members rush here and there to get prepared, Woohyun feels as if he is like a fan, who is watching his idols because he isn’t a part of it.

And Sunggyu giving him a peck on his lips before he leaves every morning doesn’t help much as Woohyun still ends up crying to himself when he is alone in the dorm.


Sunggyu knows.

He knows everything, despite Infinite’s busy schedule.

Infinite is moving on without Woohyun, and people seem to be accepting Infinite as a six member group already, there are even new fans who don’t even know about Woohyun.

He notices Woohyun’s red swollen eyes and how Woohyun waves goodbye to them everyday seems sadder and sadder.

But Sunggyu has no time for Woohyun, not even in the night when their back from their schedules as all Sunggyu wants to do is cuddle with Woohyun in his bed and sleep.

Finally though, Infinite gets a day off and while the rest of the members go and visit their families, Sunggyu stays in the dorm with Woohyun.

Woohyun isn’t pleased.

He knows Sunggyu misses his family a lot and at least 10 sheets of paper contain his angry words, forcing Sunggyu to go visit his family but it all goes to waste when Sunggyu takes Woohyun’s face in his hands and kisses his lips softly and tenderly.

When Sunggyu pulls back, all he says is, “Is it wrong that I want to spend my day off with the person I love?”

“Now, tell me why you have been crying?” Sunggyu asks and he sees Woohyun’s eyes widen a little.

Woohyun writes slowly on his notepad.

‘I miss being a part of Infinite.’

Sunggyu nods and runs his hand through Woohyun’s hair slowly as he understands, he can’t imagine if one day he wasn’t Infinite’s leader anymore.

‘You remember our duet, Hyung? The song was so perfect…I really wished we got to sing that song together.’

Sunggyu freezes at this, because he completely forgot about their duet, and it breaks his heart.

He knows how much Woohyun was looking forward to it, how he’d been preparing and practicing his vocals daily, just for that duet.

‘Do you think we’ll be able to sing on the same stage again, Hyung?’

Tears are forming in Sunggyu’s eyes now and he brings Woohyun into his embrace before softly saying, “Of course Woohyun ah, one day, we’ll be able to sing our duet, I promise you that.”

Even though Woohyun knows that Sunggyu doesn’t know if he can keep that promise or not, Woohyun just feels better hearing Sunggyu say it and he holds onto Sunggyu tightly.

“Until that day, stop crying alone okay? It breaks my heart.” Sunggyu says and gives Woohyun a light peck on the forehead.


Imagine a boy group living their busy lives every day, in and out of their dorm; does it make sense for someone who isn’t in the group to stay in the dorm?

Obviously not, and Woohyun isn’t an exception.

The day Woohyun has been dreading has reached and he is sitting nervously in the CEO’s room.

He has never felt this nervous before, besides the day he auditioned for Woollim.

“Woohyun ah, all the paperwork regarding your contract with the company has been done. I really don’t want to this, but you’re not part of Infinite and our company anymore, you- can’t stay at the dorm any longer.” The CEO says and his voice shakes a little.

‘I understand.’ Woohyun writes on his notepad and tries to smile, but the tears have already started flowing.

His hand is shaking as he continues writing – ‘Thank you so much, Hyung-nim. I was able to at least have a glimpse of my dream because of you and I cannot thank you enough for that.’

By now, the CEO is unable to hold back his tears anymore and engulfs Woohyun in a tight hug as it breaks his heart as well for having to ask Woohyun to leave.

“Thank you, Woohyun ah, for being a part of Infinite and being one of the sons I never had.” The CEO says before Woohyun leaves.


Woohyun packs little bits at a time so that Sunggyu won’t get suspicious, but Sunggyu was too busy to notice anyway.

That’s right; Woohyun was planning on leaving without letting any of the Infinite members know.

He feels that it’ll be better this way anyhow – he couldn’t bear to say goodbye, especially to the person he loved with his whole life.


The day finally comes and Woohyun forces himself to not break down in front of Sunggyu and bites his lip every time he feels a sob threatening to erupt.

Infinite have a long schedule that day, all the way from morning till late in the night, so Woohyun will be able to leave without anyone finding out until they come back.

He gives Sunggyu a longer kiss on the lips and takes his time hugging Sunggyu that morning but Sunggyu doesn’t find it weird as he just says, “I’ll be back before you know it okay baby?”

Woohyun nods and tears are already forming in his eyes and the words keep revolving around his mind – ‘When you come back, I won’t be here anymore.’

Woohyun ponders. He wants to leave a note for Sunggyu, but thinks that he should leave a note for every single member and put it next to the presents he got each of them.

He leaves everything set up in the living room, grabs his bags and goes into the taxi which will take him to the train station.

He has gotten in contact with the nice lady who fostered him when he was young and decides to go live with her in the countryside, not like he has any other place to go anyways.


“Woohyun ah~! We’re home, and we bought chicken for you…” Sunggyu says, smiling brightly as it’s been a long day and he just wants a hug from Woohyun.

“What’s this?” Dongwoo says as he is the first person who notices the presents and letters on the living room table.

Sunggyu stares at the table and something in his mind clicks as he rushes into the bedroom he shares with Woohyun.

He opens the wardrobe forcefully and pulls out all the shelves etc to realize they only contain his stuff, Woohyun’s stuff was nowhere to be found.

“No,no,no,no,no…” Sunggyu says over and over again and he rushes back into the living room.

The members are slowly picking up their presents and letters and they start reading their letters out loud, one by one, starting from the maknae.

“Sungjong ah~ It’s your annoying Hyung here, kekeke. Have you missed my scolding recently? Haha. You’re the youngest but I know that you’re actually much more mature than most of us Hyungs. Here’s a new teddy bear because I know your old one is about to get ripped up since you keep torturing it. Stop torturing your teddy bears! Hehe~ you know I love you~” Sungjong reads and he immediately covers his face with his teddy bear to hide his sobs.

Next, Woohyun has written a letter for each couple – Myungyeol and Yadong.

“Ya! Myungsoo ice prince! You should smile more often; you know your smile makes you look more handsome? Haha. Even though you’re cold all the time, I know your heart is extremely warm. You know me the best, besides Sunggyu, and I know even though you’re quiet all the time, you understanding everything that is happening. Sungyeol is still a choding who needs someone to take care of him, so please take care of him okay? Sungyeol, don’t drink too much coffee, but I still gave you coffee for your present so I take back my words… Myungsoo I hope you will like the shirt! I know you’ve been eyeing it for a long time already, kekeke. Lastly, I hope myungyeol lasts forever.” Myungsoo reads their letter out as Sungyeol has already buried his head in Myungsoo’s chest and silently sobbing.

Myungsoo is calm and his face is void of expressions, but a tear trickles down his cheek.

Dongwoo is a crying mess under Hoya’s protective hold, so Hoya reads the letter calmly, like he always is.

“Dongwoo Hyung. You must be crying by now right? Don’t cry too much, Hyung, please, it’ll make your eyes swollen…You’re the Hyung that I can go to when I’m feeling down and thank you so much for always comforting me and infecting me with your laughs. Continue smiling and laughing Hyung, that’s your best charm. Howon ah, thank you for being calm all the time, without you, Infinite will be a mess. Haha. Take care of Dongwoo Hyung okay? He loves you a lot. Kekeke. Dongwoo, I hope you like the new accessory, and Howon ah, hope you like the purple shirt, I know you can’t get enough of purple! Please help me take care of Sunggyu as well; I know you’ll be the most composed. Thank you so much.” Hoya finishes reading, calmly sets the letter on the table and pats Dongwoo’s back slowly to comfort him.

Sunggyu’s hands are trembling as he holds the letter but he forces himself to stay calm as he reads his letter out loud.

“Sunggyu ah, I love you, you know that right? You must have had a hard time because of everything that happened and I’m so sorry for all the stress you had to suffer. I’ll miss you a lot, I’ll miss your face, your voice, your scent, and I’ll miss everything about you. But I can’t stay on; everyone has to move on right? I know you’re crying by now, and I’m sorry for not being able to wipe your tears away for you any longer. Your gift – well I’ve been secretly making this for a while now, it’s a scrapbook of all our memories. I know I’m selfish if I want you to never forget me by looking at that scrapbook, but I’ll still say it. Don’t forget me okay? From the first time I laid my eyes on you, I knew you’ll be the one, baby. You’re perfect, and I hope you remember that. Don’t be too strict on the boys! Finally, don’t miss me too much okay? I love you forever, my perfect hamster gyu.”

The letter drops from Sunggyu’s hands and he buries his face in his hands and starts sobbing lightly.

Dongwoo wriggles out of Hoya’s embrace and hugs Sunggyu from the back as they cry together.


A month has passed by and Sunggyu – he looks worse every single day.

He no longer smiles off screen and he has stopped nagging, he hardly speaks a word.

Sunggyu reassures the members and say he is okay, but they know, they know that the reason why Sunggyu prefers to sleep alone despite protests from the other members is because he cries every night as he clutches the scrapbook.

Sunggyu tells himself everyday that he’ll get over it, he’ll not forget Woohyun, but will miss him less, but it never works.

He just ends up crying even harder.


Woohyun is in the same condition as Sunggyu – but the serene countryside takes his mind temporarily off everything.

He is happily working in the flower fields with his ‘granny’ and even though he misses Infinite, and Sunggyu, live at the countryside is so relaxing compared the bustling city – Seoul.

He is frustrated his voice hasn’t come back yet, but he is hoping, praying that it’ll come back soon so he’ll have an excuse to go back into Sunggyu’s arms.


The members can’t take it anymore.

“Yah! Kim Sunggyu!” Sungjong says angrily during dinner and Sunggyu is shocked, but doesn’t say anything.

“I’ve had enough of this as well.” Hoya adds.

Myungsoo throws an oversized bag at Sunggyu and Sunggyu just looks at them with a puzzled expression.

“You’re going to go find Woohyun, and don’t come back unless you take him with you.” Dongwoo says.

“Here’s the address.” Sungyeol says and gives Sunggyu a slip of paper.

“I- Wha-t, I can’t leave…Infinite…” Sunggyu tries to say but Myungsoo cuts him off.

“You’ve finished recording for our new album already, you don’t need to worry about anything except to get Woohyun Hyung back.” Myungsoo says.

Sunggyu is still hesitant but he leaves, he has too, he misses Woohyun too much.


As soon as Sunggyu reaches the countryside he knows why people choose to retire in places like this.

It’s quiet and the fresh air – you don’t have to worry about anything.

As he is walking towards a big flower field, he spots a young man around his age picking flowers carefully and when he turns his head, Sunggyu sees that smile, that smile he hasn’t seen for a month and he immediately rushes towards the figure.

“Woohyunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!” Sunggyu shouts as he hugs Woohyun tightly and the flowers in Woohyun’s hand drop to the ground due to the immense shock.

Sunggyu pulls back and plants a kiss on Woohyun which was supposed to be light peck but ended up as a deep passionate kiss.

By the time Sunggyu pulled back, they are both panting, out of breath and Sunggyu says, “God, I’ve missed you.”


It’s amazing at the countryside and Sunggyu and Woohyun have the time of their lives.

Sunggyu doesn’t ever let Woohyun out of his sight – well except when he uses the bathroom.

Sunggyu is afraid, afraid to lose Woohyun again; he can’t live without the other boy.

Time is passing quickly and Sunggyu knows he has to go back to Infinite, but Woohyun won’t leave.

Finally, Sunggyu decides he has to use the last plan he has prepared.


Woohyun’s eyes are full of fear and confusion as he is being tied onto a tree.

They were supposed to come and play at the beach today, but as soon as they reached, Sunggyu tied him to a tree, without saying anything.

“Woohyun ah, if we have to be separated, I rather not live at all.” Sunggyu says, turns around and walks towards the sea.

Woohyun seems to understand what Sunggyu is doing now and he struggles, but Sunggyu has made these knots impossible to break free from and all Woohyun can do is scream silent screams as tears flow uncontrollably down his cheeks.

Sunggyu’s feet are already in the sea and he is forcing himself to not turn back.

‘What if this doesn’t work?’ Sunggyu thinks.

Actually, Sunggyu had read online that if a person with Woohyun’s conditions gets overwhelmed by emotions, it may trigger something in his brain and he may get his voice back so he decides to use his life.

Sunggyu’s body is now halfway in the sea already and he is starting to panic.

He decides to give up if the water reaches his chest and just when it was about to, he hears his name being called.


He turns around to see Woohyun, with a shock expression on his face.

“Hyun?” Sunggyu says and immediately Woohyun replies, “Sunggyu! Come back! What are you doing?!”

Oh, how Sunggyu missed that voice.

He immediately got out of the sea and ran towards Woohyun and freed him of the ropes.

“You scared me to death!” Woohyun says and he sobs on Sunggyu’s shoulder.

“I’m sorry baby…I just had to try…” Sunggyu apologizes.

“I missed you voice baby…” Sunggyu says as he softly pecks Woohyun’s lips.

“Argh, come here, Sunggyu…” Woohyun says as he grabs Sunggyu’s face so that they could kiss, properly.


“Are you sure we should do this, Gyu?” Woohyun says for the umpteenth time.

“Yes, don’t stress, baby…” Sunggyu says and kisses Woohyun again, to relax him.

“Fighting Hyungs!” Sunjong says from behind the stage and the other members smile and do a ‘fighting’ sign as well.

Today was the day of Infinite’s solo concert and Sunggyu decided to create a special stage where Woohyun and him were able to sing their duet song, and at the same time, welcome Woohyun back into the Infinite family, officially.

As soon as the lights brighten, the fans start screaming when they see Woohyun, but it slowly dies down as Woohyun puts a finger to his lips.

“Let’s welcome Woohyun back into the Infinite family with this duet song that we have been preparing from a long time ago, we hope you like it!” Sunggyu says and the music starts.


Living day by day, clashing in this world - when these things get hard
When you feel like you're just one single person out of the countless people

When I see your eyes, looking at me lovingly, I feel special
When you hold me in your warm embrace, all my scars on my body heal

When we're together when we're together
Everything becomes alright, painful memories disappear
When we're together when we're together
I get happy again, without knowing, I put on a smile

When bitterness washes over me, when I suddenly feel like I'm alone
At the moment when everything feels strange and I suddenly have no confidence

Your voice that believes in me and gives me courage allows me to go out in the world again
The fact that you are a step behind me, always watching over me, is so precious to me

When we're together when we're together
Everything becomes alright, painful memories disappear
When we're together when we're together
I get happy again, without knowing, I put on a smile

Like this, just the way we are right now,
If you are by my side
Whatever hardship may occur
I can win over it

When we're together when we're together
Everything becomes alright, painful memories disappear
When we're together when we're together
I get happy again, without knowing, I put on a smile

When we're together when we're together
Everything becomes alright, painful memories disappear
When we're together when we're together
I get happy again, without knowing, I put on a smile


As the song ends and the lights go off, Sunggyu kisses Woohyun on the lips and says, “You were perfect baby…”

“Not me, Gyu, WE are perfect.” Woohyun replies and returns the kiss.


OHMYGODDD its finally done! i took ages to finish writing this cos it was much longer than i expected it to be.

Word count for this twoshot : 7817 words...

BTW the song i used at the end is JB's and Jiyeon's 'Together' from dream high OST :)

Comments and feedbacks pretty please?

I love this fic a lot, and i cried writing it, so i want to know how other people feel about it. <3

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Thank you!
In the midst of writing the second part,,,but its getting longer and longer ! :s


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dgh2673 #1
Chapter 2: 😭😭😭😭
Simran20 #2
Chapter 2: Now that I read this fic... I can't help but miss Hoya and other INFINITE Members as well. Thankyou so much for such a beautiful fic ❤️.
Chapter 2: Ooo my gawd, its sooo heartwarming, finally happy ending ~ ^Δ^
sha_alina19 #4
Chapter 2: cry read kind of real like now....i cannot wait till infinite comeback
Chapter 2: You made me cry (╥_╥) I'm not even a person that will cry easily. I haven't cry in a very long time. (╥_╥) You evil author. I love your story. Thank you (╥_╥)(╥_╥)
Chapter 2: Huhuhu×.× it's so goooddd~~
Chapter 2: You cried? My god.. Me too.. (╥﹏╥)(╥﹏╥)(╥﹏╥)
This is beautiful..woogyu love never dies
Chapter 2: It's sad and my eyes were almost about to cry but thankfully the didn't. Great story authornim. :))
Thank you authornim for this wonderful fic and thank you that its a happy ending.... btw i like the method use by sunggyu here - thats our leader way to go!!!