A day alone with Sandeul~

Destiny has a weird way of showing itself

Okay so I updated this before the whole AFF thing and I was hoping for it to come back but it hasn't so here it is again! Enjoy and sorry for the late updates I've been busy preparing for college in two weeks XD


“May wake up!” Sandeul whispered loudly and shook me gently to help wake me up. I peeked an eye out and saw Sandeul’s form right above my bed with his bright smiling face being enhanced by the light behind him from the window. “We have to get ready soon so we can go to the beach today.”

“But it’s so early…” I whined and rolled over in hopes of him letting me sleep, but of course he just walked to the other side of the bed and continued to shake me until I finally sat up and looked at him with my half opened eyes.

“We have to get ready May, come on I want to spend all day there.” He whined in response and sat on the bed making it unbalanced and forcing me to go up against him.

“Alright alright, I’ll get ready.” I sighed knowing I was not going to win against Sandeul—I never win against Sandeul.

I got up slowly and went straight to the bathroom to get ready, grabbing my suitcase to take along with me to take a shower and get changed. I didn’t do too much knowing that I was just going to the beach so I wore jeans and a short sleeved shirt only in California can one wear a short sleeved shirt in the middle of winter. I tied my hair back in a ponytail and stuck it through a hat to keep it from getting too messy and was ready soon after that.

Sandeul was waiting patiently for me to exit and grabbed my hand the second he came into view of it. He dragged me to the elevator and didn’t stop holding my hand until we hit the lobby and he greeted Mr. Jung who was going to take us. Apparently the other members were not ready to leave so early and only Sandeul wanted to go at this point in the day. Mr. Jung agreed to take us and said he was going to pick us up around dinner time which was completely fine by Sandeul’s terms. When we reached the car Sandeul surprised me with a basket of different lunch items saying we were going to enjoy a nice lunch on the beach when it comes time when we’re hungry. I couldn’t help but smile at how cute and nice he was being to me all because I agreed to go with him when he needed a partner to go.

The drive did not take too terribly long and it didn’t take long for Mr. Jung to say his goodbyes and told us to stay safe and stay together. Sandeul was too busy humming to himself and grabbing the picnic basket to even properly say goodbye but luckily I was polite enough to wave goodbye and agree to Mr. Jung’s terms.

“I can’t believe we’re here!” Sandeul shouted out to the completely empty beach and ran forward leaving the food supplies by me. He laughed loudly and spun around taking in the view and soon enough he was rolling on the ground and playing in the sand. “Come join me!” He yelled out at me and suddenly my inner child kicked in and I just started running towards him and jumped to the spot beside him and helped make a sand castle that took an hour to make until we were finally satisfied with it and kicked it over right afterwards yelling that there was an enemy attack and laughing about how stupid we were after the castle was completely destroyed.

The sea breeze felt amazing and I wished at that moment for this to never end and for me to always be this happy with Sandeul at every waking moment. It was hard to keep my feelings in for him when he did such silly things like this and made me fall for him all over again.

“Come over here May!” Sandeul shouted and I noticed he was far ahead running towards the waves and running away from them before they could hit him. He really did choose an amazing time to be at the beach when no one would come because of the ‘cold’. The best thing about L.A. was that cold was just warm and we really didn’t need anything to cover up but it still meant the water was beyond freezing and completely unmanageable.

After chasing the waves for a while Sandeul decided it was about time for us to eat something before we start starving; I agreed and we were off towards the forgotten lunch basket to see what Sandeul had prepared for us. Inside were tons of sandwiches, a few different drinks and tons of chip bags.

“Tada!” Sandeul shouted when he revealed everything from the lunch basket and gave me some different choices before choosing for himself. “I made all of the sandwiches myself before you woke up this morning.” He smiled showing that he was definitely proud of himself and I couldn’t help but smile back at his effort.

“They look amazing Deullie.” I giggled and grabbed a sandwich from the pile and bit into it loving the creative fill to the sandwich since it wasn’t made like a normal sandwich.

“I tried different recipes that I came up with myself; I would like to think I’m a pretty good cook but I really am just a beginner.” He laughed nervously and quickly started eating his sandwich so he could stop talking about his cooking skills.

Hmm that’s weird, the Sandeul from my childhood never talked about cooking and yet this one loved to do it. Maybe there were things I didn’t know about Sandeul but I still didn’t understand how these two could be so alike when the first time I’ve ever met Sandeul was way after my imaginary friend was created. I guess maybe even clones have differences in them.

We ate in peace and talked and laughed a bunch about the weirdest things we could think of. After eating and packing up the lunch basket something hit my head and I looked up in the sky with a confused expression but shrugged and continued to finish packing everything up so we could go back to the beach area.

By the time we were back at the beach another thing hit my head and soon another and another one. I looked back up at the sky and noticed a bunch of grey clouds above us and if I looked closely I could see little white dots coming towards me.

“It’s…” I whispered still looking into the sky and away from Sandeul.

“SNOWING!” Sandeul shouted but it wasn’t one of excitement but rather of surprise. “The weatherman said it was not going to snow today!” He pointed a finger at the sky and shouted once more, “Stop snowing!”

Of course the snow didn’t listen to him but rather started snowing even more and filling the area around us with little snowflakes and I was already regretting not bringing a jacket with me.

“Let’s go find some shelter until it stops or until Mr. Jung can pick us up.” I suggested and Sandeul agreed immediately and searched the area until he spotted a little dock area, grabbed my hand and ran for the area until we were both under it and watching the snow fall around us but not on us.

“I bet it won’t even be that long of a snowfall, I mean this is L.A. we’re talking about it hardly ever even snows in the first place.” Sandeul said as he huddled close to me and sat down in the sand. I sat down beside him and huddled close to him since he was smart enough to bring a jacket when I did not.

“I hope you’re right.” I smiled weakly and shivered. I felt odd and my mind felt hazy. The snow continued to fall and every time I shut my eyes for longer than a blink I’d almost see something like a vision or a memory. The last time I saw snow was the last time I visited California so maybe since it’s been a while my body isn’t used to the feeling.

“Great maybe I’m some sort of curse, last time I went here it snows and now it snows when I’m back. Maybe I should just stay away from this city.” Sandeul sighed and nuzzled his head into my hair. “But at least this time I’m stuck in the place I wanted to be in.”

“Yeah at least we’re not alone.” I smiled and nuzzled closer to him for warmth as the snow continued to fall. It felt like hours had passed by and it still continued to snow harder and harder as the time went by. “When it snowed for me when I went to California as a kid I—“ Why could I not remember anything from that time expect for that it snowed? I tried to think harder about the memory but it only came up fuzzy.

And the next thing I knew I had fainted.


It was dark all around me; I could barely make out car lights going past in the nearby street that would light up the area for a second before engulfing it back in darkness.

“You’ll be okay.” A shaking voice caught me off guard and I noticed a boy holding me in his arms—why did I not notice this sooner?

I tried to speak but nothing came out, all I could do was stare at his horror-struck face and wish I could speak, say one word.

“I’m so sorry.” He spoke again and a car passed by once more allowing me to notice I was at a playground with snow all around me—so that was why I felt like I was freezing to death.

I tried to move but only my head seemed to be able to move slightly allowing me to see a little more of the playground that was right beside me.

“I should have kept you safe.” My attention went back to the boy who was crying and sniffling as if he had been crying for a long time—what happened?

I felt a sudden jolt of pain in my head and was able to move my arm to clutch my head as if it’d stop the pain, but when I moved my arm another wave of pain hit me and I was forced to bring it back to its original position.

“I called the police already, don’t worry you’ll be fine. Just be safe and don’t try to move.” He cooed and helped keep me in a slight upright position but the pain shot through my body once more and I knew something was wrong with me—why was it snowing so hard now?

I glanced up away from his concerned face and noticed a broken piece of equipment above me and next to me as if it had broken off, did I fall from there? When did I ever go to the playground in the first place?

“Are you cold?” He took off his jacket and slowly placed it over me and held me closer to his body in hopes to give me warmth—I didn’t even know his name or anything about him but his smile and his calmness showed me that he wasn’t a bad guy.

I shut my eyes for a minute but suddenly he shook me slightly and made me open my eyes at him, I was tired why was I not allowed to rest my eyes?

“It’s too cold if you close your eyes for too long you might make them freeze that way.” He didn’t mean to hurt me; he was only looking out for me. He had short black hair and thick-rimmed glasses from what I could tell, but for some reason I pictured him different, for some reason I pictured him with lighter hair and without glasses. It was like I was making him my super hero but his features weren’t too my liking so I changed them.

“You would look better with brown hair and without glasses.” I spoke my mind but after I spoke my throat hurt too much and I started coughing which caused even more pain to shoot through my body. I looked at my hand that covered the cough and noticed blood—he did too.

“Please don’t talk, please just stay awake and stay with me.” He sounded a lot more alert than before and held me closer to him. “Just please stay with me they’ll be coming to get you soon May.” He knew my name yet I did not seem to remember his.

He felt like a light breeze in my life, someone I’ll never see again but someone I’d love to see again—my savior. “You’re my light breeze.” I choked out and he flinched. “But a breeze never stays in one spot forever.”

“Shh.” He placed a finger close to my mouth, luckily I didn’t cough up blood this time and he seemed relieved at that. “A light breeze, huh?” He was silent for a second and smiled. “Call me—“


“—Sandeul! Get her over here before she freezes to death.” Gongchan yelled causing me to open my eyes and look around me. Sandeul and I were still under the docks huddled together but when I looked around I noticed other figures and when I looked hard enough I noticed it was the rest of our friends.

Sandeul noticed I was awake and shouted out in glee, “May I’m so happy you’re safe!” He helped pick me up and move me to where the other people were where the car was and in the warmth of the car.

“What happened?” I whispered unsure of my voice and already feeling better when the heater was high in the car.

“When it started snowing heavily you tried to tell me something but you fainted; I didn’t know what to do so I ran and found the nearest place to call for Jinyoung’s dad to come as fast as possible. After that I hurried back and tried to keep you as warm as I could and now they’re here.” Sandeul explained and wrapped a blanket around me and handed me something warm to drink.

“Oh I’m sorry I was just trying to remember something and I went blank and passed out I guess.” I chuckled lightly but didn’t smile. I remained mostly silent after that and drank the hot chocolate in my hands to keep warm. That dream felt so real to me like it was a part of a memory that I didn’t even know I had. It made me want to know more about the dream like how I got there and what happened afterwards—I wanted to know who that boy was in that dream.

Maybe there was something about my life that I didn’t remember and I bet it had to do with that trip I took to California back in the winter of my second grade year. I knew I was going to have to talk to my parents about it but I knew they were not going to tell me anything. Everything about that trip always felt hazy and unclear when I thought about it and I never questioned anyone about it since I assumed I didn’t remember because it was such a long time ago.

“—Damn every time I go somewhere for a winter vacation it always snows and something always bad happens. I know something happened last time but for the life of me I can’t remember that far back.” Sandeul muttered to himself and hit himself on the head to ease his frustration. I felt bad for fainting like that and ruining my day alone with Sandeul but it was really because of the weather and not only me.

“I’m so glad you’re alright May I was so worried about you!” Gongchan appeared next to me in the car and soon enough the car was filled with the rest of the members and it started driving back to the hotel.

“We were all worried about you.” Jinyoung corrected Gongchan and gave me a reassuring smile from the seat in front of me. CNU and Baro also seemed really upset but didn’t really talk much about it and let Gongchan do the cheering up like he normally did.

“I’m fine now, but thank you.” I smiled to show them I was fine and that I was feeling much better—I was more worried about getting a cold tomorrow when I still had a few days left in L.A. before having to leave.

“I can’t believe the luck we have but at least you’re fine. When we get back to the hotel get some rest and really bundle up in your blankets.” Sandeul suggested but from the look of seriousness on his face I knew he wanted me to do exactly what he asked without any complaining. Luckily I knew that was a wonderful idea and knew I wanted to sleep all of this off and forget about the horrible luck we had today.

Everyone seemed completely dead on the way back to the hotel, no one dared to laugh or joke around no one talked and everyone just stared out the windows of the car. Gongchan kept one arm around my waist and held me close to him but didn’t talk and didn’t smile; he just nuzzled his head on top of mine and kept me warm. It felt wonderful having friends like them and I knew I chose the right boys to be friends with and the right best friend for me to have. It was at that moment where I knew I was safe no matter what as long as I was around these five boys.



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comeback homeeeeee~
Chapter 21: I can not believe you updated, lol.
I loved it, update more soon, I love this fanfic ~
and also, I'd like them to stay together somehow T_T
i miss this fic ;c
khatz17 #4
Chapter 19: hi there i hope you update soon I really like the story.... :)
Chapter 19: Such a cute chapter. Kekeke...
Chapter 17: why don't you like it? it was actually pretty sweet and cuddly. :P but OMG. o.O why did she black out?

good luck on your school work, though~ hwaiting! :D
chikorquotes #7
Hello! Do you need a poster? Do visit Pandora Graphics. http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/299963/pandora-graphics-open-taking-requests-hiring-graphics-poster-request. Thank you so much! (:
Update sooooon!!
Chapter 17: OMO! What a go0d chapter! I waited 4ever for this! Kkk~