Chapter 1: Prologue

SHINee High School Host Club

It's a chapter, but it's also not a chapter. It's just to see if this would make a decent story


“’When I opened the door, there was the Ouran Koukou Host Club…’” JongHyun read aloud before looking up at s from his spot on the floor in SHINee’s dorm, “Guys I have a genius idea.”

“Oh no, not another one of JongHyun hyung’s genius ideas,” Taemin said face-palming himself.

“Hey, your eyebrows grew back!" JongHyun said pointing angrily at the Maknae, “But seriously its genius and will allow our fans to love us more~ Just look.”

“What is this?” Kim Kibum, or better known as Key, asked looking at the book that JongHyun held up; Ouran High School Host Club. He took it and started skimming through the pages with the other three members peering over his shoulder.

“This-,” JongHyun anticipated Key’s reply, “This has got to be your stupidest idea ever.”

That was not the reality he wanted.

“How? It’s perfect! The worst thing that could happen is running out of cake… and banana milk,” JongHyun emphasized “banana milk” to win the affection of the most adorable (and manipulating member) Lee Taemin!

“D-did you say ‘banana milk’?” Upon hearing that, his eyes started to glimmer with hope and passion for his beloved banana milk. “Hyungs…”

“No, Taemin you remember your eyebrows? Do you want a repeat of that? Do you?” Key said trying to avoid all eye contact with Taemin. Finally Taemin caught Key’s eyes and batted his with aegyo. “Ok! Fine…but if anything goes wrong we’re shutting this operation down!”

“Yes! It’ll be a great idea I promise!” JongHyun jumped up while holding up a fist in victory.

“Banana Milk!” Taemin shouted doing the same pose as JongHyun.

“Yeah…but I have one concern,” Lee Jinki, A.K.A Onew, the awkward leader and oldest member said looking at the book. “How are we going to finance this?”

“Well, that’s very simple,” JongHyun said taking the book back to point at a character—the one with the glasses, Ootari Kyoya, “This character is in charge of the finance as well as you Onew Hyung.”

“Crazy Dino say what?” He looked at his dongsaeng in disbelief.

“It’s the only way, hyung. You’re the best at math and management.” JongHyun Flashed his big puppysauras smile at Jinki and all he could do was nod and agree to everything.

“Ok! Now let’s set the roles for the rest of you~. Since there are no twins maybe we can—“JongHyun started to assign parts, but was interrupted by Minho, the more mature (according to Key he’s the “fake” mature) member.

“Wouldn’t be bad if we tried to copy that book exactly?”

“No, why?” JongHyun said calmly, if this were a manga then you would be able to see the sweat drop fall on the other members.

“Anyway, shall I continue?”

“Why do you ask you’re going to anyway…”

“Key-yah, you know me so well! So, based on personality and my analysis… Minho would be like Mori, quiet, tall, really tall…; Taemin would be like Hunny, it completes 2Min, you both like sweets, and you’re both adorable. Key would like the twins mischievous, and obnoxious. Onew; Kyoya…because you’re both smart…”

“is that it?” Onew asked.


“Then who would you be Hyung?” Taemin asked.

“Why, I would be the handsome Tamaki of course! We’re both lady killers, we’re both good looking, and we were born on the same day! April 8th,” JongHyun said with pride Walking out of the room. “Anyway we should get started planning and find a place in this school where we can have our Host Club!”

“I hope this plan doesn’t need the sacrifice of my eyebrows…” Taemin said quietly while Onew and Minho patted his back. They followed their idiot member blindly.

-A Month Later-

In cafeteria B, which is as wide as a soccer field, girls from the 1st year of the high school classes to the seniors of the college classes in school were crowding the bulletin board.

“What do you think is going on?” The crowd caught the attention of a 5’0”, brunette girl with Taemin’s hairstyle; Lee JiJin. Her parent’s funded the school and its events so something so big that she didn’t know about would intrigue her.

“Beats me…” Lee JeNeul, her best friend with almost the same hairstyle—a little more like G.Na’s during “Supa Solo”—and she was taller by three inches. JeNeul was more relaxed and free willed then JiJin who was slightly uptight and shy. “Let’s just eat somewhere else, It’s too crowded and noisy in here…”

“Hold up we still have to find HyeByung and YongRi.” JiJin said while looking for her two cousins/ friends.

“Come on Hye is naturally blonde when we see her we see her,”

“Neul-ah, half the student body is blonde…”

“Oh right…” JeNeul said while scratching the back of her head. “Well let’s find a place and text them where we are.”



“YongRi what does it say?” HyeByung shouted to the YongRi who was three years younger. HyeByung had long blonde hair that was styled in curls, courtesy of the maknae, YongRi. She was one inch taller than JeNeul.

“Almost there!” YongRi shouted. She just turned nineteen in January and is the youngest. She has pitch black hair that she splits down the middle.

“Ah, finally!” She shouted once she got to the flyer. She read it as quickly and as carefully as she could.

(incase the image does not show up on the screen)

“That seems…interesting.” She was pushed out of the way by the crazy fan girls that crowded their way in.

“Well what did it say?” Hye asked curious.

“It’s a Host Club…”

“Where? Who would be so idiotic to start something like that?” Hye asked; YongRi just shrugged her shoulders.

“I couldn’t finish reading before I was pushed away. Crazy women…” Just then both HyeByung and YongRi received texts from JiJin

From JiJin,

Hey Guys we found a room that seems empty so far we’re eating there.

The room number is S-5, ok?

“Why does that room number look so familiar?” YongRi asked herself. She shrugged off the thought and head with HyeByung to get food and meet up with their two friends.

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