Is Taemin helping at all?

Fate brought us together

---- 10 Minutes later ----



" Key yah! Key! Kibum yah! Open this damn door! " Taemin shouted and banged on the main gate non-stop. 


Key walked out slowly, still clad in his pajamas with tears streaming down his face. 


" Yah! What happened? Don't tell me it's a long story, I'll murder you. " Taemin joked. 


Key broke down with the memories flowing back. He fell onto the ground and sobbed. 


Taemin stood rooted to the ground, dumbfounded. 


It was the first time Taemin had to deal with this kind of situation. 


Taemin bended down and reached out for Key. 


Key embraced Taemin as tightly as he could, afraid. 


" Taemin yah, can you carry me back to my room? I... I... I don't wanna walk... No.. I don't have the energy to walk... " Key mumbled. 


Taemin carried Key, princess style, back to his room. 


Key held on to Taemin and continued crying. 


Taemin looked at Key and thought " What the hell happened? Key is too frightened, it's scary. " 


Taemin placed Key onto his bed and stayed silent. He didn't know what to say.


" Minnie yah... Can... Can I trust you? Can I? " Kibum mumbled. 


" Of course you can! Who do you think I am? " Taemin replied. 


However, when Taemin turned around, Key was already fast asleep. 


Taemin then walked over, smiling. 


" Key yah, you're so cute. Neomu kyeopta. " Tamin whispered into Key's ears and kissed Key's forehead gently. 


Taemin then walked out of the room. 


Once the door shut, Key got up and cried. 


" Is Taemin going to do the same thing to me? " Key thought and continued crying under the covers. 

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