Chapter Four

An Angel Cries






Eunhyuk fell on the floor violently as he could taste his own blood coming out of his lower lip; he glared at Donghae who was in front of him; frowning deeply and approaching once again towards him. Sungmin and Siwon were on the back; just looking with a poker face while Kibum yawned.


“You dared to cheat on me Eunhyuk!” Donghae yelled angrily as he took out a whip from somewhere in his clothes; Eunhyuk stood up shakily and faced Donghae; almost begging with his body movements to be left alone; he could do nothing against Donghae. “HOW COULD YOU?!” Donghae yelled throwing a whiplash towards Eunhyuk while the other covered himself with his arms.


It was true; Eunhyuk could just take out his gun and kill Donghae; he could even hit him to death; he could do so many things in order not to be hurt.


But Eunhyuk knew; that Donghae was the only one that knew his beloved brother’s abouts; he was the one that could give him back to him.


How did Donghae know about his and Kyuhyun’s relationship?


Eunhyuk stole a glance through his black shades towards where Sungmin and Siwon were standing. They were calm; even more of what they should; Siwon had a weak smile in his face and Eunhyuk would never be able to know what was behind Sungmin’s shades and mask. But he knew; Eunhyuk knew they were the ones that told Donghae.


Eunhyuk should have been more careful.


Another whiplash landed on Eunhyuk’s clothes skin and he fell once again to the floor. “Did you think you could do whatever you wished?! I’M YOUR OWNER! I own your body and I must own your soul as well! Keep that in mind!” Donghae yelled as he kept on hitting Eunhyuk as hard as he could with his whip.


“Hae…” Kibum called bored. “Let’s just finish this up; I’m sleepy.” He said and Donghae frowned deeply while looking at Eunhyuk on the floor; still with his mask and shades on but with his cap already away from him; letting Donghae see the brilliant blond hair of the other.


“Do you understand Eunhyuk?” Donghae asked grabbing Eunhyuk’s shirt and pulling him up at his face level. “Do you want me to remind you again what can I do to your beloved brother?” He asked.


Eunhyuk gasped; no, he didn’t want anything bad to happen to his brother. “N-No… not Ryeowook… please…” He pleaded taking his shaky hands to Donghae’s wrists.


Donghae smirked. “You should have thought about him before cheating on me!” He yelled throwing Eunhyuk once again to the floor. “Leave.” He ordered to the ones behind him.


Eunhyuk gulped nervously as Sungmin and Siwon went out of the room; Kibum gave him once last look before going out as well; leaving Donghae and him alone in the huge and lonely room. He felt his legs weak; he could do nothing against Donghae; not even against Kibum; Donghae’s right hand; he couldn’t.


“I’ll do whatever you want Donghae… just… leave him alone…” Eunhyuk said standing up weakly.


“Of course you will do whatever I wish you to.” Donghae said frowning. “You have no other option.”


Eunhyuk didn’t say anything and just fixed himself; his body hurt from all the whiplashes but he wasn’t going to give up; he was scared, but not for himself but Kyuhyun. What would happen to him? What if Sungmin or Siwon were ordered to kill him? Did Donghae know who Kyuhyun was anyways?


Hundreds of questions ran through Eunhyuk’s mind as he saw Donghae getting near to him.


“Cho Kyuhyun.” Donghae said making Eunhyuk freeze in terror. “A professional killer right?” He continued. “A monster just as you.” Donghae said with a disgusted face.


Eunhyuk frowned and clenched his fists; no, Kyuhyun wasn’t a monster like him; Kyuhyun was his own angel, his savior. “You don’t need to know anything about him.” Eunhyuk said ignoring his trembling hands and legs, his fast heartbeat and his erratic breathing.


Donghae frowned deeply. “You still want to protect him?!” He asked furious while punching Eunhyuk against the wall and him. “You don’t have to care about his future! I must be the only one in your mind!”


Eunhyuk bit his lower lip behind his mask; he was scared, he was terrified of Donghae’s furious eyes in that right moment; he wanted to go away, to run away and forget everything; but he couldn’t and he knew that clearly.


“I’m jealous and possessive Eunhyuk.” Donghae said serious as his whip traced Eunhyuk’s sides. “I don’t want anyone to touch you, I don’t want people to see your skin or to be inside you; I must be the only one!”


Eunhyuk felt shivers running through his body as he looked at Donghae’s frightening eyes; he thanked he was wearing the shades; but he knew he had to keep them; he wouldn’t allow Donghae to see his face, not even if his life was in danger.


“Listen to me Eunhyuk.” Donghae called frowning deeply. “I have been nice these last years, I haven’t demand for you more than you’re willing to give me; but you have crossed the line and I’m ready to take measures about it; you deserve to be punished.”


Eunhyuk didn’t even have the time to answer as he was thrown to the floor; Donghae hovering on top of him and starting to remove his black clothes; he struggled but Donghae was stronger; he wanted to yell but he knew it was useless.


“Has that Cho Kyuhyun seen you like this?!” Donghae demanded as he roughly inside Eunhyuk; the other yelling in mere pain. “Huh?!” He asked frowning deeply as the other flinched at the sharp pain that crossed his body.


There were bruises everywhere in Eunhyuk’s pale skin; the mark of Donghae’s whiplashes and teeth scratching his flesh, purple spots in his chest and arms; his neck covered by marks of bites.


It was beastly, how Donghae Eunhyuk that night, how Eunhyuk could do nothing because he could only think in Kyuhyun’s and Ryeowook’s safety; how stupid and broke he felt; how undeserving from Kyuhyun’s love he became.


Donghae stood up and fixed his pants. “Right now Kibum is with your brother.” He announced at the broken man in the floor; wearing only his shades and mask. “He will stay with him for the rest of your mission.” He said even when he was gaining no response from the other.


Eunhyuk closed his eyes as his silent tears stormed out of his eyes; he was hurt, how was he supposed to face Kyuhyun is he was this used and broken? Marked by Donghae all around his body.


“I want Cho Kyuhyun death.” Donghae said making Eunhyuk open his eyes widely and gasp at the declaration. “But I want to torture you as well.” The man standing said. “So you’ll do it; I won’t send Sungmin neither Siwon for this; you have to kill that man; if he truly loves you, shouldn’t he allow you to kill him?” He asked sarcastically, turning around to leave the lonely room.


“I won’t do it.” Eunhyuk said with a shaky but determined voice when Donghae was about to go out.


Donghae chuckled and didn’t even turn to Eunhyuk. “It’s okay if you don’t want to.” He said making Eunhyuk gasp at his words; feeling there was something wrong with them. “But you have to be conscious that someone has to die.” Donghae continued. “Is up to you to decide if you want that man, Cho Kyuhyun, or your beloved brother, Ryeowook, to live or die.”


Eunhyuk’s heart was beating furiously. How could he kill someone he loved? How could he even think about it? Was he really a monster? Was he really that bad for his life to be so disgraceful?


“You have a week.” Eunhyuk heard Donghae said before hearing the door of the room close behind him.




Kyuhyun entered the room without even being called in, he walked slowly and gracefully towards the couch where he used to sit every time Heechul wanted to talk to him, or have with him; he wanted this time to be the first because he had planned on being clean already to meet Eunhyuk in the afternoon.


He sat down and just looked around with bored eyes before yawning softly and closing his eyes; ready to sleep if Heechul didn’t call for him soon. The latter was checking on some photos; frowning deeply and with his lips pursed. Kyuhyun didn’t have an idea of what was going on but he didn’t care either; he was there because Heechul would probably ask him to kill the one in the pictures and he would do it for money; that was all.


“Kyuhyun…” Heechul called with a soft and fake smile and Kyuhyun only looked up at him bored.


“What is it?” Kyuhyun asked resting his body on the comfortable couch of Heechul’s studio.


“I have a job for you; it’s the biggest one you will ever get; I’ll pay you millions!” Heechul said with bright eyes and Kyuhyun narrowed his eyes; looking at Heechul carefully in order to read the other’s movements. “Are you interested?” Heechul asked.


“I am.” Kyuhyun replied. “How can I not be?” He asked chuckling bitterly.


“Good.” Heechul said sitting down on Kyuhyun’s lap. “But I want you Kyuhyun…” He said tracing Kyuhyun’s jaw with his fingers. “You can’t back off once you have accepted.” He said.


“When have I done that?” Kyuhyun asked; not really being in the mood to have with Heechul as the other expects.


Heechul smirked. “Excellent.” He said circling his hands on Kyuhyun’s neck; completely missing Kyuhyun’s eyes of disgust and repudiation. “Should we talk about the terms now?” Heechul asked.


Kyuhyun frowned softly. “Tell me.” He said.


“Money; you’ll get it completely; you will have all your life solved with the huge amount that I’ll give you; houses, trips; you will get everything with that fortune.” Heechul said in a seductive voice. “You will be even richer that you ever imagined you would be.”


Of course; Kyuhyun was an ambitious man, just with that information he would do anything he was asked to. “What do I have to do?” He asked already interested.


“One person.” Heechul said and Kyuhyun didn’t miss the darkness that crossed on Heechul’s eyes. “I want him death and I want his body after as a proof.” He continued frowning deeply.


“Don’t you trust me Heechul?” Kyuhyun asked and he chuckled when he saw Heechul’s bitter smile.


“I just want to make sure.” Heechul answered serious.


Kyuhyun narrowed his eyes. “Who is it?” He asked and Heechul turned to him with an intense glare.


“Will you take the job?” He asked and Kyuhyun frowned.


“Tell me a name first.” Kyuhyun insisted making Heechul frowned.


“You tell me if you take it Kyuhyun; there’s no turning back after this.” Heechul warned and Kyuhyun only chuckled. “If you accept and back away after; I’ll destroy everything you ever wanted or loved; I will destroy you and leave you on the streets; I won’t allow you to be happy ever again in your whole life.” He said dangerously. “But if you accept and do as I ask; you will be compensated with all the money you have ever wished to have; fortune and comfort; everything.”


Kyuhyun looked at Heechul’s eyes directly; already smelling something suspicious from the other. “Fine.” He said rounding Heechul’s waist with his hands. “I’ll take it.” He said with a smirk.


“Good.” Heechul said smirking as well. “Because I really hate that person Kyuhyun.” He continued.


“What did he do to make you like this Heechul?” Kyuhyun asked leaning closer to place wet kisses all along Heechul’s neck; trying to convince himself that it was Eunhyuk’s skin he was tasting. “May I know his name?”


Heechul moaned softly. “He took away what I wanted the most.” Heechul replied. “And I can’t stand it when people take away my precious things.” He said frowning and making Kyuhyun look at his eyes directly. “His name…” He smiled. “Do you really want to know his name?” He said and Kyuhyun’s heart started beating fast; not really knowing why he felt so scared.


Kyuhyun nodded absent minded at Heechul’s dark and evil smirk.


“The person I want you to kill Kyuhyun…” Heechul smirked wider. “His name…” He narrowed his eyes and Kyuhyun gulped nervously. “…His name is Lee Eunhyuk.”






A/N: Lame update I know!

It's just that I didn't know how to portrait the feelings as I wished! TT_TT

Have you noticed how much I've been lacking as an author these last days? TT_TT

Please spare my life my beloved readers!

ahhh... I ... *goes to cry in a dark and gloomy corner*

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I might as well not update this story as often as I wished I could! ^^ please be aware of that!


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JewelSapphire13 #1
Chapter 15: Woah... I'm glad at how the story ended, but I wasn't expecting it to end this way. I totally thought that Kyu would commit suicide or something to be with Hyuk after carrying out all his plans for revenge. Scared me, really.

Love this story, it was really interesting and beautifully written :)
Chapter 15: Good job authornim! I read each of your fics and I started to love kyuhyuk more and more... Thank u so much and I hope to read more from you.
wanieyrin #3
Chapter 15: Daebak..a happy and clean ending..
How the hell you can make such a flawless fic...
Anyway really great
wanieyrin #4
Chapter 5: Wow daebak your fix perfect...but still reading hahaha..
KuroiEnigma #5
Chapter 15: i'm glad i didn't believe that Hyukkie is dead, even until the last chapter! xD
really cool story! nice job ^0^