Chased by Hyung

Don't Run Away.

“Stop smiling like that would you? It’s creepy” commented Minhyuk.

“Yah… How could you say that?”

“You keep grinning so strangely these past weeks”

He was right. I came back from bothering the teacher and making fun of her. It was hard to contain my satisfaction. Am I enjoying this too much?

Anyways, I wasn’t expecting her house to be this messy. Even my room is cleaner than hers. Does this even make sense? I thought guys were supposed to be worse than girls. At least her house was better than jonghyun’s bedroom…

I threw my papers and notebook on my desk and plops down on my bed, placing my left arm behind my head.

Nothing. Ask them in English and I’ll answer them, if not forget it” it kept echoing in my mind. She thought I wouldn’t be able to do that?

I was in my own bubble until a pair of hands pulled my right arm, which caused me to jump off of my bed in surprise. I looked up still shocked then sighed.

“Hyung. You scared me!!”

“I called you over ten times already but you haven’t budge at all.” laughed Jonghyun.

“But  what were you thinking of so deeply? A girl?” he teased after nudging me.

I froze while avoiding his gaze then stared back at him so it wouldn’t seem too suspicious. I simply let out a small chuckle. I hope I didn’t sound too awkward…

“M-me? Thinking about a girl? You’re funny hyung.” I pointed to myself, pretending to be laughing.

“I was only kidding but it looks like you were really thinking of someone!”

I panicked and glanced at the exit before getting up. “Let’s run away before he interrogates me”, I told to myself. Jonghyun stopped me from making way to the kitchen. Great. He probably wanted to know everything.

“Hyung, I have an emergency. So let me go?”

“What is that emergency?”

“Hmm. Hmm, I-I have to go see someone. I mean a friend that I haven’t seen for a long time”

“Is your friend the one you were thinking of?” he playfully said.

I advanced towards the left then made a 180-degree turn to run to the entrance door instead. Jonghyun tried to catch me but was behind of a few seconds. I felt like I was getting my hyungs’ attention. They must be wondering what was going on… Oh wait, Jonghyun was going to be with them while I’m gone. I was going to be interrogated by the members now. I prepared myself mentally.

I got out of the apartment and went down the stairs. Guess what? I ran into that girl. She was opening the door with her mails in one hand. I couldn’t be seen with her so I covered so she wouldn’t make any noise and went inside her flat. As soon as I closed the door, I heard my hyung running down. Wow that was so close!

On the other hand, I felt my hands beaten up and realized that I was still keeping the young lady from speaking. Before I could take off my hands, she already bit my fingers.

“YAH. Did you just bite my fingers?! You have no idea how much it hurts!”

She kicked me once, and now bite. What was going to happen next, eh? I shall wear an armor each time I meet this kid. With her arms crossed, she threw me a long stare. I knew I owned her some explanations. I let out a sigh and tried to calm her down.

“I’m sorry. I had to hide from the paparazzi.”

“From the paparazzi...?”

I nodded, trying to look convincing. I didn’t want her to know that I had to kidnap her inside the house just because I was chased after my own member.

“I didn’t see anyone though”

“They’re called paparazzi for a reason” I scoffed.

Chanmi looked at me straight in the eyes for a few minutes and went to the kitchen. “When will you be able to leave then?” She asked directly.

I couldn’t go back up now. The members were probably discussing about me and I would be questioned for the rest of the evening. I had to make sure to come back during their sleep to avoid any questions.

“Hmm can I stay for a while? It’ll take some time before they leave this building”

She paused before slowly nodding, showing her displeasure. Without choice, I stayed at my teacher’s house. She hanged out in her bedroom while I had to wait alone for the time to pass by in the tiny dining room. Such a rude person! She could at least accompany the guest.

Instead of complaining to her, I took the chance to observe the surroundings again. I shook my head and started arranging the books on the table and the ones on the floor too. I was so used to clean the dorm since I was the maknae of the group and looking at this mess bothered me.

I placed the magazines in order and made sure that everything was perfectly cleaned up around me. Did she have an interest in fashion? I kept seeing clothing manuals and pictures of trending outfits. Why isn’t she a designer? Why does she constantly have to search for jobs? Something about her was very mysterious and I couldn’t help but to be curious.

I found a paper sticking out of her agenda and took a quick look at it. Just before I could read the second line of the paragraph, someone smacked the paper and extracted it from my hands.

“What do you think you’re doing?!”



Double update! I just had to make it up to you guys for not being able to update for such a long period of time.

Thanks for those who still waited to read my story, I appreciate it so much! \(^ 0 ^)/

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peachberry #1
Chapter 7: Nice ff. I'm looking forward for the next part. Hwaiting!
owlandsquirrel #2
Chapter 9: could you update soon again as possible? *3* i'm waiting for sweet Jungshin kekeke <3 thanks!
Chapter 6: the plot is adorable :)) I love the beginning of the story and your style of writing, especially for the dialogue :DD
great story~ x3 CNBLUE <33
Love it...
I really like your story
PaHizzle #6
Chapter 5: Yes!!!! You updated! I'm so happy! :DDD can't wait till the next chapter! I love this story! :)
ehh im so excited :D
rinniie #8
KEKEKEKE. JUNGSHIN. XD he's so cute! update soon dongsaeng <3